

What tech trends are driving innovation and shaping the 电子商务部门?

Last week, Manchester Digital asked some of our sponsors of the 电子商务会议 what tech trends they anticipate to be driving innovation within the 电子商务部门 in 2023. 本周, we're asking some of our members and other businesses from across the sector for their insight. 

Featuring 空间48, Hyperfinity, 流体商务, 黑马, and 创意内容作品. 



无头商业是一个用来描述一个解耦架构的术语,其中后端系统为网站提供动力(包括库存), 结帐, CMS, 和CRM)与前端用户界面是分开的. 无头商务系统是api驱动的,很容易与其他应用程序和平台集成. Its versatility allows brands to create custom experiences for their customers, 实现无缝体验, regardless of whether they are shopping online or in-store. 无头商业, brands can easily connect their online and offline channels, providing customers with a consistent experience no matter how they shop. 随着这项技术的不断发展, 无头商业将变得更加强大, enabling brands to create truly unique and engaging shopping experiences for their customers.

Ai-written content offers quick and dynamic opportunities to create content.

Technology is making strides in creating AI-written content. Scalenut和Jasper等平台使用与搜索引擎机器人相同的语言解析算法,只需很少的人工输入就能按需生成高质量的文章. 允许品牌大规模创建内容, 这使得它们在那些寻求更快的周转速度,但仍希望在网上保持自己身份的企业中很受欢迎. 这种方法的缺点是,有时人工智能编写的内容对人类来说很困难,缺乏情感或连贯性. 然而, as technology continues improving in its ability to create engaging material, 有可能会越来越重视使用这样的技术与SEO策略.

总之, 最大的收获是,软件的创建和部署方式正在发生一些令人兴奋的、可能改变游戏规则的转变. These two examples only scratch the surface of what is possible. Still, they highlight some significant areas of change: increasing personalisation & 智能和网络之间的界限模糊 & 离线经验. 

点击这里 来了解更多十大网博靠谱平台空间48的信息



We’re living through a well-documented period of economic uncertainty. 电子商务公司的生存和发展将通过做出最好的商业决策来实现.

A tech trend I’m excited about is the rise of decision intelligence. Using data science and AI to understand customer behaviour and needs, then applying that insight to make great commercial decisions.

例如, 提供的产品范围, 如何推销它以最大化转换率, 它是如何以个性化的方式向客户推销的, and how pricing and promotions are optimised to maximise margin.

决策智能就是将数据科学和人工智能的力量交到业务用户手中, 不管他们是否会写代码. 数据科学和人工智能的普及为电商公司区别于竞争对手提供了巨大的潜力.

Retail media is another trend that’s taking ecommerce by storm. It enables brands to reach their target audience online with much greater certainty, 和零售商一起开新店, 高利润的收入流.

Key to a successful retail media operation is intelligence use of first party data. Understanding customers through the lens of which products they buy and browse, then targeting them with compelling ads when they’re on a shopping mission, will yield higher sales for retailers and more satisfied customers.

点击这里 来了解更多十大网博靠谱平台Hyperfinity的信息


Live Shopping - or Live Commerce - has to be one of the most exciting trends at the moment. Not solely because of the exciting revenue figures and conversion rate it is set to generate, 而是因为在英国,对于各种规模的品牌来说,这仍然是一个让自己在竞争中脱颖而出的新机会. 

Live Commerce presents a new marketing channel for online stores to explore, and a way for retailers to connect with their online customers by presenting their personality, 产品和文化以一种全新的互动方式. 

Live Shopping can be used for large groups to present a wide range of products, 但它也可以用于一对一的基础上,提供更个性化的私人购物感觉. 


The growth trajectory of live commerce is set to explode in the next four years. 麦肯锡十大网博靠谱平台这个话题的一份报告指出, “到2026年,由现场电子商务发起的销售可能占所有电子商务的10%到20%。”.

Early-adopters of live commerce are already benefiting from this new channel, and learning how to create the best live shopping experiences. Some brands have reported record daily sales and conversion rates of over 30%. 这无疑是未来12个月值得关注的趋势. 

点击这里 了解更多十大网博靠谱平台流动商业的信息


从点击付费的角度来看,Google的Performance Max是我们看到的最大的新技术趋势,它正在推动电子商务领域的创新. 简单来说,Performance Max或pMax是十大网博靠谱平台将购物与其他渠道(如搜索)统一起来, 显示和视频. It is blurring the line between how you reach your audience across all these channels. 我们把Performance Max看作是旧的智能购物活动的升级版,允许用户轻松地应用它——以帮助活动更好地执行. 虽然它才一岁, 它在整个数字领域被迅速采用, 但它仍然是, 非常, 在婴儿期. 

我们认为pMax是一种创新趋势,部分原因是由于它的快速采用,但也由于它对自动化和性能改进的积极影响. 竞选活动看到了它的成功. 然而, it isn’t all bright lights, the flipside is the lack of visibility and control. 你需要意识到任何品牌或不受欢迎的竞争对手搜索词可能会虚假地夸大你的收入或ROAS. 也有一个危险的线索通过绕过你的负面关键字列表. 您可以添加一个否定关键字列表, but you will need to go through Google support rather than the conventional way. 

我们肯定会看到pMax在电子商务领域占有一席之地, 然而, 它是十大网博靠谱平台尝试和测试不同的策略,因为最佳实践会根据你所处的垂直领域而有所不同. 总体趋势令人兴奋, 尽管谷歌是否会允许更多的控制还有待观察(就像之前提到的,允许负面关键字,但只有在你申请的情况下), 或者它是否会在黑盒技术上加倍下注. 

点击这里 去了解更多十大网博靠谱平台黑马的事


我们正处在一个新的商业前沿的边缘. 未来几十年,我们与互联网互动的方式将从我们熟知的2D互联网发展到一个完全沉浸式的3D世界. This will have a profound impact on the way we work, play and shop. 电子商务是二维互联网的副产品. What the future holds for eCommerce in the Metaverse age is still evolving. One thing that is clear is that brands can take steps to prepare for that future today, 通过投资Metaverse现成的内容. 这项投资现在可以在2D互联网上用于创建更好的静止和移动产品图像,以及为未来的3D元世界- AR和VR以及沉浸式产品定制奠定基础. This will ultimately enable those brands to cut through the noise, better engage audiences and improve the quality of their shopping experiences. 

Metaverse Ready Content 

未来的品牌, 那些模糊了物理和数字客户体验之间的界限的人是否会在更有意义的层面上参与到Metaverse Ready Content中. We predict that there will be a rise in the use of CGI and Digital Twin Technology, allowing you to create an exact replica or “digital twin” of your products in a virtual space. 你可以为任何东西建模,从鞋子, to handbags and small accessories to large furniture and complex products and environments. In a nutshell, Digital Twin technology sets the foundation for what’s possible in the Metaverse. You can take your 3D model and make it playable (think 360 spins, videos and more). 


At CCW, we think Augmented Reality (AR) and “In-Room” Product Previews are here to stay. 在你的网站和营销材料中,你的产品形象越好、越准确,购物者就越有信心做出购买决定. 如果买家能有效地“先试后买”,或者在自己家里想象一种产品,他们就会更有信心转换. We believe AR is a quick win that will lead to fewer returns, less shipping costs and ultimately make a demonstrable difference to your bottom line.


3D和交互式产品配置器是我们开始在在线零售和B2B领域看到更多的另一个工具. Just as with AR - Configurators will soon become the norm allowing buyers to visualise, 并在令人惊叹的3D环境中定制产品. Configurators remove barriers to what is often a lengthy sales process. 一个简单的概念执行得好可能是失去销售和终身客户之间的区别. Critical in today’s ever-more competitive retail landscape. 

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