
Last Month's Top Community Contributors | April 2023


十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, 我们相信人与人之间的合作和联系对于建设一个繁荣的社区至关重要. 我们也理解企业回馈社区的价值, and we take great pride in celebrating them.

在本文中, 我们将重点介绍一些最有帮助和最活跃的社区成员,他们慷慨地分享了他们的时间, knowledge and expertise with others last month.

A special thanks goes to the following members: 

我们鼓励参与,并希望营造一个人们可以分享专业知识和相互学习的地方. There is a wealth of knowledge within the Manchester Digital community, and we want to ensure that everyone can access and benefit from it. 


Seven Steps To Break Down Systemic Gender Barriers GlobalLogic UK&I 

“尽管这些年取得了进步,但女性在科技行业的代表性仍然明显不足. Systemic gender barriers – such as unconscious bias, lack of access to education, 文化规范会让女性很难进入科技行业. But how do we break down these barriers?

Follow our simple step by step guide for answers. 无论你是打破了一个障碍还是消除了所有障碍,任何进步都是积极的.”

Being Human: The tech sector needs to remember its employees aren’t robots 作者:Skout PR

“Another week, another round of mass layoffs in the tech sector. With Amazon (AWS) and Meta cutting thousands of jobs, and further layoffs at Salesforce and of course Twitter, it has felt a bit like the tech world has been imploding of late. This is of course concerning for us working in B2B tech PR, but more importantly for the developers, 工程师, 产品经理, in fact anyone who has been made redundant from these businesses, considering how they have been let go and what they will do next is worrying. 钟摆似乎已经从科技人才匮乏转变为不久前企业之间的竞争, to a situation where there is a glut.

However, the outlook may not be as gloomy as it sometimes feels. 事实上, 许多分析师认为,这种收缩更像是疫情导致的数字化热潮之后的市场调整. 是的, 科技行业似乎受到了最严重的打击,但没有哪个行业能免受成本上升的影响,成本上升导致各地都在裁员.”

11 Common Mistakes Start-ups Make and How to Avoid Them 作者:Blu Sky.

“有这么多需要考虑的因素,重要的是要采取措施确保你不会犯阻碍你进步的错误, come back to haunt you later down the line or get you in hot water with HMRC.

在蓝天, 我们的专业领域之一是初创企业,并在他们的商业旅程中为他们提供支持.

Over the years we’ve worked with hundreds of start-ups, so we’ve seen it all. To help you out, we’re sharing 11 common mistakes and how to avoid them.”

推动科技创业:产品营销在推动成功中的重要作用 作者:Bright Spaces.

“In today's fast-paced world, we're seeing new tech startups pop up every day. 虽然这些初创公司中有很多令人惊叹的想法,但只有少数能够做到这一点. 那么,秘诀是什么呢? 成功的是那些拥有正确的产品营销策略的公司. Product marketing plays a vital role in the success of tech startups, 在这篇博文中, we're going to explore why.”

What Cyber Security Dangers do Recruitment Agencies face? By The Cyber Resilience Centre.

“招聘机构是建立在信任的基础上的——你的客户和候选人需要知道他们的个人信息在你手中是安全的. If you haven’t thought about your cyber resilience before, 你必须了解招聘行业面临的网络安全风险,以及如何缓解这些风险.

With 82% of UK recruitment firms adopting some form of hybrid working, you also need to ensure any staff working from home are secure.”

How to Talk to Your Employees about Stress and Worry 戴尔·卡内基·诺斯

“由于外部环境因素——政治因素,这个国家的大部分地区都在遭受不断升级的担忧和焦虑, 经济, 还有生态方面的因素——以及不断上升的通货膨胀率和生活成本的影响. People are feeling insecure about fuel, 食物, 有证据表明,我们个人生活中的压力和担忧会影响我们的工作质量和表现水平. 作为领导者, we therefore need to acknowledge, take interest and be empathetic to our colleagues’ concerns and worries, particularly in the current 经济 climate. Leadership should be exploring what support they can provide. 许多管理者, 然而, 不要因为他们认为自己缺乏做某事的资源或影响力而这样做. 首先,它是十大网博靠谱平台开启对话以及如何进行这些讨论.”

Prevent information overload among employees: 8 tips by Workspace 365

“Information overload contributes to burnouts, 抑郁症, and decreased productivity and creativity among employees. 因此,对于公司来说,尽可能地防止和减少信息过载是很重要的. However, that's easier said than done. The tips in this article will help you tackle the problem."

Employment law updates from April 2023 由Shoosmiths

他说:“四月,劳资审裁处的法定薪酬及最高裁量额会增加. 考虑到目前的通货膨胀,今年的涨幅比往年要高. Employers must ensure they adequately budget for the rise in staffing costs.


How can GA4 improve your audience understanding? (视频) 由Door4.

“总的来说, GA4提供了一系列功能和改进,可以帮助你更深入地了解你的用户和他们的行为, 哪些可以帮助您优化营销策略并改善业务成果. For digital-first businesses in e-commerce and lead generation, it is critical that this migration is effective and accurate. 从跟踪到目标 & 渠道和电子商务跟踪-配置GA4失败可能是一个代价高昂的错误.”

Identifying Your Tech Recruitment Requirements 候选人.

“在IT等竞争激烈的领域招聘最优秀人才的过程 & 在传统的候选空头市场中,技术往往是一项困难的收购. 团队中关键技术需求的早期识别使更有效的招聘策略得以实施. 因此, constant communication between front-end, 后端, 技术领导和项目管理团队将确保企业能够提前确定招聘需求……为英国各地的组织招聘, 我们已经确定了客户招聘技术人才的最常见原因.”

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