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11 Common Mistakes Start-ups Make and How to Avoid Them

有这么多需要考虑的因素,重要的是要采取措施确保你不会犯阻碍你进步的错误, 以后会回来缠着你,或者让你陷入英国税务海关总署的困境. 

At Blu Sky, 我们的专业领域之一是初创企业,并在他们的商业旅程中为他们提供支持. 

多年来,我们与数百家初创企业合作,所以我们看到了一切. To help you out, we’re sharing 11 common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1: Not Starting with the end in mind

只关注短期可能意味着你错过了让你的企业起步所需的重要步骤, and it can really hinder your overall growth.

 避免目光短浅的一个好方法是花一些时间思考你想要在哪里结束. Ask yourself: 

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • How long will I be involved in this business? 
  • When will I exit?

Don’t get carried away trying to do it all at once. Take it one day at a time. 现在考虑实施相关的系统和流程来帮助你达到你的目标.

Mistake 2: Not completing market research 

市场调查可以帮助你了解客户的需求. If you conduct thorough research, 您可以尽早进行所需的小更改,以避免出现更大的问题. 

在进行研究时,请确保你向一个多元化和公正的团体寻求支持. 记住,你的父母和你最好的朋友可能想要体谅你的感受,所以可能不是最好的人.

Mistake 3: You don’t have a USP or the market is overcrowded

创始人通常认为,他们有一个可以货币化的想法,因为他们个人喜欢这个想法, 所以他们在没有USP或不了解当前市场的情况下一头扎进去. In this scenario, 当然,你会看到你的想法成功了,因为这是你个人花钱的东西. 记住,关键不在于你喜不喜欢,而在于你的潜在客户是否会喜欢.

我们的一位老朋友曾经说过:“你可能喜欢太阳镜,但天在下雨,所以卖雨伞吧。”. As we’ve said in the previous point, do your market research, 但也要考虑到你的潜在竞争对手,并确保你有一个USP和/或市场差距. 

Mistake 4: Not vetting your co-founder, partner or investors

我们已经看到太多的“合伙关系”因为联合创始人在发展方向上存在分歧而陷入停顿, remuneration, time off, evolving responsibilities and so on. 如果你们不能达成共识或找到共同点,你们就不会走得太远.

Make sure you do your due diligence with team members, especially co-founders, partners and investors. 你们需要有共同的价值观、职业道德和对企业发展方向的愿景. 

Even when you have common ground and shared outlooks, it’s not always going to be smooth sailing, 你们很可能会发生冲突,而且经常发生在决策和工作角色上. To help tackle this, 你可以尝试一个责任表,以确保每个人都知道谁对什么负责.

同样重要的是,讨论和规划出如果有人想离开会发生什么, gets ill or wants to change job role. 尽早进行这样的对话会更容易,并记住要保持公平. 顺便说一句,“公平”对每个人来说都是不一样的,所以要确保你也讨论过这个问题. 

Mistake 5: Letting a setback, set you back  

Setbacks are a natural part of the rocky road to success. When things go wrong, take a step back and look at the whole picture, don’t sulk and allow yourself to get stuck in a negative spiral. Evaluate what happened and learn from your mistakes. Don’t go into denial about the cause of the problem, and never be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Mistake 6: Not nurturing the talent you have

如果不能培养好你的团队,就会导致不断的招聘循环,这对你的业务是有害的. Remember your team are your greatest asset. Listen to their ideas, give them purpose, the opportunity to progress and set clear goals and objectives. You need them to make and contribute to the culture, whilst feeling like a valued and needed part of the team.

Mistake 7: Being disorganised and reactive

A lack of process or, just as commonly, a lack of management and enforcement of process can wreak havoc. 如果你只是简单地反应而不考虑大局,你的问题会进一步加剧. 

Complete lack of organisation and quick reactions to problems, can result in financial skeletons in the closet such as missed payments, outstanding balances with HMRC and missed filing deadlines. 最终,这将影响您的业务效率及其潜在价值. 

掌握你的行政管理,组织你的财务和其他业务流程. Don’t dismiss necessary administration as boring, maybe it is, but where legalities are attached, boring is where you need it to be. 建立一个系统,这样事情就不会被遗漏,或者更好的是,雇佣一个人为你做这件事.

Mistake 8: Trying to do everything yourself 

你不必尝试独自完成所有的事情,而且很有可能你完全可以做到. 寻求支持,为你较弱的领域建立流程,专注于你最擅长的领域. 

 Mistake 9: No anticipating cashflow problems 

现金管理不善和缺乏预测是典型的商业杀手. 建立一个强大的现金流预测,以确保你是在控制数字. Cashflows are often associated with raising finance, but they need to be a living, breathing part of your business journey. A decent, 管理良好的现金流预测将给你喘息的空间来识别潜在的未来问题,并作出相应的反应.


在没有评估对R的影响的情况下就投入国家援助资金&D Tax Credits can cost you cash. 与合格的顾问交谈,以了解最佳策略,以确保您可以获得最大的利益. It’s important to assess whether a grant is state aid, the impact on cashflow and other commercial and taxation factors.

Mistake 11: Making big purchases once you’ve secured funding 

可以理解,你想要最好的产品和最有才华的员工在建立业务. However, this can easily result in overspending. 确定经营业务所需的启动成本,并削减所有不必要的支出. 这将使你的业务增长得更快,并将留下更多的现金来购买大宗商品, if you still need them, later down the line.

Need help?

Making mistakes is part of life, 但希望我们的建议能给你足够的思考,并帮助你最大限度地减少它们的影响. 如果您想进一步讨论任何事情,请随时与我们联系.


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