Tabi, Software Engineer Intern at the Zühlke Manchester office

Tabi is a Master’s student in Computer Science at the University of Manchester. She recently finished a three-month internship at Zühlke over her summer break, 做一个模拟项目, attending master classes and getting a feel for her future career in tech.


当被问及为什么选择在这个领域学习时, Tabi laughs and says all started when she and her sister were young, 玩模拟人生. 她知道传统的数字动画是如何制作的, but couldn’t understand it could be used to create all the different possibilities in the game. She asked her mum, who explained it was all achieved through coding. “I was mind-blown, and it all just kind of snowballed from there,” she explains. “这让我对电脑产生了迷恋和好奇, 我学得越多, 我就越想知道.”

Tabi admits that she actually didn’t know much about Zühlke before applying for her internship. 仔细研究公司的情况, 然而, 她已经感觉到会有一门亲事, and that feeling was confirmed when she got through to the interview phase. She describes how she spoke to the Zühlke team for three hours in that session, 但感觉就像30分钟的聊天. “I was so nervous, but everyone was so lovely, and when I got the position it made my day,她说。.


One of the things Tabi says she noticed during her internship with Zühlke was the emphasis on continual learning in the business. “They actively encourage learning and they set aside time for it – it’s just inbuilt in their culture,她说。. Something that struck her was that “I don’t know” was an entirely acceptable answer to a question – and an invitation to explore new possibilities. 这与她天生的好奇心产生了共鸣. “I hate the idea that you just do something a certain way because that’s how it’s always been done,她说。. “I don’t live my life like that… And neither does anyone at Zühlke.”

When talking about some of the things she learned at Zühlke, Tabi speaks of the value of the exposure she got to all the different aspects of development. “I feel like now I know how to actually create software and not just code it,” she explains. She also says her internship helped her to grow her belief in herself. “刚进入这个领域时,我总是很不自信, because I was studying with people who had already built an app before they even came to uni, and I could only just about get ‘hello world’ to pop up on screen,她说。. This started to change over the course of her degree but she says it was her time at Zühlke that was a real turning point because it helped her to identify and lean in to her strengths.

z hlke在各个领域的混合团队

When asked about her experiences as a woman in STEM she talks about the everyday moments of resistance she has faced in the past. “Sometimes it’s just that much harder than if I were a man,她说。. She also describes the imposter syndrome she experienced before she came to Zühlke, 这是如何削弱了她的信心. 所以在找实习的时候, she had already resigned herself to an experience where she possibly wouldn’t be totally comfortable. 但她很快发现情况并非如此. “Now I realise that there are environments in places like Zühlke where you don’t have to feel othered for your gender or sexuality or whatever,她说。.

Talking about feeling at home in an organisation gets Tabi onto the topic of business culture, and the importance of finding a company with one you can see yourself enjoying. “在z莱克,我找到了一份天作之合, and I’ve never had to pretend to be anything other than myself,她说。. 回顾她的实习经历, she says this was one of the key things that made the experience so positive, and it’s something she’d stress for anyone looking for a position in future. “你必须有信心知道自己是谁, 等待一个可以做你自己的地方,她建议道。. “Trying to fake it for an entire internship – or even a whole career – just isn’t possible.” 


Tabi was offered a job at Zühlke when her internship was winding up, and she eagerly accepted. 她还得完成学业,度过间隔年, 她说,她对回归的前景感到兴奋. Even the fact that the business was open to her going and getting some life experience before coming back was telling. “They were really encouraging about it, and they told me it was a great idea,她说。. So, as long as there aren’t any new global pandemic-related upsets, 2022年她将在澳大利亚度过, exploring some of her ideas for apps and generally enjoying her last year of no responsibilities or restraints before coming back to the UK and joining the team.

