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Silicon Valley Bank UK – what happens if my bank fails?

美国硅谷银行(SVB)倒闭引发的直接危机在美国监管机构介入帮助那里的客户后得以避免, and HSBC buying SVB’s UK subsidiary (‘SVB UK’).

But the collapse of Silvergate Capital, 瑞典对外银行和签名银行相继在一定程度上加强了对金融业潜在风险的关注(尽管监管有所加强), particularly over recent years).

Here we look at the potential position of businesses if their bank gets in to trouble.

Where do I stand if my bank gets in to trouble?


如果持有商业存款的银行/建房互助会受审慎监管局监管,金融服务补偿计划(" FSCS ")会保障部分商业存款。. Broadly, £85,000 is guaranteed to be returned to you, per business, per bank (or £170,000 if a joint account). You do not need to opt in – the protection is automatic, but it does not cover deposits by e.g. financial institutions or investment firms*. 

You cannot get extra protection by using multiple accounts with one bank. 额外的保护只能通过在不同的(受PRA监管的)银行持有存款来获得.  有些融资安排限制借款人使用与融资提供者/担保代理人持有的银行账户不同的银行账户, so this isn’t always possible.  Equally opening a bank account tends to take some time so it isn’t an immediate fix.


These will inevitably be stopped unless / until a buyer is found.

上周末,寻求从瑞典兴业银行英国分行提取存款的客户出现了恐慌——许多人需要资金立即用于交易或营运资金需求——但并非所有实体都有第二个银行账户来转账. 这就是律师和会计师可以提供帮助的地方(以及在什么基础上)资金可以转移-这将在很大程度上取决于每种情况.  请注意,根据SRA的规定,律师不能充当银行,因此不能为客户持有资金, unless required in relation to an underlying transaction that they are already advising on.

If a bank is bought out by another, the FSCS won’t kick in and the accounts should continue to operate as normal, albeit with a potential hiatus whilst a deal is reached. 就SVB UK而言,周末为达成协议赢得了宝贵的时间——同时也换来了紧张的等待. 

Term Loans

Term loans already advanced will continue to be repayable by the borrower, along with interest and fees. In the case of a buy out by another bank, 不管怎样,他们会接替你现在的贷款人,而原始融资的条款应该继续适用(除非贷款人有单方面修改条款的权利——在一些双边贷款文件中就是这种情况)。. 

Undrawn term loans are unlikely to be available unless a deal is agreed with another bank. If committed, 可能值得取消任何未兑现的承诺,以确保不收取费用(有些文档会自动执行此操作)。.

Revolving credit

循环信贷工具更为复杂,因为它们(名义上)在每个计息期结束时偿还——实际上,它们通常可以“滚动”到下一个计息期(前提是没有违约/加速贷款)。. 理想情况下,借款人将继续滚动任何循环设施(取决于其贷款条款),因为偿还的现金不太可能用于重新提取.

Any clean down requirements will need to be reviewed, 遵守这些仔细考虑过的规定,与无法重新提取现金的潜在影响.

If the lender is part of a syndicate, the loan documentation is likely to cater for one of the syndicate becoming impaired / insolvent. 可用的选择将取决于开始时谈判的内容,但可能包括将任何循环融资参与转换为定期贷款, 取代贷款人的能力(尽管这也需要时间)以及对贷款人参与决策的限制. We would be happy to advise you on your current or future financing terms.


显然,上述影响会对现金流产生直接的灾难性影响——正如上周末媒体广泛报道的那样.  在这种情况下,董事们在做出决定时继续按照职责行事是至关重要的——我们的专家团队已就此提供建议.

What is the Bank Insolvency Procedure?

Due to the nature of their business, and their reach, banks are treated differently from other companies in an insolvency scenario.  《十大网博靠谱平台》(“BA09”)的第二部分是在2008年金融危机后推出的,它为陷入财务困境的英国银行建立了一个特别的解决机制.  该机制包括破产前稳定选项,允许相关当局介入并拯救濒临破产的英国银行(通过将其全部或部分业务转移给过桥银行或私营部门买家)。, a bank administration procedure and a bank insolvency procedure.  

银行设立不同的破产程序的主要原因,是为了确保有资格在金融服务保障制度下获得付款的存款人及时收到付款或转移到另一家银行,以尽量减少对业务的影响. The weekend’s events showcased the BA09 in action.

Looking ahead

The downfall of SVB is the result of a specific set of circumstances and a collapse of confidence in a tight knit market in the US; unfortunately the UK branch was affected by that too. Whilst we’re also facing rising interest rates and inflation this side of the pond, there are also signs of hope. Any recession we do face is now expected to be less severe than first anticipated, 就业水平保持稳定,而今天的预算——在其他方面证实了对通胀预期的下调——应该会给市场信心.

Our government is keen to ensure the UK remains an attractive and safe place to do business, particularly for tech companies. 对科技中心的投资已在今天的预算中得到确认,我们的立法也支持这一点——监管机构有一套极其强大的保护措施(比如资本充足率要求)和权利(比如当SVB英国陷入困境时发挥作用的权利),可以迅速处理未来出现的任何问题. 

For now, business as usual.


*The PRA Rulebook details which deposits are included and excluded.

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