

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to conduct interviews with our members to delve deeper into their areas of passion within the dynamic digital and technology landscape of Greater Manchester. 本周我们将与Allan Schweitz,企业架构师进行对话 印尼盾

Can you give us a quick intro to the client and the problem they wanted to solve that led them to reach out to 印尼盾?

TravelCo, 全球最大的差旅管理集团之一, 根据推荐联系了印尼盾, to reimagine their data platform that would spearhead their digital transformation. 他们面临着过时的挑战, rigid data systems that were hampering customer experience and employee efficiency. Data quality and data sovereignty (GDPR) was their biggest concern at the time. 遗留的数据平台和硬编码系统缺乏灵活性, 使其难以和缓慢地适应不断变化的业务需求. This resulted in poor customer experiences due to their data being inaccurate, 在很多情况下,迟到甚至失踪. 它还通过手工工作流程降低了员工的生产力. The company realised they needed to fully transform their data infrastructure to meet the demands of corporate customers who expected excellent service and real-time visibility into travel spend and patterns. 因此, 他们寻求印尼盾的专业知识来提供创新的产品, 基于云的企业平台,支持实时数据分析, 提高数据质量, 简化流程,提高业务敏捷性.

What were some of the key challenges and pain points the travel company faced to meet customer demands?

The key challenges and pain points that the TravelCo teams were facing included outdated, rigid data systems that hampered customer experience and employee efficiency. These systems lacked flexibility, 使其难以和缓慢地适应不断变化的业务需求. This resulted in poor customer experiences when agents couldn't quickly update reservations or access accurate data. 它还通过手工工作流程降低了员工的生产力. The company also faced issues with hard-coded 'business logic' changes, 哪些实现起来既耗时又昂贵. 他们还在数据质量方面苦苦挣扎, 哪一点对于提供详细的差旅费用洞察至关重要, 员工的出行习惯和模式, 趋势和风险评估. 该公司还需要符合监管要求, 例如GDPR和其他数据隐私立法.

We'd love to hear more about the workshop approach you took to deeply understand their needs. 这是如何为你提供一个创新的解决方案?

印尼盾’s approach to deeply understanding the needs of our clients begins with a custom-designed Springboard Workshop. This workshop brings together a cross-functional client team with a selection of 印尼盾 colleagues, allowing us to understand the root of the problem from multiple perspectives. This diversity of thought and experience is key in generating innovative solutions. 一旦我们对问题有了清楚的了解, we bring the challenge to our world-class research and development initiative, 印尼盾实验室. 在这里, 我们探讨问题和潜在的解决方案, considering commercial or open-source solutions that would allow non-technical staff to make rule changes rapidly. Once we have developed ideas for potential routes, our 印尼盾 Valuepath™ approach kicks in. 我们建立了一个强大而独立的价值证明原型, 让客户看到, 感受和体验工作原型. This approach not only helps us to deliver innovative solutions but also builds trust with our clients, demonstrating our integrity and commitment to achieving transformational business outcomes.

Walk us through some of the biggest improvements and benefits the new data platform drove for their business.

The new data platform drove significant improvements and benefits for the business. 其中包括将客户入职流程加快10倍, 提高数据的准确性和深度, 业务规则更改的实现速度提高10倍, 数据洞察的时间也快了3倍. Operational efficiency was increased and dependency on technical resources was reduced. The technology landscape was modernised and real-time data analytics with simplified reporting were enabled. The platform also allowed for easy rule changes empowering non-technical users and flexible scaling to handle usage spikes. 客户和同事的体验得到了改善, 从数据中获取见解的速度也提高了. 过去,实现业务代码更改需要花费数周时间, 但是有了新的平台, 现在快了10倍. The technology stack is now more fit-for-purpose to the strategic priorities of the business.

给我们社区里的其他科技领袖和创新者, what are few key takeaways or lessons you want them to learn from this success story with a leading travel company?

  Embrace Digital Transformation: Recognise when it's time for a revolution rather than an evolution. 在TravelCo的案例中, they realised that their legacy systems were hampering customer experience and employee efficiency. 他们决定投资于数字化转型, building a new data platform from the ground up with the 客户和同事体验 at its heart.

  Rapid Prototyping: 印尼盾 developed a working prototype in just four weeks, allowing TravelCo to experience the potential solution and justify the significant investment in digital transformation. This approach reduces risk and helps secure buy-in from business sponsors.

  Focus on Business Outcomes: The new data platform had an immediate impact on TravelCo's business, 提高数据质量, 客户和同事体验, 操作效率和从数据中获取见解的速度. The technology stack became more aligned with the strategic priorities of the business.

Founders like this have a rare breed of tenacity and are worth keeping an eye on.


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