

By 汤姆祸害他是VCG首席技术官

As e-commerce 和 the digital economy transform our buying habits from traditional ‘in-store’ shopping to online purchasing, one thing is for sure – the tracking 和 delivery of goods is becoming the new battleground for customer service.

物流与供应链 partners are working hard in this area, 但是经常传递信息, 包裹跟踪, 和 live map updates are disappointing, 和 it’s clear the sector must do better.

暗淡的经济前景, 现金流问题, 和 rising operating costs offer little encouragement for investment, 但不管市场状况如何, customers expect the logistics sector to continually speed up deliveries 和 improve productivity. All of which requires investment 和 innovation at a tough time for the balance sheet.


An historic over reliance on manual processes, 遗留IT平台, 和 storing data on different 和 disparate systems, mean the sector has lots to gain from innovative 和 streamlined IT platforms.

Supply chain integration is key to reducing the impact of geographical distribution 和 administration, but a lack of real-time data visibility across warehouses, 商店, 位置, 和 delivery is negatively impacting 管理 和 service performance.

电子商务促进经济增长, but many transport 和 logistics companies struggle to find efficient ways to improve productivity, 盈利能力, 以及客户体验. 项目成本似乎很高, 和 the expected return on investment (ROI) seems too long, meaning there’s a real danger the issue will not be resolved quickly.


Logistics companies have always been ‘businesses on the move’ 和 consequently, fluid 和 flexible collaborative operations are built into their DNA – despite clunky 和 outdated technology.

Contact centre agents at kitchen tables 和 temporary distribution hubs have supported the surge in business, 伴随着更大的带宽, 安全连接, 以及基于云的协作工具, all of which are necessary for innovative 和 flexible IT systems.

End-to-end supply chain visibility to enhance productivity 和 协作 drives improved operational efficiency, 但是为了达到这个涅槃, 可扩展的网络解决方案, 数据集中, 和 cloud enabled are needed to ensure companies can take advantage of new applications 和 the software-defined services that deliver the results.

Connecting sites 和 blending networks with the right combination of cloud services creates an agile infrastructure that supports the technologies required by logistics companies, 和 having the right platform to run innovative 和 sustainable workloads will enable the speedy adoption of new applications that drive productivity, lower operating costs 和 reduce carbon footprints.

Simply deploying new applications alone is not the answer, 和 for digital transformation to be truly successful, organisations need a modern scalable infrastructure with the right 安全, 管理, 和可见性.

Only then can the right blend of analytics, 自动化, 报告, machine learning 和 人工智能 (AI) be deployed to provide efficiency, 控制, 和 insight – as well as helping organisations to make better business decisions. Innovative 和 cost-effective technology is both available 和 cost effective when working with an insightful tech partner.


Once the appropriately designed 和 scaled platform is in place, 一切皆有可能, including the internet of things (IoT), 人工智能, 和 data analytics to revolutionise 和 make supply chains more sustainable.

模块化的方法从 现代网络 和 连接 will enable multiple applications 和 systems to be consolidated 和 managed on a single, 安全基础设施. 在很多情况下, Professional Services guidance helps simplify operations 和 systems integration, improving end-to-end 管理 和 improving the experience for both customers 和 the workforce.

With a proven record in supporting logistics 和 retailing customers, we are technology transformation experts in networking, 协作, 安全, 和 cloud – including the application layer.

If you’d like to know more about our solutions 和 how we bring everything together in a single, 统一IT服务, click here to visit our website or email us at info@vcg.集团

