
How Office 365 can eleviate costs and improve business performance

Office 365用户
Microsoft's cloud application and email solution has been around for some time now but many are unaware of the substantial benefits which it can have on your business. Office 365 is a power house for end users which allows all teams to collaborate effectively and perform admin tasks with an easy to use approach.

The first noticeable impact is the cost to your business, starting from under £4.在撰写本文时,每个许可证每月收取00美元, Office 365 can significantly reduce your business expenses. At £4.每月800英镑(48英镑).00元/年), you are gaining access to the Microsoft Office suite, 分享point, 前景, Exchange online and 团队 which is excellent value for money. 如果要安装Exchange, 分享point and the Microsoft Office Suite on your on-site servers and PC's, 这将花费你超过10英镑,000 for the first year alone when you consider the cost of the hardware and software licensing.

Not only can Office 365 reduce your business expenses but it can also allow your teams to collaborate more efficiently and effectively through the use of 团队, 分享point和前景/Exchange在线. A combination of these applications allows users to create documents, share documents and even present documents at the click of a button. Ever wanted the option to edit the document at the same time as your colleague while on a crucial phonecall? Well with 分享point that is exactly what you are able to do!


分享point online allows you to store documents online, 向选定的人共享实时文档, create a news channel for specific teams and much more. These features mean that emailing documents back and forth is now a thing of the past and employee efficiency can be at it's peak. 而文件共享可以提供类似的功能, 它们占用了现场存储空间, 依赖于服务器的正常运行时间,很容易损坏. 文件共享不仅成本效益更低, they also don't allow for multiple users to access and edit a document live which can be an annoyance. Documents within 分享point are also controlled by the owner of the document which means the access permissions for any document is in the owners hands, very much unlike those pre-historic file shares whereby you had to contact IT to amend your permissions!


Microsoft 团队 can not only eleviate the need for internal DDI's but also eleviate the need for external webinar software such as Zoom or Cisco's WebEx solution. 微软团队, 你可以屏幕共享, 视频聊天, voice chat and share a Powerpoint presentation all in one place, 这可以是外部或内部的接触. The live call functionalities are just the beginning as with the direct messaging, 通道配置和团队配置, departmental and direct conversations can be managed with ease. This allows for ease of communication between staff without having to check your emails every few minutes and 团队 is a much more inviting environment to collaborate with your team on.


While on-site Exchange and Exchange online are effectively the same for an end user, the maintenance and configuration costs are much lower for the business. This not only means less configuration time but also less downtime and less time spent speaking with your IT provider on what you need to keep your eye on. 现场解决方案的许可费用可能很昂贵, configure and maintain due to the complexity of having a redundant solution which can be accessed from anywhere but with Office 365, 默认情况下,您可以获得这些特性. This allows your business to focus on what is important and eleviates the need to even think about your email solution as it will just work.


为什么你还没有使用Office 365? With the value for money being offered to you and the excellent benefits for your business there really is no reason big enough to say no! If you are concerned about migrating existing data to the cloud, you can hire an IT consultant to carry out the one time task for you and it will be like nothing ever happened, apart from the fact that you now have a tonne of additional benefits.

