
# MDTalentDay - Exhibit at the North's largest tech careers fair

Struggling to find the next generation of tech talent?

We have some good news for you, Manchester Digital members can purchase an exhibition stand at # MDTalentDay for just £400+VAT.

# MDTalentDay 由Auto Trader赞助, is the largest digital and tech careers fair in the North, 产生超过2的客流量,000 digital and tech job seekers in a prime city centre location, The Principal Hotel on Oxford Road.


  • Showcase the roles you have available
  • 提高你的形象 
  • 展示你的职场文化
  • Meet jobseekers and other businesses
  • Enhance and amplify you employer brand
  • Play your part in supporting the community


Why do keep # MDTalentDay costs so low?

Because we need your support to retain the best talent within Greater Manchester.

As the trade body for the tech and digital sector, we recognise that ensuring there is enough talent to secure growth is critical for our industry’s future success.


What will my business gain by exhibiting?

通过在 # MDTalentDay you’ll be able to meet over 2000 graduates and job seekers all of whom are looking for opportunities across the whole tech spectrum: coding, 设计, 项目管理, 市场营销, UX, 安全, 人工智能和更多.

Your attendance will also highlight to the next generation that they can fulfil their career ambitions and enjoy fantastic careers by staying right here in Greater Manchester.

What did exhibitors like about last years’ event?

To read an account of last year's' event follow this link, or just read the feedback below.

“Number of students attending was amazing. 也, they did their research so they've asked really good questions about the roles, 机会和职业道路. It's always nice to feel like you have an impact on someone's early career aspirations.” - 在海滩上

“Great venue, lots of attendees, great atmosphere. Very well organised by Manchester Digital as well” MirrorWeb

“There was a huge turn out which was really impressive and was probably the most amount of people I've seen at a careers event. Everyone attending was really keen and engaging. 房间的布局很好. The timings of the event were also really good we had people coming to our stand all day.”  果汁学院

What benefits did exhibitors gain from attending Talent Day?

“Attending the event always benefits our business, we get to showcase our business to future talent.” 创新技术

“Lots of people didn't know who we were or that we had offices in Manchester. Talent Day helped to put this right.” 毕加索

"It important for business in Manchester to support the growth of digital talent so we're glad we came, especially as we hope to continue our conversations with many of the people we spoke to at the event." Deep3

“Talent Day helped us to increase awareness amongst job seekers and students. We had a chance to connect with different businesses which is always a nice plus.” 在海滩上

“We are recruiting and we will be candidates from Talent Day. It's also encouraged us to think about industry placements for university students” MirrorWeb



Follow this link to check out what happened at 去年的展览

Or, if you've heard enough you can 在此预订展位.

