z<s:1> hlke的后端工程师

“后端工程师的目标是帮助最终用户完成工作. 我们做复杂的工作,以保持用户的任务简单.” That’s how 拉吉夫 Kurien, a Backend Engineer at Zühlke, describes what he does.

Backend Engineering is a specialisation that plays a vital role in delivering a solution, 但这并不是人们所了解的. 从本质上讲,后端工程师大部分时间都在幕后工作. But their input can have an outsize impact because of the way they help to connect the work of everyone else on the team.

我们采访了三位后端工程师,了解他们的工作, 并为那些潜在想要进入这个角色的人提供一些建议.

拉吉夫 Kurien, z<s:1> hlke软件工程师 Ioana Grigoriu Nickson Thanda, z<s:1> hlke的软件工程师

拉吉夫, Backend Engineer             Ioana, Backend Engineer            Nickson, Backend Engineer


  • 而前端工程师构建用户看到的东西, backend engineers work on the underlying structure that enables a solution to deliver.
  • 后端工程师通过一系列的背景来担任这个角色. 大多数人都有STEM资格证书, but many upskill themselves from other specialisations and then make the move across.
  • 像其他软件工程角色一样, 后端工程师需要能够熟练地编写代码, 运用他们的创造性思维和解决问题的能力. They're also expected to understand where and how their software runs – servers, 容器, 云功能等.


与前端工程不同, which focuses on bringing the design to life and creating an interface that people can see and engage with, 后端工程本质上更加不透明. 这是一个软件工程师的角色, but one that’s focused on building the structure that underpins a product rather than the side of it that users interact with every day.

“当你按下按钮时,你不知道后台发生了什么, 例如, 但总有一些东西在那里, 这就是我们努力的方向,尼克森解释道.

Nickson gives the example of logging into a website to show the difference between the two roles. 当你登录的时候, the frontend sends your username and password to the backend which authenticates the details and tells the frontend that they’ve been entered correctly.”

拉吉夫, 另一方面, compares what they do to a building: "People only see the facade; they don't see that behind the walls are cables, 管道, 通风口和马达运行,以保持建筑物的功能和舒适,他解释道.

The relationship between the things they’re building means that frontend and backend engineers work closely together at different points of the project to make sure their outcomes are aligned.

他们还与产品团队合作,以产生和验证想法, and the UI and UX designers who work on the user experience and interface that users ultimately engage with. Depending on the scale of what’s being built they may also work with data teams, and if it is going to be deployed in the cloud then they’ll work with DevOps specialists too.

“The main challenge we have to overcome is thinking about the best way to design something,尼克森说。. 这通常集中在将数据从一个地方传输到另一个地方, 并确保它以一种可用的方式出现. Ioana also touches on this when she emphasises the importance of asking the relevant questions throughout the process. “I need to make sure that important information flows in the right direction so the best possible decisions are made,她说。.


“你需要非常好的解决问题的能力, 并且能够根据需要快速适应,尼克森解释道. He also points to the need for strong communication because you’re often in the middle of different teams and you need to properly interpret their needs.

拉吉夫也对此表示赞同. “当你与同事或客户交谈时, 你需要了解他们真正想要的是什么, 然后解释你要怎么做,他说.

Ioana强调的技能之一是注重细节的方法. “There are plenty of moving parts and you must consider consequences and weigh options, and sometimes you have to compromise on what you want to do because in the end there are real life constraints in terms of time, 预算, 轻重缓急,甚至意见分歧,她解释道.

“I enjoy it because you don’t know where you’re going to go at the beginning of the project ­– you get to be creative with it and no two people will make something the same way,尼克森解释道.

这也是爱达荷州的一个特点. “我一直很喜欢谜题和侦探小说, so it’s very much the problem-solving side of the role that I have the most fun with. 有时你需要四处寻找信息, 有时候,你必须利用你所拥有的一点点,并充分利用它, 不同的项目可能会有很大的不同,她说。.


正如所料,后端工程是一个相当技术性的角色. 大多数人通过STEM学位进入这个领域.

Nickson, 例如, studied computer science and 拉吉夫 started out in classic engineering. 当艾奥娜被问及她的背景时, 她的回答是, “不是我选择了后生活,是后生活选择了我.她的学位是计算机系统工程与商业管理, 但在她的学业即将结束时,她专注于软件工程.

What she highlights, however, is how much of her learning happened on the job. That’s also something that was solidified after she was certified as a Scrum Master. “It taught me the importance of taking best practices from one project to the other to improve the ways of working,她说。.

当被问及他对有抱负的后端工程师的建议时, 拉吉夫说,他们需要从心态开始. “学习的意愿至关重要, because technology is always changing ­– and  you need to update your knowledge based on what you’re focused on too,他说.

Ioana also suggests working on your own small project for something that interests you using an object oriented programming language like C# or Java. “你可以阅读扎实的原则, design patterns and sustainable software engineering and applying those learnings as you go,她说。.

当涉及到信息和资源时, Nickson提到Hacker 新闻是他最喜欢的资源之一. He says it’s a good place to find out what’s up and coming in the world of tech. 他还建议学习一门后端编程语言,比如Java或Kotlin.

What Ioana also emphasises is the importance of being open to learning and growth. “You need to give things your best shot and if you don’t meet your own expectations, 从失败中吸取教训,她说。.

“This mindset is something that sets you in good stead throughout your career. 我觉得技术知识可以随着时间的推移而积累, but behaviours take longer and can make a huge difference in the working environment,她总结道。.


If you enjoy coding and problem-solving, then a career in backend engineering is a way to do that. 在z hlke,你也会接触到a 不同项目的范围. 这是拉吉夫特别欣赏的.

“在这里工作确实帮助我拓宽了视野, 找出我真正喜欢做什么,他说. 如果这种灵活性, 随着技术和创造性思维的结合吸引你, 十大网博靠谱平台,了解更多 z hlke团队的空缺.

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