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Focus on Diversity: How our members are approaching diversity

Focus on Diversity: How our members are approaching diversity

弥合数字和技术领域的多样性差距是该行业乃至整个社会的一个重要问题, and crucial in driving equality. A diverse workforce has positive implications for businesses, including a better understanding of customers and employees, better and more inclusive products and services, more creativity and innovation, and more talent to choose from wider skill sets. 


Bentley Motors

We focus, we live, 我们激励——我们关心我们的同事和未来的人才,创造一个包容的工作环境,以及公平和平等的机会,支持每个人发挥自己的最佳水平.

As a global organisation, we have a responsibility to embrace diversity, drive positive change and ensure that our business reflects our society. 包容性是指我们每个人每天在工作中都能自在地展现真实的自我,并因我们是谁、我们能做什么而感到有价值. 

As a key part of our ethos, 我们所有的经理现在都通过了我们的“多元化获胜”培训计划,该计划将于2022年对所有同事开放. We also have five established Colleague-led Diversity & 由多个分会组成的共融网络,协助推动我们的多元化和共融计划. 

随着我们努力实现“超越100人”战略,以及到2025年管理层中多元化候选人比例达到30%的目标,我们清楚地看到了多元化和包容性如何推动成功.  Building a greater range of experience, creativity and inclusion enhances our ability to understand, develop, and attract the future talents, ideas and customers who will help define the next generation of Bentley Motors.


毫不奇怪,科技和能源行业在非白人和女性人口中都存在代表性不足的问题. By getting involved in the community and speaking at, sponsoring and hosting events that support underrepresented groups in tech, 我们已经能够建立一个更具包容性的团队,并为来自更不同背景的人建立进入该行业的途径. 我们与十大网博靠谱平台和伦敦贫困地区的学校合作,确保学生了解他们可以选择的职业,并提供工作经验实习,这样他们就可以尝试自己以前可能从未接触过的角色. 我们还为女性和认同任何黑人的人举办年度技术和客户管理实习项目, African or Caribbean background.

We understand that retention is as important as recruitment. We’re the only large energy company with a gender pay gap in favour of women, and treat all of our employees as adults and individuals, with transparent and respectful communication, flexibility to suit everybody's needs, and a focus on work-life balance with unlimited annual leave. We also allow our existing employees to contribute to our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) strategy, by getting involved in visits, training and writing content. EDI isn’t one person’s job at KrakenFlex, it is a group effort.


It is so important to us that EVERYONE is made to feel like they are truly welcome, safe and free to be themselves in Naimuri. 


We are passionate about creating a welcoming, relaxed environment during our recruitment process and this starts the very first time someone meets us, whether online or face-to-face. 

Making sure we are conscious of bias (i.(通过候选人可能支持的足球队的影响)面试是至关重要的,我们努力确保在入职和入职过程中,每个新员工都感觉自己是Naimuri的重要成员. 我们定期征求反馈意见,并与新澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台的人一起举办研讨会,以确保我们不会忽视这种包容性.

At Naimuri, 性格和能力一样重要(甚至更重要),我们积极鼓励不同背景和身份(具有不同观点和价值观)的候选人澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们, 以确保Naimuri在包容和创造性的环境中不断发展并创造出最好的作品.

Continuous improvement is a cornerstone of Naimuri. We can always be better.

It is important that all voices and opinions are heard so as well as workshops and lean coffee meetings, 我们每3个月进行一次调查,调查内容包括员工对我们的包容程度以及我们如何做出改变. This feedback is then shared across Naimuri and we take action based on the feedback received.

We have a number of internal power groups, 哪些是由我们的员工和他们的个人激情或他们认为对他们和/或企业文化重要的主题驱动的.

The Power Group members come together to create, promote, embed, and sustain their topic throughout Naimuri. At Naimuri we have a Diversity and Inclusion Power Group. This matters to us.

Nimble Approach

At Nimble, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of all we do. 我们尊重差异,认可每个人为公司和文化带来的独特价值和优势.

Nimble is a safe space for people to be themselves and grow. Our open culture, ED&I events and training, 确保每个人都知道差异的价值,我们培育和鼓励支持真正包容性组织的行为.

We take time to understand every individual's goals and ambitions. Supporting them to achieve them, regardless of background. Everyone has a fair opportunity to thrive and meet their goals. There are frameworks for consistency, with room to tailor to individual needs built in.

We’re a Disability Confident Employer and continually monitor our recruitment to improve accessibility, and remove bias and gender-specific language.

People are at the heart of what we do, and our number one focus throughout Nimble.

Lottie Robinson, Director of People @ Nimble Approach

Swiss Re

Swiss Re UK is committed to building an inclusive workforce as we see this as key to business success. 今年早些时候,我们接受并获得了国家平等标准(NES)认证,该认证为建设包容性劳动力提供了战略指导.

Ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates through our recruitment process is important for us. We use specialist software, Textio, to screen our job descriptions and engage specialist recruitment agencies and programmes, including myGwork and CodeFirstGirls, to create a strong pipeline of diverse talent and reach under-represented candidates. We welcome job shares and part-time roles.

We have seven Inclusion & Diversity Networks run by passionate employees, with representation from various business units, job levels and diverse backgrounds and identities. Our Networks work with our senior leaders on our Inclusive Leadership Champion programme to enact change. For example, 网络推出了我们的英国包容性语言指南和大师班,目的是增加对关键术语的教育,让每个人都能谈论包容性.

通过#inclusionstories,我们邀请员工分享真实的经历,让同事们能够相互交流,更好地理解站在别人的立场上是什么感觉. The stories help us to highlight different views on inclusion, 鼓励我们的瑞士再保险社区更公开地讨论和思考这些敏感和重要的话题.

To learn more please visit Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Swiss Re.


你需要和我们的人力资源团队沟通,了解他们的秘密是什么,但第一步是我们如何招聘新同事——这是一个双向的对话,双方都可以发现他们是否适合彼此,文化一致性是招聘的关键标准之一. 如果你不懂得尊重他人,不懂得我们的多样性,那么你的技术再好也没用, the better of a job we can do. 

The other important component is that at Zühlke you will not find a “Diversity & “包容委员会”,因为我们深信,包容是我们所做的一切不可或缺的计划, 从招聘到项目工作以及中间的每一步都要考虑到这一点. Furthermore, we recognise that we are all different in many ways, so we make sure everyone gets the right support to bring their best, e.g. 神经多样性的候选人可以在整个招聘过程中要求适当的住宿,或者在日常工作中要求特殊的工作安排.

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