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十大网博靠谱平台数字即将上演的好戏一览| 2023年10月

New Updates | October 2023

Manchester Digital是大十大网博靠谱平台最大的数字和技术社区 商业,吸引了所有有兴趣参观该地区的人 ecosystem flourish.


Below you'll find: 

  • Ways to meet other members
  • Ways you can share your insights with the community
  • How to get the most out of your hiring process.
  • Everything else that's going on!

Looking to meet other members?

Startup Activator event 

Thu, 7 Dec 2023 Manchester Technology Centre

Join 我们的创业评论的首次发布,并理解什么 the last couple of turbulent years have meant for our startup businesses. 

Despite 这对我们的创业和发展来说是一个充满挑战的环境 看到了一些真正的成功故事,该地区的发展也在不断扩大 range of assets that can help businesses to grow. 

This 活动将突出一些组织做伟大的事情 帮助创业公司,看看哪里有差距,并提出一个计划 fill them! 


Book here. 

MD Tech Leader Talks  

2023年11月9日(星期四)17:00 - 19:00,十大网博靠谱平台技术中心

For our next event, we'll be joined by Richard Corbridge, Chief Digital Information Officer at DWP Digital.

This 活动将以网络活动的形式赠送 drinks and canapés for attendees followed by a Q&A session with Richard,由十大网博靠谱平台数码董事会成员Rachel Tsang领导,副总裁 Director, Digital Identity at Government Digital Service.

Book now

Digital Skills Festival Conference  

Save the date! 05/02/2024.

More information coming soon

数字技能节将与我们的会议日一起亲自启动, 将汇聚行业演讲者,并将发布年度数字技能审计结果. 

Learn more

October Events Roundup


October is looking to be a busy month of events. Below you'll find in-person events, online events and events that are out of town.

If you 你正在举办一个活动,你想把它包含在这个列表中, please get in touch:

Find more events

Looking to share your expertise with the community?

Can you support Startups and partner with us? 

The Startup Activator将为企业提供无偏见和不加修饰的观点 景观和所有项目的介绍,投资 以及在大十大网博靠谱平台地区提供的支持.

We 正在寻找合作伙伴,我们可以为创业公司指明方向吗 对于那些希望减少创业机会的创始人来说,这是一种资源 failing. Our goal is to make positive and worthwhile introductions. 

Partners 将帮助我们塑造我们将要制作的内容,这应该是 主食的资源在未来几年,所以你会得到很多 品牌曝光和有机会能够建立信任跨越 the community. We’ll also be looking for speakers and help with workshops.

Partner with us


Conference Day 2023. 

The 即将在二月举行的数字技能节会议是我们 向一屋子的科技公司老板宣布技能审核的结果, 政策制定者、政府和其他人都出席了会议 recruitment strategy.

We'll be identifying new or emerging trends 以及行业面临的关键问题,技能组合和工作 roles of growing importance.

If you're interested in a conversation about sponsorship of the event, get in touch. It will be a 这是一个很好的机会,可以让很多出席的人了解你的 专业知识,同时也参与到当天的讨论中.

You can contact us directly:

Learn more

MD Voices

Are 你站在趋势和洞察力的最前沿,成员会发现 useful?Are you doing a campaign at the moment that you feel is 别人感兴趣,或者你最近解决了一个问题,你 think other people might find insightful? 

We can work on tailored content together. 


Contact for more details. 

Are you hiring?

Let us know. We can... 

  • Provide feature ads for your jobs at no extra cost. 
  • Help provide content to help with your employer branding. 
  • Got lots of jobs and want to remove the Admin? We have an API! 

Talent Day Stands 

If 你的公司会有兴趣在才艺日展出 北方最大的科技招聘会,让你的企业走在前面 多达1800名学生、毕业生、转行人士和求职者 are all considering a career in tech, then speak to us today.

Please call 0161 238 8642, email or enquire via the link below. 


Apprenticeship Day

Manchester Digital的数字技能节和全国学徒周即将到来 一起庆祝和提升这个惊人的机会 benefits digital apprenticeships provide. 


The morning is for aspiring apprentices, 或者有兴趣了解他们的学徒选择的人.


Learn more

What else is going on?

We can now support your international growth.

We’re 很高兴地宣布,我们可以帮助支持会员充分利用 the global opportunities available to them. If you’re looking at 国际增长,市场拓展,成本节约,监管 合规,还是一般对海外市场感兴趣,那就让我来吧 know. 

This is enabled by an affiliation partnership with 桑坦德银行的领航员平台作为十大网博靠谱平台数字的会员,你们 将免费获得桑坦德银行的“准备”订阅包 领航员,比这个级别的标准费用节省了1800英镑 subscription.

Learn more

Visiting London soon?

As 会员,你现在可以获得折扣会员资格在之家 成长俱乐部为那些访问伦敦-访问他们的独家会员 只有活动,社区,设施,包括35间卧室,会议室, lounge, bar, terrace, event space and more.



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