
有效的员工认可不仅仅是表扬. True recognition acknowledges hard work, motivates individuals and creates a positive work culture.

Recognition (or lack of it) is a topic that comes up a lot in our 员工敬业度 调查. Employees definitely have a view on whether organisations are getting it right or not!

Employee recognition done right is easy, but it’s not simple! 

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a project, felt proud of your work, and succeeded? 那种成就感是难以置信的, but it becomes even more powerful when others recognise your 努力. 建立一种认可的文化来推动参与, 是要让所有员工都有这种感觉吗, 一次又一次. 



Employee recognition refers to the act of acknowledging and appreciating employees' contributions, 努力, 以及工作上的成就. 


  1. 口头升值

  2. 公开承认

  3. 金钱奖励

  4. 促销活动

  5. 成长机会 & 发展. 

这是一种旨在激励员工的战略实践, 提升士气, foster a positive work culture and ultimately drive organisational success. 

Employee recognition recognises the value and impact of employees' work, 创造归属感, 员工的目标和欣赏.



💡 79%的员工 say an increase in recognition rewards would make them more loyal. 忠诚是留住员工的基础! 

当员工感到被重视时, 他们更投入, motivated and likely to go the extra mile for their organisation.

Employee recognition fosters a positive work culture by creating a sense of appreciation and value among the workforce. This, in turn, enhances 员工敬业度, teamwork and collaboration. 

它在留住顶尖人才方面也起着至关重要的作用. 当员工感到被认可和欣赏时, 他们更有可能留在现在的雇主那里, 降低离职率和 相关的费用


💡在工作中感觉受到重视与 更好的身心健康

Employees need to know that the company they work for doesn’t just care about sales revenue and profit.

People need to form lasting connections to the colleagues they work with and the work that they do. Knowing that their contribution is valuable to the organisation is a key part of this. 


Employees can see how much you value them from what you celebrate. If you’re celebrating business wins without any acknowledgment to the people who gained those wins, 这样,员工很快就会觉得自己被低估了. 

It’s also important that you don’t forget about those people who deliver for the business day in, 一天, even if they aren’t chalking up revenue on the leaders board. 


💡员工是 2.7倍的可能性 to be highly engaged if they believe they will be recognised for their contribution.

Taking employees for granted is a sure-fire way to drop down the levels of 员工敬业度.

敬业的员工比那些不敬业的员工表现更好. 事实上,员工敬业度高的公司 利润提高21%.

You can find out how engaged your teams are by conducting an 员工敬业度调查. These 调查 can cover areas such as: connection, leadership, fulfilment and wellbeing of your team.

十点空间, 我们经常在调查中澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台方向性问题, so we can understand if employees feel that recognition is fair, 或者是激励他们取得更多成就. Often there is a difference in feeling from one team or demographic to another. 

没有一种方法可以让人们感到被认可. 有时是一句由衷的“谢谢”。, sometimes it’s an early finish and sometimes it’s a bonus payment or a career move.

Like compensation and benefits, you might need to make it personal to the individual to get it right. 不要以为每个人都以同样的方式看待认可. 

You need to be aiming to make the individual feel recognised and build up a recognition culture at the same time.


💡给予个人或团队认可的企业见a 增加14% 在性能.

Recognition leads to increased motivation, a sense of pride and increased self-confidence at work. 

Companies that actively recognise and reward their employees are more likely to see increased levels of accountability, 责任和领导措施. 简而言之,更高的性能. 


Thank yous never get old, but free lunches on a Friday can quickly become the norm and expected. Make sure you’re not giving out recognition just to tick the box, you need to actually mean it. 

你可能需要定期重新考虑你的方法, to make sure that it continues to have the effect of creating an engagement boost in individuals or your teams.



Make sure you're checking that recognition is working in your business. 员工反馈是一个很好的方法. 

Ask your employees whether they feel more engaged and valued due to the recognition they’ve been receiving. By doing this, you can ensure that you’re on the right track and make adjustments and changes if not.

You’ll know when it’s time to switch it up and try something new, 作为识别将成为背景噪音.

十点空间 we create bespoke 调查 which allow teams to share their honest feedback anonymously. 

我们的员工反馈调查允许对团队进行分组, so you can see what is working for each team and where you might need to take a new approach to ensure you’re getting the maximum engagement and performance boost for your 努力.

这让领导者有机会倾听团队的意见, understand the problems in the organisation and work on changing things for the better.

我们的仪表盘可以让您即时了解情况. 我们提供工具和支持来帮助您进行报告. These enable you to take the feedback to your leaders quickly and effectively. 

开始您的旅程与我们的高参与通过 保持联系. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our 案例研究.



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