
Building employer brand to support your scaling strategy

Last week Manchester Digital’s Kate Wilson welcomed award-winning PR and communications agency, 刷新’s Laura Mashiter and Lucy Moore, alongside specialist IT cybersecurity distributor, Distology克洛伊·瑟尔沃尔说, 参加了一场小组讨论,主题是雇主品牌应该如何成为任何规模扩张战略的重要组成部分. 


Over the past few years, Manchester has become a thriving tech hub. 从全球企业的北方总部到几家科技独角兽和多家成功的初创公司, the city has become a renowned hotspot for flourishing tech companies. 然而, 在一个拥挤的市场中竞争,吸引和留住最优秀的人才往往是一个挑战.

One of the companies currently relishing in Manchester’s booming tech scene is Distology, which 刷新 is supporting with its scaling strategy. This is the advice they had for other companies in a similar situation during the discussion…

1. 确保时机正确

Engage a PR agency at the right time and don’t rush into it. 接下来的A轮融资是一个好时机
to look at PR support - prior to this is often a little too early.

It’s important to establish what your brand stands for and what your values are first. 

A strong brand really does make the process much easier and ultimately, the company more appealing to relevant stakeholders from employees and clients/customers, to prospective investors you may want to target as you work towards series B funding. 

然后,公关可以支持从建立雇主品牌到吸引和留住人才,再到在新的和现有的目标行业/市场中提高品牌知名度的一切, 甚至是销售线索的产生.

2. 制定时间和策略

就像你的整体商业战略一样, 花时间计划并指派一个专门的团队来制定和塑造雇主的品牌战略, 再把它付诸实践.

进一步说, ensure you set SMART objectives 那 centre around what you’re looking to achieve, before developing your approach/overall strategy 那 details how you’re going to get t在这里.

设定kpi! Like with any strategy, it’s essential you measure success and adapt as needed. 如果有些东西不起作用, 你知道你需要改变你的方法, 所以要经常回顾和追踪

3. Ensure your marketing and HR teams are working collaboratively on your employer brand strategy

最大化你成功的机会, 你的雇主品牌战略应该由你的营销团队和人力资源团队共同制定. This ensures it really emulates the business and marries up both internal and external viewpoints, 你的信息是有凝聚力的,你的价值观不仅得到了代表,而且得到了一致的拥护和接受.

4. 从你现在的员工开始

Gallup data confirms business units with engaged workers not only have 23% higher profits against
businesses with miserable workers, but they also have higher rates of customer loyalty.


While it’s impossible to magic candidates out of thin air, 首先在你的团队内部活出你的价值观,然后再对外大声嚷嚷. 

这种方式, 当合适的候选人出现的时候, you’ve already done the work to back up your culture/employer brand.

Your current people really are your biggest advocates, 所以从它们开始是很重要的

善待他们, 庆祝他们的成功/里程碑, reward them for great work via things like surprise and delight packages, 让他们参与到你的任务中来, 让他们对公司的发展方向有发言权,并告诉他们,当涉及到公司的成功时,他们个人可以如何产生影响.

Beyond this, shout about their success externally, for instance across your social channels. 在哪里
适当的, you should also position them as figureheads to the company, 如果他们觉得舒服的话

Enabling them to comment across external channels on things like trends, 是一个让他们感到被授权的好方法吗. 

他们也可能有机会在相关的行业活动中向大学生发表演讲, centring on how to pursue a career in tech - this way, 当那些参加此类活动的人准备开始他们的职业生涯或潜在地寻求转换职业/工作时, 你的生意已经摆在我的面前了.

5. Practice what you preach when it comes to your employer brand.

It’s no secret the tech sector is struggling to bridge a growing skills gap, making attracting and retaining talent an essential element of any business strategy.

Focusing on your employer brand specifically is becoming increasingly important, with talent shortages proving a major threat across the board. 将公司定位为一个工作的好地方,并真正宣传你的积极文化,这将有助于加强你的人才储备. 


进一步说, don’t be afraid to ask people what they think of your business, 对内对外, 再加上他们对批评的看法——建设性的批评只会帮助你成长和进步.

除了, when hiring new employees, ensure their values align with the company’s. 你可以教书
the role and the skills required to do it, but you can’t always instil/change someone’s values.

6. 让你的品牌人性化

除了建立你的整体品牌, 它以公司和工作为中心,展示了在你自己的渠道(特别是你的网站和社交媒体)上在幕后工作的面孔。.

a products and services standpoint), and the business in general, employer brand very much builds

包括品牌背后的人. It’s this piece particularly 那 helps people understand if they
我想为你工作, 如果你们的价值观一致,最终, 你的立场——这些是最有可能与未来和现有人才产生共鸣的部分.

7. 行业奖项

奖励是非常有效的,应该包括在任何雇主的品牌战略中——Distology在这方面取得了很大的成功, 赢得了多个令人垂涎的奖项,包括CRN在女性频道奖上的2020年年度技术员工, which it continues to be recognised as a result of its focus on diversity and gender parity. 

除了, CRN将Distology评为2020年度云分销商,并将其评为2019年度分销商,价值低于2.5亿英镑,这确实有助于建立一个积极的雇主品牌, 因为人们想为获奖公司工作. 

而在过去的一年里, 刷新被评为多产北方的年度科技公关机构和PR Moment的年度精品公关机构.

和, 不仅仅是获胜很重要——从品牌知名度/雇主品牌的角度来看,入围也很有效.

8. Capitalise on your owned channels and lean into the resources available

社交媒体是关键. disology和刷新都在努力通过自己的社交媒体渠道让自己的业务变得人性化,并通过“与团队见面”等系列节目向人们展示幕后的人物,已被证明是成功的。. 

你也有机会从工作场所文化的角度出发,把你所宣扬的东西编织在信息中, 这有助于建立内部拥护者的网络, 他们会在自己的领英频道上自然地分享他们积极的个人工作经历吗, further helping to build a positive employer brand.

Beyond this, Distology has had a lot of success via its dedicated careers website. It’s worth noting 那 it doesn’t have to be polished but, as long as you have something to drive candidates to, 这确实有助于吸引人才. 

刷新ing job adverts and adapting the language you’re using in job descriptions, 同时尝试不同的职位头衔, is another great way to ensure you’re appealing to different people. 

It’s also important to ensure t在这里 are no barriers within your job ads – if something is in t在这里, 一定要有个理由. 确保你的招聘过程不会太长,并让你的团队参与新员工的决定——就像你任命的任何人一样, 影响他们的工作体验.

最后, 充分利用可利用的资源,并与行业内的相关协会/可靠伙伴合作. 还有十大网博靠谱平台数字, 大十大网博靠谱平台良好就业宪章, Business Growth Hub和GrowthAccelerator是很好的资源,从招聘到学习, to sharing best practice and helping shape your company culture.

团队 刷新. 和 if you’re interested in a career in tech, explore the roles Distology 目前
招聘 在这里.


Manchester Digital



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