
My First 12 Months - Myriam Thursch, 数据工程师, Zuhlke

The first 12 months in a new role is a crucial time full of learning, building new relationships and establishing yourself within a business or organisation.

我们最近采访了米里亚姆·瑟施, 数据工程师 at global innovation service provider Zuhlke, to find out about her journey into the role and how the first year has gone so far.

名称: Myriam Thursch
公司: Zuhlke
职称: 数据工程师

What's your professional background and interests?

I worked as a Software Engineer and DBA from 1993 till 1999.

之后, in order to be more available for my growing family, I went into teaching IT and computer science, as well as being the school’s Data Manager. 

I love problem solving and have always had a great interest in data. My dream was always to come back into software development.

What attracted you to this role and company?

When I decided to come back into tech in 2021, I realised that the world of software development had evolved so much, and Data was the area where I would best fit, and where I would have the right abilities to go back into.

After completing the TechReturners program where Zuhlke was one of the sponsors, 我申请到z hlke做数据工程师. Zuhlke was extremely accommodating with my part-time requirement and also gave me ample time to finish the teaching year and handover my role as a School Data Manager.


在做一个项目的时候, the typical day usually starts with a stand-up meeting with the team, followed by some pairing sessions to complete assigned tasks. 

有规律的休息很重要, and we always make sure to have at least a 5-minute gap between any work sessions or meetings.

到目前为止, 我只做过一个项目, and I suppose each project is different and each team has its own ways of working. But most projects at Zuhlke will include different phases (from discovery to implementation) where colleagues from different teams (including Software/数据工程师s, 架构师, BAs, 设计师, QAs, 等.) work together collaboratively, following Agile principles.

当我坐在替补席上时.e. not on a project) I utilise my time to upskill and learn new skills and practice them. I often chose a course to learn with the advice of my Practice Lead or Mentor. 

What are the key challenges in your role?

Technology moves fast, and constant learning is required to keep up with this ever-evolving world. As a consultancy company we need to be able to offer the most up-to-date solutions to the clients. 因此,学习 & development is a top priority here at Zuhlke.

What has surprised you most in the last 12 months?

z hlke内部的支持水平. As a 数据工程师 I belong to the Data community where I meet members of the community and get advice and support from them. 

作为入职过程的一部分, I had the chance to choose a mentor who is always available to coach me and help me progress in my career.


Each project requires different 数据工程师ing skills, there is no template solution and therefore, the role requires a high level of analysis and creativity.

How would you describe the company culture?

Constant learning, personal growth, knowledge exchange and helping others to develop.

Can you share details of one project/achievement you are most proud of since starting in this role? 

I have only been in this role for 9 months and have been part of one project so far, 所以没有太多的选择. However, my first project was on a cloud infrastructure that I had never used before. It required a massive amount of learning and adaptation from me a. I feel a strong sense of achievement with the amount that I have learnt in this project and how I have been able to contribute to this project.


To find out more about careers at Zuhlke, 点击这里.

If you're a 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 member and would like somebody at your company to be featured in our My First 12 Months series, 联系 thom@ospifse.net.

