

Its personalised approach and attention to detail is drawing consumers in with messaging tailored just for them. 然而,团队正在努力在整个组织中实现它.

我们来复习一下基础知识, from what it is to when should you use this strategy within your company.


Despite the hype, many companies struggle to define and implement ABM within their organisation. Some people summarise ABM as a sales tactic, but it’s much more than that.

基于账户的营销颠覆了销售渠道. 因为并不是所有的客户和公司都是平等的. So instead of creating a marketing strategy for a broad demographic and moving interested parties through each step of your 销售管道, ABM is about creating content and campaigns that only speak to specific accounts which you are targeting.

所以ABM并不是真正的销售函数. It’s a focused growth strategy which unites the marketing and sales team. 在一起, 你确定关键的决策者,并制定定制的方案, content and messaging for those companies which speak to their challenges or current pain points.

For example, say you work at a design agency, and your target audience is lifestyle brands. 使用入站营销技巧, you would develop content for all lifestyle brands and wait for them to come to you for more information. 然而, 在这个场景中, you don’t know if you’re reaching decision-makers and have no way of knowing if your content or ads are useful to prospects.

有了ABM,你就会把重点放在你理想客户的公司上. By 跟踪谁访问你的网站 or researching prospects and then writing content and campaigns specifically for those companies. 这样,你知道你的信息会引起共鸣.


Going from targeting individuals to targeting accounts will most likely feel like a shift. 但好处大于挑战. 如果你做得好,就会有回报.


Marketing and sales are often siloed departments, but ABM is a team sport. Marketers and salespeople need to share knowledge and work together for optimum results. Both departments keep the other accountable while bringing their unique expertise to the table by working in unison. This also ensures both time and money are spent more wisely and reduces time spent nurturing junk leads early on.


Account-based marketing is all about personalisation and a deep understanding of your customers. By tailoring content and activities to specific pain points while weaving in your product or service offering, 你从人群中脱颖而出,因为你不平庸. This dialogue and hyper-personalised content around your specific offering also inherently excludes your competitors.


ABM is a focused strategy, meaning you’ll have fewer metrics and KPIs to track. And the detailed strategy you came up with makes it easier to monitor your progress. Making goal-setting and analysing a breeze because you are looking at a much smaller data set across fewer touchpoints.


你希望自己的努力能够带来真正的价值. 反弹道导弹的目标, 精确的, personalised and measurable approach means that it delivers a higher ROI than any other type of marketing activity while limiting the amount of waste and risk.


At this point, you may wonder if ABM needs to replace your current strategy mean to attract clients. 入站式营销反映了传统的销售漏斗. It’s a sales strategy that casts a wide net using content and aims to attract, 取悦并转化客户. ABM focuses on sales and marketing processes designed to make specific types of customers convert.


So rather than picking one strategy over another, run both simultaneously. You can reuse content, resources and customer experiences to attract all types of customers.


We’ve demonstrated the benefits of using an ABM strategy and how it can complement your inbound strategy. 然而,它不应该一直使用. 让我们来解释一下.

对于初学者来说, do you have a clearly defined and proven person and know exactly who you want to do business with? 如果是, then you should take the time to target those people and companies directly rather than hope they will come to you at some point in time. 然而, 如果你刚刚开始, 而你的客户根本不知道你的存在, then best target a wide array of organisations you’d want to do business with. 然后把范围缩小到你以后想要合作的热门前景.

一旦你确定了你想与之做生意的公司, 你能针对特定的决策者吗? ABM is all about reaching out to people in power and involves identifying every person involved in the decision-making process, 为他们制作信息, 交付与其角色相关的内容, 并鼓励他们与你的销售代表接触. 我们的潜在客户生成软件 can help you do just that by showing you which companies visit your site and the names and positions of people within that company. 然而, if you’re unable to target key decision-makers, then ABM will be impossible.

最后,反弹道导弹的实施成本高. So it works best for larger-scale clients given the amount of time and money required and may not be worthwhile for smaller accounts with low revenue predictions.


基于客户的营销不一定是压倒性的. 有一个既定的角色, 统一的销售和营销团队以及高度集中的信息传递, you can identify and reach out to valuable accounts more efficiently and grow better.

