
25% of employees left their job due to toxic culture in 2022.

职场文化是“通常认为是有毒的 when trust, psychological safety, and employee morale degrade to unhealthy levels.”

Toxic cultures are extremely dangerous for both companies and employees. Symptoms rapidly spread through a workforce if not managed. They have an impact on productivity, mental health, and employee engagement.


  • 超负荷工作的员工
  • 长期的压力
  • 工作场所欺负

在大多数情况下, the issue stems from a lack of trust and communication among those in the 工作场所的层次结构.


Staff turnover is typically very high in toxic environments as a result of this feeling of separation between employees and their leaders.

那些感觉被忽视的人, 虐待, or exploited by their leaders often prefer to leave a company rather than file a complaint. They lack confidence that their problems will be solved.

Toxic cultures can have a huge negative effect on a company's performance. "Poor company culture" costs UK businesses a staggering £20.20亿年 每一年.


Sadly, there are numerous ways for a toxic culture to emerge at work. While the root cause of the issue may change between each situation, 一般来说, a lack of communication exacerbates and hides the issues.

Negative or even abusive behaviour is permitted to continue when organisations don't take the time to collect employee feedback. 它可以在整个公司迅速传播.

Companies should be sending out anonymous employee engagement surveys to mitigate this. Surveys can reveal early warning signals and red flags of emerging issues. 

组织s can jump in early when faced with concerning feedback or low engagement scores, 减少以后出现问题的可能性. 

When a toxic culture has already taken hold, there are some major warning signs to look out for:

  • 对团队说话居高临下的管理者
  • A feeling of ‘profits/policies over people’ where employees feel exploited
  • 细节 
  • 不支持的绩效评估
  • 歧视或缺乏多样性
  • Failure to recognise or reward employee achievements
  • 骚扰

If you recognise any of the above signs in your workplace or business, it’s time to:




Quantitative research on the culture of your firm can be useful for understanding what it's like to work there. Here are just a few suggestions for how to go about doing this:

1. 定期业务参与调查

员工敬业度调查 能提供大量可量化的信息吗, including eNPS scores and real-time feedback from current employees. 

Quarterly surveys allow you to regularly check in with your team whilst leaving enough time to action feedback and build trust in the process. Ten Space offers an innovative and anonymous method of surveying through Whatsapp, 电子邮件和短信, 哪一种方式能提供一种吸引人的方式来调查你的团队. 

2. Glassdoor网站的评论

Glassdoor is a very helpful (and free) website where current and past employees can post honest reviews about their work experiences. While the findings of engagement surveys are most likely to be shared just within the company, Glassdoor provides a more public way of sharing feedback.

3. 营业额 & 旷工

The average employee turnover rate in the UK is currently 15% 一年. Absence and turnover rates among employees are telltale signs of a toxic workplace environment. 并不是所有的员工离职都是一件可怕的事情, 但如果你的离职率远远高于这个, 你可能需要更加关注你的文化.


While there isn't a "perfect" way to shape your culture, there are a number of essential components you'll need to create a healthy working environment.

〇倾听员工的心声 Your staff may currently have the solutions to the majority, if not all, of your problems. Utilise the knowledge that employee engagement surveys may provide and, 在有毒文化出现之前, 关注其根本原因.

〇卓越的领导力 Toxic cultures often stem from miscommunication and 坏的领导人ship. It's essential to develop your managing teams' leadership abilities. This comes in many different forms, so knowing what makes a 坏的领导人 是关键.

〇培养信任 操作透明, doing what you say you are going to do and doing the right thing builds trust.  A lack of trust in an organisation can quickly slow it down and impact on performance.

〇员工优先 Always put your employees at the heart of your business. You wouldn't have a brand, clients or services to offer without them. Your culture will stay healthy and thriving if you put your people at the centre of every business choice you make.

We’re committed to creating healthier workplaces - delivering employee engagement surveys through innovative technology and great service. For more information on how our platform can help your business thrive, visit our website, or 保持联系

