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A Passion For Service Delivery. Kate Sandall, Head of IT.

A Passion for: Service Delivery with Zuto

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们的激情,帮助你了解他们.

This week we spoke to Kate Sandall, Head of IT at Zuto, 一家成立于2006年的汽车金融经纪公司,其使命是为客户简化汽车购买和融资流程. Zuto connects customers, 银行, and car dealerships across the UK, offering over 60 finance products without charging any fees. With a proud history of helping over 250,000 happy customers purchase their dream car at an affordable price, Zuto is a business where every employee can make a difference. 从他们在大流行期间协助关键工人的工作到他们与Autotrader的长期合作伙伴关系, Zuto's culture is driven by teamwork, 包容性, and a commitment to bringing out the best in people.

Let’s start from the beginning. What got you into service delivery?

It was purely accidental. 大学毕业后,我在那里工作,几乎成了一家酒吧的经理. 在最后一刻,我拒绝了这份工作,找了一份临时工作,在西部地区开车兜风,审计IT设备. In those days it required picking up every item – computer, 监控, 键盘, and mouse - and turning it over to find the serial number. That’ll give you a clue as to my age!

完成之后,我的任务是将结果输入电子表格. “What’s a spreadsheet?” I asked, it turned out I loved spreadsheets. And I still do…

As I entered the data, 我偶尔会接到公司里有人打来的电话,寻求帮助. 起初,我不得不问工程师,但很快就掌握了要求的窍门. 这似乎是我为自己创造的这份工作的一个重要部分——了解这家公司, going out and about and helping people to fix their computer problems.  

Two years later I had an office of my own – the Help Desk. 我有一个记录和报告调用的系统,这是我自己在dBase IV(另一个古老的参考)中构建的。, and a team member reporting to me. I decided it was time to go and make my fortune in London. 

Twenty-five years later, after stints in the public sector, 航运, mobile telecoms, the Lloyd’s Insurance Market and one of the world’s top Business Schools, I find myself working in Manchester as Head of IT for Zuto. 

How different was Service Delivery back then from how it is now?

最大的区别在于,这不是对企业的一种支持行为, IT is now integral to nearly every business, and in the world of fintech it is the business. 有太多的技术会出错,也有太多的复杂性. 需要更加严格和准确地评估影响和紧迫性.  

Another big difference is people’s expectations. 当我刚开始的时候,人们预计技术会定期出现故障. 现在,每个人都习惯在口袋里随身携带一个功能强大、几乎不会出故障的科技产品, has multiple uses, updates easily and silently and requires no support. Why shouldn’t ‘work IT’ be the same? 原因有很多,但当事情坏了,最后期限迫在眉睫的时候,这些都无济于事。

What excites you most about your work?

The satisfaction of smoothing the customer journey. 服务交付确实是一个了解客户需求的机会, 这需要大量的客户互动(也就是边喝咖啡边聊天)和大量的团队解决问题. 的确,在初级阶段,如果你在一线处理电话或邮件队列,可能会有点重复, but most people soon move on to the more interesting stuff. 

很大一部分功能是服务改进,这通常会产生有趣的项目, and as the service delivery remit tends to be wide, 一个从云服务到终端用户设备的各种技术的机会, 网络, end-user training, telephony and IT Security. The work is certainly varied.

What technologies can we look forward to in your profession?

In most organisations, joined up service delivery depends on having the right tools for the job, which starts with the Service Desk ticket management tool. 这些范围从基本的呼叫记录到设计和构建您自己的自动化流程, ensuring ticket delivery to the right team, collecting the right information from the end user, 并使支持工程师解决该问题所需的所有信息可见.

Not really a technology, 但是ITIL是一个最佳实践框架,随着技术的变化和对服务交付理解的加深,它已经发展了多年. The most recent version, ITIL 4, 是否已经从提供服务发展到提供端到端的价值交付. 现在的重点是通过服务关系共同创造价值,并将客户作为一个基本要素.

Self-service for the end-user has been around for a while, but live chat is becoming more prevalent, 而且通常比打电话或发电子邮件更受欢迎,因为现在的员工更多是电子一代,他们更喜欢发信息或聊天,而不是与人交谈! 

此外还有整合的机会——将供应商的工具整合到外部支持服务中, to software development management if you’re supporting in-house systems, 到资产管理甚至配置管理数据库,这样您可能需要的所有信息都在您的指尖, 信息以正确的方向流动,任何问题都能迅速得到理解, 管理, and resolved.

Who are your heroes? (Or if there are no heroes, who can you recommend others to follow)

Howard Kendall, the founder of what is now the Service Desk Institute. 他是第一批了解到IT帮助台需要不同于其他客户服务角色的技能的人之一,并开始提供专业培训课程. 他对帮助组织改善其对客户的IT服务的热情导致了为服务台行业的每个人创建了一个全球社区, with regular events, 培训课程,并有机会与其他服务交付专业人员和潜在供应商建立联系. 

I would also recommend Akshay Anand, 直到最近,他还是ITIL 4的首席架构师和产品大使. 他不知道的服务交付过程可能不值得知道. 

最后,我在伦敦商学院的前同事丹·凯布尔教授. He is Professor of Organisational Behaviour, and his areas of teaching, 研究, and consulting include employee engagement, leading change, organizational culture and its effects on sustained competitive advantage, leadership development and mindset, and the linkage between brands and employee behaviors. He has also published two books, 我特别推荐《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》,它教你如何帮助你的团队享受工作. 


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