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我们很自豪能成为十大网博靠谱平台的冠军 ecommerce sector at our first-ever Ecommerce Conference,将于2022年12月1日在科技孵化器举行. 这个为期一天的活动将挤满来自行业专业人士的演讲, keynote speakers, 互动会议和交流机会.


我们的主讲人是 Rise At Seven, Kristal Ireland, who will be sharing her insights on creating the perfect cross-channel brand moment to drive sales. 

“Kristal Ireland is a multi award-winning digital marketing and technology expert who has worked for the likes of Virgin, UK Coaching, 国民信托和欢迎来到约克郡. 

Her recent move back to agency side saw her take the role as Executive Director of the UK's best PR Agency outside of London, 七点起床,她领导战略, SEO, 内容和绩效营销要素的代理. 

在她的领域有近20年的职业生涯, Kristal是一位知名的行业奖项评委和会议发言人. 她是一位充满激情的多元化和包容性倡导者,也是慈善机构的董事.”


André Brown, Founder & CEO of Advanced Commerce

安德鲁·布朗是一位在搜索和销售方面有20年经验的行业专家, 作为attrqt的联合创始人,他担任了15年的首席执行官, during which time they grew from zero to the leading online merchandising platform in Europe. 2018年,安德鲁离开attrqt,开始自己的新业务, Advanced Commerce, 所以你今天看到的是大约四年工作的高潮, 尽管只交易了一年多. André has taken all his learnings from his years in the online merchandising industry and used it to create a unique, market-leading platform, GrapheneHC, 由于其极快的速度,它正在席卷市场, 具有竞争力的价格和广泛的功能.”

Vladimir Mulhem, Technology & Innovation Director at Creative Content Works

Vladimir Mulhem是Creative Content Works (CCW)的联合创始人之一。. CCW汇聚了世界级的创意人才, proven production and cutting-edge technology to create award-winning work for leading retailers and brands in the UK. 

As Technology & Innovation Director, Vlad ensures our clients stay at the forefront of the industry with Metaverse Ready Content.”

Kevin Williams & Tom Mercer, Technology Director & Commercial Director at GAIN LINE

Kevin Williams
“Kevin has spent the last 17 years helping a substantial number of businesses optimise and grow, 无论是通过战略运营建议, or implementing technical solutions. When it comes to empowering your team and growing your business, Kev is the one to speak to.”


Tom Mercer
拥有超过7年的成长咨询经验 & marketing, Tom boasts a wealth of knowledge when it comes to new growth avenues and identifying pain points in your business. 曾在谷歌和多家领先的营销机构任职, 汤姆准备好提供明智的指导和专业知识.”


Ricardas Montvila, VP Strategy at Mapp

“就像许多电子宠物一代的孩子一样, 里克是一名数字原住民,他对数字营销和隐私很感兴趣. He is responsible for making Mapp Cloud the platform that their 3000+ brands and agencies adore and helping them create value-based and insight-led relationships with consumers worldwide. Over the last 10 years Ric has helped hundreds of brands to unlock the value of data in their customer engagement strategies and he is currently on a crusade to challenge marketers to fuel their decisions with insight rather than gut-feel.”


Marcus Hadfield & Adam Hopwood, Chief Strategy Officer & Head of Product, Apadmi & Co-op
“与Co-op和Apadmi的对话:如何创建一款忠诚度应用并推动2.3 million downloads"

马库斯是数字产品业务Apadmi的首席战略官. 他是一名董事会级别的营销人员,在综合机构拥有超过20年的经验, 在各个学科和大多数领域赢得并提供获奖活动. 马库斯利用他的专业知识为从产品策略到广告的所有事情提供建议, customer experience to conversion, 和数据来优化Apadmi的客户组合.”

“亚当是Co-op的首席设计师,负责整个产品生命周期, 涵盖了从优化到用户体验设计的所有内容. Adam is part of a multidisciplinary team at the Co-op and focuses on driving human-centred development within the design of their new products and services for customers.”

Neil McKay, CEO of Endless Gain

“Neil is the CEO for one of the UK’s leading ‘customer experience’ and ‘experimentation’ agencies Endless Gain.

Endless Gain’s focus is to help brands accelerate their growth by improving their customers' digital buying experience.”

Brand Panel - "How are brands integrating new technologies into their businesses and what will have the biggest impact?"

由高级副总裁全球总监Monica Tailor主持 McCann

莫妮卡是广告网络麦肯公司的全球社交媒体总监. 在数字领域拥有超过25年的经验, Monica has worked across almost every digital discipline you can think of and now leads McCann’s global social media practice, McCann LIVE. Based in Manchester but working with McCann offices everywhere and clients that include Microsoft, L’Oreal, Aldi UK and Reckitt.”

Neil Memmott, Head of Technology at The Very Group

Neil Memmott是Very集团数字客户体验的技术主管, 负责一个大约100人的工程团队. Currently undertaking a multi-year technology transformation from a monolithic eCommerce platform to a MACH architecture. Prior to joining Very, Neil was Head of Software Engineering for BBC iPlayer and Sounds during a period of accelerated migration to streaming services. Before that Technology Director at Auto Trader during their transition from magazine publisher to pure digital player.”

Tim Willis, Head of Ecommerce at PushON

“Tim is a seasoned eCommerce professional who joined PushON at the start of 2021 to head up the agency's new South West division. He brings a wealth of eCommerce knowledge and cutting-edge technology experience having run his own eCommerce agency in Bristol for 11 years. 与此同时,釜山在西南地区的影响力也在不断扩大, 蒂姆花很多时间与商人交谈, understanding their requirements and growth plans and selecting the right products and channels to deliver success.”

Agency Panel - "Is Composable Commerce the future?"

由电子商务副总监Chris McCarthy-Stott主持 PushON

“Adobe Commerce (Magento) expert, 拥有17年的电子商务经验, leading a 20+ strong development team specialising in complex user journeys and business transformation.”

斯蒂芬妮·克肖,合伙人销售经理 Adobe Commerce

stephen Kershaw是英国、中东和以色列的合作伙伴销售经理 & South Africa at Adobe. She has worked in eCommerce for the last 11 years before Adobe she worked in marketing automation and hosting. She has had the pleasure of working with many famous brands supporting their digital transformation strategies and projects.”

Steve Gale,首席商务官 CTI Group

“在数字领域工作了20多年, Steve has been a software developer, a technical consultant, and managed his web development agency; before moving to CTI Digital as Commercial Director 11 years ago. Since joining, he has been instrumental in helping CTI become one of the UK's largest independent agencies, where the turnover has grown to over £18 million; from being the 19th employee to sitting on the agency's board of the now 200-strong award-winning, full-service digital agency, Steve is now driving the broader CTI Groups commercial vision across the globe as Group Commercial Director.

Steve has worked across various industries to deliver transformative solutions for ambitious brands and influential organisations, from Retail, DTC, B2C,  FMCG, Travel, and Tourism to Arts and Creative.”

Nik Southworth, Chief Product & Technology Officer at IMS 

“Experienced technology leader driving transformational change and building highly performing digital teams fit for today's challenges.

Still very much a geek at heart, I now find myself leading teams to enact and delivery strategic change but still like to get my hands dirty when I am able.”

我们期待在12月1日星期四听到我们的演讲者和小组成员的更多信息. 在此之前,您可以通过点击了解更多十大网博靠谱平台电子商务会议的信息 here.

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