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Rachael Parrott和Davide Aldrovandi正在谈论英国z<s:1> hlke公司的包容性招聘方法
  • z hlke英国团队最近更加专注于使他们的招聘过程更具包容性,这样来自各种背景的申请人都能感觉到他们属于这里.
  • As part of this, 整个人才管道都经过重新评估,以确保每一步都考虑到人与人之间的差异,并鼓励公平.
  • 包容性招聘方法的第一阶段已经取得了切实的成果,目前正在进一步扩大,以考虑到一系列代表性不足的群体.

招聘实践往往是围绕多样性和包容性的讨论的核心&I) initiatives, and for good reason. 确保不同的群体在组织中得到充分的代表,首先要吸引广泛的候选人,然后确保他们在最初的接触中都有积极的经历. We place a significant focus on Inclusive Hiring, 我们采访了两位深入参与这一过程的人,以更好地了解这对业务和公司文化的影响. 以下是Rachael Parrott(英国人才招聘主管)和Davide Aldrovandi(英国数字体验和招聘经理主管)的观点.

Hiring with Purpose

When asked to define the concept of inclusive hiring, Davide starts by explaining it in very simple terms. He says:

“At its heart, 这是为了给每个人一个公平的机会,并对我们想要引入公司的人保持好奇.”

That’s something Rachael builds on with her definition.
“It entails attracting a mix of individuals to the business, and not discounting or putting anyone off because of the hiring process,” she explains. She also references our global D&I policy, 它给了他们工作的支柱和在整个招聘活动中推动前进的原则.

对戴维来说,密切关注招聘流程是公司的一项重要任务. “We know our world is extremely diverse, 这种多样性给团队带来了丰富性——但如果我们想要为这种丰富性招聘, we need to make sure our processes are right,” he says. But where to begin?

Taking a Talent-Centred View

Our team in the UK decided to take things forward step-by-step, 建立他们理想的包容性招聘现实,而不是试图一次解决太多问题. “We started with the big issues that were easier to track and measure, like looking at the ratio of men to women in our hires,” Rachael explains. And with that as a first step, 他们可以开始问自己正确的问题,从而相应地塑造事情.

Looking at the hiring process with this filter, the team found that most applications they received were from men. Common initiatives that feed tech talent into the business, like the Technology Graduate Scheme, were mostly skewed towards men too. 因此,这意味着解决平衡问题不仅仅是雇佣更多的女性,而是首先要提高女性的兴趣. As Rachael explains, 

“We had to change our mindset to look at how we attract people, make our pipeline as diverse as possible, and then adapt processes to ensure skilled applicants are able to succeed.”

Getting this right as a model was also key, 因为同样的方法可以用来吸引其他代表性不足的群体.

从未被充分代表的背景候选人的角度来看待招聘过程, 团队能够对他们的流程进行一些简单但基本的更改. 大卫提到的一件事是重新思考我们团队在招聘广告中描述人才概况的方式. By removing many of the ‘nice to have’ but non-essential skills, they could appeal to a much broader audience. 现在所有的职位描述都有一个提示,鼓励人们申请,即使他们没有满足所有的要求,这样那些没有传统经验或教育的人就可以被考虑.

当被问及如何在招聘过程中鼓励多元化时, 大卫提到了一个简单但重要的观点转变:你如何看待某人工作经历中的空白期. “These were traditionally seen as downsides, 但我认为你的态度应该更多地是好奇——考虑他们在这些时期可能做了什么或学到了什么,” he explains. When it comes to functional considerations around interviews, 雷切尔还谈到了一些措施,比如将较长的工作时间分成较短的时间,以便那些神经分化或有家庭责任的候选人, for example, are able to bring their best to the table.

Seeing the Results

由于重新评估了招聘流程,英国的团队已经看到了显著的成果. Women made up 24% of new staff in Q1 2022, but increased to 70% by Q4 2022. Growing the inclusive pipeline itself has also been successful.

So far, 53% of job offers in 2023 have been to women, up from only 22% in 2022.

但瑞秋非常清楚,这只是z hlke在英国的包容性招聘之旅的开始. “We know that we have a long way to go, but the mindset shift has happened and now we’re constantly checking in,” she explains.

这种新层次的自我意识是迄今为止活动的一个重要成果——有时这意味着承认你对一个主题并不了解. 例如,当涉及到D&I as a part of this process. 她帮助他更深入地了解了招聘过程中的潜在影响. “All it took was a couple of conversations to hear her perspective, 它帮助我作为一个团队负责人对公司产生了更具包容性的影响,” he explains.

Ultimately, 迈向更具包容性的招聘意味着接受一些未知因素,并对新方法持开放态度. 你不能通过按老方法做事来实现真正的改变. Davide’s closing thought sums this up perfectly. “我想传递给世界的信息是勇敢和好奇,”他说. 尽管还有很长的路要走,但正是这种态度将帮助团队沿着这条路前进.

If you want to find out about our D&我的政策,看看它是如何影响我们的招聘,你可以得到更多的信息和阅读 a story about its creation here

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