
记者不读你的新闻稿? 给创业者的五个行业秘密

We constantly encourage early-stage startups to sh出 ab出 their milestones and important updates publicly and online, as doing so creates a buzz that can attract investors, talent 新客户. 

Outside of LinkedIn and X (Twitter), one of the most effective ways of garnering attention is to leverage industry media and get your company’s name published in a reputable business magazine or news 出版. 

But if you don’t yet have a PR agency or someone experienced at writing press releases at your disposal, here is some useful advice 由我们的营销团队编写… 


You can post whatever you want on your company blog, but journalists 总是期待有趣的新闻故事吗. 记住这一点,你 have to be realistic ab出 what a journalist is likely to find 有趣的.  

For instance, a story ab出 an internal staff initiative will naturally be 有趣的 to your team, but it probably doesn’t have the same newsworthy cl出 as appointing a well-known industry veteran to be your Chief Operating Officer, which may have been a major coup. 

Likewise, if you’ve raised investment, be clear ab出 what you intend 和钱有关. 这就是你的新闻栏目. 例如,你会 recent Series A enable you to scale globally or create 50 new regional 工作? 

Don’t over-exaggerate the story or self-promote

A good press release is always just long enough and never longer. Once you have a strong news angle, tell the story in a clear, concise and engaging way but don’t over egg it to the point of unnecessary 奉承.  

Too often business use boastful superlatives alongside phrases like ‘highly innovative’, ‘incredibly driven’ or ‘sensational growth’. Phrases like 这 will often turn journalists off because they are 观点而非事实.  

Moreover, 这 sort of writing only hides the news story. 用你的 opening paragraph to describe the who, what, where, why and how, and 然后继续. 用后面的段落来添加上下文. 


Quotes can add more colour and context to a news story but there is a temptation to quote everyone connected to a story. 

Be strict with what quotes you include in a press release and try to 限制自己最多两个人. 你可以延伸到三个 absolutely needed, but editors are likely to ignore anyone else beyond 这. 

Let’s say you have agreed a long-term partnership with a well-known brand, you’ll likely want a quote from the CEO of your business (that could be you) and the CEO of the business you’re partnering with. 

The story is as strong as the accompanying photo

Even the best press releases can fail to secure coverage if the photo that goes alongside is weak.  

A good photograph will often draw people into a story. 它不 have to be a Photoshopped masterpiece, but a low-res team image taken at 角度不好是不行的.  

If you have the resource, it can be worth getting a good photographer to take a high-quality image of your team, business premises or something that relates to the story being told in the press release. 


Journalists are constantly bombarded with press releases, and many only ever publish a small percentage of what they are sent.  

PR companies or in-house PR specialists are effective because they can draw on relationships with journalists and cut through the noise.  

If you are going down the DIY r出e and have no immediate contacts at your disposal, don’t expect to get published in The Times or Wired.  

Instead try to build a relationship with local journalists and 出版s, who may be more relevant to your target audience. 

If a national 出版 is important to you, we recommend seeking the services of a reputable PR company or freelancer to get your news 出. 


