How to measure 员工敬业度

💡高敬业度的组织比低敬业度的组织表现要好 202%

员工敬业度 needs to be one of your top priorities to ensure your business can succeed. 

有些人认为敬业度仅仅是为了让员工快乐,但敬业度远不止于此. 员工敬业度的提高体现在员工充分发挥其潜力并在工作中表现出色. 

The goal is to create an environment, 在哪里,员工能把最好的自己带到工作中,并在工作中做到最好. 


Do you really need to measure engagement? 

You don’t NEED to, but we think you should! 为用户粘性设定数值可以让你追踪用户粘性的趋势和变化. 然后,您可以更详细地了解您在组织中所做的更改对敬业度的影响.

Without a measurement of some kind, 你只需要猜测一下你引入的好处是否产生了你所希望的积极影响. 

If you’re tracking your retention rates or number of leavers, but not tracking engagement you are only monitoring half of the picture. Leavers from your organisation are a result of poor engagement, 所以衡量和监测用户粘性可以帮助你以积极主动的方式影响留存率. 


You can measure your engagement through employee surveys. 如果做得好,调查还可以获得书面反馈和数据. They are an excellent way to create employee voice. 

There are 3 things you need to consider when measuring engagement:

  1. Using the right 员工敬业度 平台

  2. Gathering effective feedback & data

  3. Using your insights to increase engagement


Using the right 员工敬业度 平台

当一个组织决定进行员工敬业度调查时,首先出现的话题之一就是利用第三方公司. So what are the advantages of using a specialist to carry out your surveys? 

The best questions are written by a third-party

An expert, outside perspective will be most helpful to leadership and HR teams. 问题不能以一种对回答质量有积极影响的方式来写,也不能以一种能充分利用你所获得的洞察力的方式来写. 


💡 74%的员工 said they’d be willing to give more feedback if they were truly 匿名

For anonymity and trust, using a third-party employee survey 平台 is crucial. 它使员工的调查体验在心理上尽可能安全. 当内部进行调查时,团队可能很难相信他们的回答是匿名的.


一个专门的平台可以大大加快数据处理的速度,缩短从调查开始的时间 启动行动. When it comes to analysing and disseminating survey results, choosing a 平台 to do the data-crunching for you can be a smart investment.

📑了解更多十大网博靠谱平台员工敬业度平台的好处,并找到适合你的平台, 看看我们的博客.


Gathering effective feedback & data

你的 调查设计 affects the results you get. 明智地设计!

  • 调查太长——员工会感到无聊,留下简短的答案,而且更有可能不完整.

  • 都是一种类型的问题——员工习惯了重复的复选框,不太可能把问题想透彻.

  • 调查每年进行一次——员工的印象是调查纯粹是为了让公司说他们已经做过了. 毕竟,他们没有看到上一部的任何行动,所以谁来证明他们是错的呢?


How to design a great survey

  1. 你的调查应该保持简短,只包含那些最诚实的问题 & 可靠的答案. 一个典型的十空间调查应该不超过10分钟完成,我们的理想是5分钟. 

  2. To provide you with data points and written responses, 我们建议使用各种比例的问题(0-10),以及一些书面反馈问题. 

  3. Aim to keep the number of questions on your employee survey around 12-20. 这样做将带来更好的数据质量和响应率,因为人们不会失去兴趣.

  4. 经常做. We recommend every 3 months (every 6 months at the minimum). 

  5. Switch up the topics to keep it interesting. It’s great to have some data points to track from one survey to the next, employees don’t want to take the same survey time and again. Keep it relevant and keep it interesting. 


创造伟大的过程 & habits around employee feedback & 行动会有回报. This will come through in both survey completion rates and engagement levels.


Using your insights to increase engagement

The action you take from a survey is what matters most, not the survey itself. By not taking feedback seriously you risk losing valuable team members. 

💡 Employees who don’t feel comfortable providing upward feedback are 16% less likely to stay in their organisation.


To get real value from the data that you’ve collected, you have to dig through it and discover where you need to make changes. You need to locate both the strengths and weaknesses within your business.

  1. 寻找模式——你的组织是否在某些方面得分较低? 找出影响员工幸福感的缺点是改变现状的关键.

  2. 剖析数据——至少,您需要能够按部门细分数据. Not all teams work the same, and not all teams have the same concerns. 数据可以在个人和团队层面上创造故事,所以一定要同时考虑这两个层面.

制定计划 & 讨论

一旦你确定了模式并得出结论,是时候与个人进行一对一的交谈了. Communication is at the heart of all successful businesses. It’s important to talk about engagement and action planning regularly. 

  1. 对于决策者——是否有时间在董事会/领导/管理会议上跟踪进度,并将员工敬业度放在议程的高位? Not just the first meeting after a survey, but every one.

  2. 对于个人领导者来说——花点时间和员工坐下来,讨论是什么让他们在工作中保持专注, and what (if anything) is holding them back. Give your employees structure, help them plan for the future, and act on what they tell you so you don’t lose their trust.

Explore data with segmentation

了解那些参与度较低的特定团队或人口统计数据有助于突出留存风险 & 推动具体行动. 

You may find that there are key themes in smaller populations that emerge, which can have a huge impact on engagement overall when addressed. 


可能会有一些关键领域、问题或主题是你想要密切关注的. You can build these into a dashboard or report that is regularly reviewed, so that progress can be monitored.  

在细分时需要注意的是,它不应该以匿名为代价. At Ten Space, we have an “ethics” filter built into our 平台, 这使我们能够保护匿名性,为员工分享反馈创造一个安全的空间, but also to drill down to identify additional insights. 



Don’t forget to survey regularly. Employees feeling left out or uninformed could be a huge barrier to engagement.

By surveying regularly and creating a continual flow of employee ideas and feedback, 你可以建立一个宏伟的蓝图,帮助你采取积极的方法来留住人才,防止人才流失.


在Ten Space,我们创建了定制调查,允许团队匿名分享他们的真实反馈. This gives leaders the chance to listen to their team, 了解组织中的问题,并努力使其变得更好.

Our dashboard gives you instant insights. We provide tools and support to help you with reporting. These enable you to take the feedback to your leaders quickly and effectively. 

Start your journey to high engagement with us by 保持联系. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our 案例研究.

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