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Open Banking's Succession

尽管英国公开银行计划下一阶段的宣布是否像HBO的《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》大结局一样备受期待,这可能存在争议, 对于支付服务行业来说,非常需要一条通向未来的清晰路线.

但是,在联合监管监督委员会(“JROC”)发布其报告后,我们是否更接近于了解英国的未来会是什么样子 recommendations for the future of open banking (April 2023) and its programme of work in realising those recommendations (June 2023)? 就像罗伊兄弟姐妹在某个特定的日子里发动的任何政变一样, the answer is not particularly straightforward.

Previously on… open banking

英国目前的开放银行模式是由开放银行实施实体(OBIE)推动的。. OBIE是竞争和市场管理局(“CMA”)零售银行市场调查令(2017年发布)(“命令”)的结果,该命令指示英国一些主要银行通过参考路线图促进开放银行业务. 迄今为止,OBIE一直是执行该命令和随附路线图的主要推动力.

The Order, and by extension, the OBIE, has always been a temporary solution to the development of open banking. It was for the CMA to announce when, in its opinion, 各大银行已经实现了该命令的条款,OBIE的职能可以过渡到一个后续机构- - CMA在2023年1月正式这样做了.

Laying the groundwork

Comprising of the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), the Payment Systems Regulator (the “PSR”), HM Treasury and the CMA, 联合监管监督委员会(“JROC”)的成立是为了领导制定开放银行的未来,并挑选(或者更确切地说), creating) the OBIE’s successor.

In April 2023, the JROC published its long-awaited recommendation paper on the next phase of open banking in the UK, guided by three key priorities to help realise its vision for open banking:

  • 为开放银行生态系统的持续发展建立可持续和有竞争力的基础;
  • unlocking the potential for open banking payments; and
  • adopting a scalable model for future data sharing propositions.

JROC已经确定了从现在到2024年底需要采取的一系列行动. 如果你需要我提醒你提议的工作计划是什么样的, the table below sets this out.

 Theme Work activity Owner Timescales 
 Levelling up availability and performance Design a data collection framework for API availability and performance, and submit to FCA and PSR for approval OBIE (and the wider ecosystem) Q2 2023
 Conduct the data collection and analyse data following FCA and PSR approval OBIE Q3 2023
 就需要报告API可用性和性能的额外数据的更改进行咨询 FCA
 Q2 2024
 Mitigating the risks of financial crime 评估是否符合FCA十大网博靠谱平台支付限额的现有指导 ASPSPs Q2 2023
 设计金融犯罪数据收集框架,并提交FCA和PSR批准 OBIE (and the wider ecosystem) Q2 2023
 在FCA和PSR批准后,进行金融犯罪数据收集和分析 OBIE Q3 2023
 在Faster Payments中实施基于开放银行的数据共享,以减少欺诈 OBIE
 Q4 2023
 为第三方供应商和服务提供商实施有效的金融犯罪预防工具 OBIE (and its future successor) Q1 2024
 考虑如何将基于API的数据共享扩展到授权的推送支付欺诈之外,并向FCA和PSR报告发现 OBIE
 Q1 2024
 Consult on mandating data sharing,  使用金融犯罪预防工具(包括数据共享)和/或高价值支付的额外工具或要求 FCA
 Q2 2024
 Ensuring effective consumer protection if something goes wrong Perform a gap analysis of dispute processes OBIE (and its future successor) Q4 2023
 就开放式银行的额外争议处理或保护要求进行咨询 FCA
 Q2 2024
 Improving information flows to third party providers 对快速支付和开放银行中一致和确定的支付状态进行差距分析 OBIE
 Q3 2023
 Consult on changes to error code requirements FCA Q4 2023
 考虑是否需要在开放银行和Faster Payments错误消息之间保持一致 PSR Q4 2023
 咨询有关付款状态的一致和明确的信息 FCA
 Q2 2024
 Promoting additional open banking services 发布工作组的职权范围,将VRP扩展到广泛的用例之外 FCA
 Q2 2023
 发布十大网博靠谱平台高级api的商业框架原则的讨论文件 FCA
 Q2 2023
 起草一份交付计划和框架,以便分阶段推出非横扫式VRP VRP working group Q3 2023
 就加快支付的变化进行咨询,以便分阶段推出非扫描式VRP PSR Q4 2023
 进行消费者研究,以确定(脆弱的)消费者的关键和未来用例和风险 FCA
 Q4 2023
 就支持非全面VRP推出和/或采用更广泛的高级api多边协议的需求进行咨询 FCA
 Q2 2024


In short, 这是一个非常广泛和雄心勃勃的计划,需要支付生态系统中几乎所有参与者的贡献和合作, with the OBIE (and its future successor) taking the lions share. 英国开放银行的未来将始终取决于这项工作的成功实施和成果. 

Evolution not revolution

June has seen the JROC waste no time in moving forward, 至少因为这项工作的时间安排很有挑战性. 现在已经成立了工作组,重点关注建立OBIE的继任者和扩大可变经常性付款, and the OBIE has been given a long to-do list. But can we expect a summer of revolution, which many in the industry feel open banking so desperately needs? Probably not. The FCA’s gaze is likely transfixed, at least for the short to medium term, 支持其最新的全行业监管变革——消费者责任. That remains talk of the town and one wonders whether open banking, and the scale of work needed to move it forward, remains in its shadow for the time being.

So, 虽然我们可能没有一个明确的答案,从现在起五年后开放银行会是什么样子, we at least have a plan of action. What remains to be seen is how quickly government, regulators and participants are willing to move in the direction of travel. 在接下来的几个月里,这个故事不会很快结束.

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