

At 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Ryan Swann, Founder of RiskSmart.


RiskSmart is an all-new risk management platform designed specifically for SMEs.


那是因为它的目的是. We’re not just here to make the lives of risk professionals – who have been historically underserved - easier.

我们是来帮助他们在工作中出类拔萃的, cutting out the faff and allowing them to get the the recognition they deserve.

但在技术层面上, RiskSmart is a far more advanced piece of tech than has previously graced the GRC world.

It provides a hub for all things risk management: an in-built library of customisable risks; quantifiable risk scores so you know when to take action; data-driven insights for smarter decision making; and our very own artificial intelligence, 阿里, 这有助于确保您的风险管理面向未来.

In order to tackle today’s challenging economic climate, businesses need empowering. Managing risks with confidence is critical to growth – and that’s exactly what RiskSmart is here to help you do.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

Debatably, there are three: distractions, accessibility, and talent.

We all know that tech offers a lot of critical solutions for the modern world. A lot of the time, we give them due praise, jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon.

偶尔, 虽然, that means some of the new tech filtering through can serve to distract from the bigger issues.

No one is denying the cultural impact that cryptocurrency and NFTs have already had or will continue to have. 现实是, 虽然, that the UK economy is facing a recession and a cost of living crisis that has already begun to bite.

Both businesses and consumers need solutions that make a tangible impact on people, 地球, 和利润.


This applies to both its usability – so that its designed with people of all abilities in mind – and its distribution.

We need affordable services that account for the current inequalities in scope and resources.

如果我们做不到? 我们将开始看到科技行业的人才流失. 这已经发生了.


As a start-up, simply being here is something we’re hugely proud of.

大多数企业都走不了这么远, so the fact that we getting ready to take RiskSmart to the next level – and still learning along the way – isn’t something we take for granted.

That being said, our biggest achievement to date has to be our brand’s launch.

作为一个默默无闻的科技品牌, we were confident in our proposition and our tech – of course, 我们过去是(现在也是)!). 但这并不意味着你会优雅地着陆.

谢天谢地,我们做到了. After netting £1,000,000 in investment, we unveiled RiskSmart to the public back in August.

从那时起, we’ve starred in over 30 publications and quickly amassed an organic following of over 700 over on LinkedIn.

最令人兴奋的是? 我们才刚刚开始.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?


Since the turn of the millennium, we’ve known that digital threats are our biggest concern. 你知道,除了流行病.

在某些方面,这并没有什么错. 熟悉会带来舒适,改变会带来风险. 如果没坏,就不要修.

我们的问题是, 虽然, 作为前风险专业人士, 是我们认为它坏了吗. 或者,至少,它有点年久失修了.

Risk managers are open-minded critical thinkers, and we should all be glad for it. 但要真正让人相信有更好的, more efficient way of managing risk will be a challenge when their business’s operations are on the line.

The most important thing to note is that Risksmart isn’t here to replace risk professionals, 远非如此. We work how you work, so we’ll slot in right alongside any of your existing software or processes.

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?

撇开宏观经济变化不谈, there’s absolutely no reason to believe that the future of Manchester’s tech sector doesn’t look as bright as ever.

Our universities are world-class, and we’re seeing an increasingly diverse interest from students.

We’re already starting to see the next generation of tech thinkers emerge – and they’ve all grown up with technology.

他们知道这些东西是怎么运作的. They’re brimming with new ideas and unprecedented enthusiasm. 如果说有什么不同的话,那就是我们可能即将被教育.

至于已经存在的技术, 它正以我们从未见过的速度被采用, 无论是B2B还是B2C.


You only have to take one look at 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 to see that...

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?


例如,我们注册为待定企业. Business should be about people, 地球, 和利润 – but too many simply chase the latter.


One of our most recent social media posts was looking at examples of poor risk management in cinema, 对我们来说, 风险领结框架是一个风险TIE战斗机.

如果你不是也没关系... but feel free to get us chatting when you’re on a demo or call with us.

Just know that the conversation might take a lengthy detour.


要了解更多十大网博靠谱平台RiskSmart的信息, 点击这里.

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At 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Ryan Swann, Founder of RiskSmart.

