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Jargon PR Celebrates 13th Anniversary With Record Growth

  • Jargon PR celebrates its thirteenth year with the strongest results yet
  • FY 22-23 fees predicted to exceed £3 million, achieving revenue growth over the previous twelve months
  • Momentum continues with the launch of international offices in Dubai and the US 
  • Strategic new client wins include Manchester Tech Week & Teamwork Commerce
  • 行话公关着眼于未来三年的国际业务扩张计划

Jargon PR, part of The Jargon Group, 本周庆祝了其成立13周年,同时报告了创纪录的增长,22-23财年前六个月的收入超过了1亿英镑,500,000. The agency expects annual fees to surpass £3million this financial year.

增长是由一系列新客户的成功推动的,其中包括英格兰北部十大网博靠谱平台科技周的旗舰科技活动, enterprise retail solutions specialist Teamwork Commerce and fu3e., a leader in adaptive management reporting software.

支持这一增长的是英国各地办公地点的多样化,包括卡迪夫的办事处, Manchester, Reading and London. At the same time, 该机构通过开设一系列办事处来投资其国际模式,包括由前Markettiers4DC董事总经理谢丽尔·金(Cheryl King)领导的迪拜行话公关MENA,以及由公关资深人士薇薇安·凯利(Vivian Kelly)领导的纽约美国办事处.

Kevin Winfield, Associate Director at Jargon PR said, ‘I’m excited to be leading Jargon PR into its next phase of growth. We have an incredible client base and an outstanding team at the agency today.’

As the agency has grown, 通过与Ecologi的战略合作伙伴关系,行话公关公司继续将企业社会责任置于其战略的核心. Since June 2021, Jargon PR has planted over 4,100 trees and taken over 340 tonnes of co2 out of the atmosphere. The Company’s longer-term ambition remains to become B Corporation certified.

Investment in people continues at pace, in the first six months of FY 22-23 the Company has appointed former Magicard CMO, Simon Craddock, as its first CMO along with its first Head of Talent, Miranda Warmington and a Head of Crisis Communications, 前调查记者阿曼达·埃文斯都为行话组增添了实力和深度.

The Jargon Group

Simultaneously the Group has also invested in its finance teams and processes, 最近任命排名前15位的全国律师事务所Haines Watts为其聘请的特许会计师. 随着该公司继续通过有机增长和收购主导的国际增长,该公司预计将对其财务团队进行额外投资.

通过收购实现增长一直是行话集团加速增长战略的一部分,为其国际客户提供地理和特定行业的专业知识. In the past two years, 该机构已经进行了三次收购,包括卡迪夫通信机构Vantage Marketing(11月11日), 2020) and Manchester-based Souter PR (July, 2021) which have driven growth in Wales and the North West of England respectively.

2021年10月,行话集团收购了Glohouse Media及其正在处理的客户组合, packaging and industrial automation markets. GloHouse继续为全球市场的客户提供基于世界级内容的行业专家洞察力和通信能力, communications strategy, multimedia communications, social media and lead-generation services.

Commenting on the first six months of FY 22-23, Simon Corbett, Jargon Group founder and CEO said, “过去几年,我们公司取得了巨大的成功,因为我们继续关注有机增长,并从现有客户群中获得最大价值. Record new business performance continues and client and team retention remain strong.

“该业务专注于一项为期三年的增长战略,其中包括一系列战略收购. Despite the economic challenges facing the economy, 客户对数字公关和通信服务的需求持续增长,而行话将从这一需求中受益.’’

Since the start of 2022, 行话公关的势头得到了以下行业奖项和认证的认可和认可:

  • UK Digital PR Awards 2022, Digital PR Agency of the Year (Small), Finalist
  • PR Moment Awards 2022, B2B Agency of the Year
  • PR Moment Awards 2022, Technology Agency of the Year, Finalist
  • PRCA Digital Awards 2022, Digital PR & Communications Agency of the Year, Finalist
  • PRCA Digital Awards 2022, Simon Corbett - Outstanding Contribution Award
  • PRCA Workplace Champions 2022, Small Agency Award, Finalist
  • Company Culture Awards 2022, Working Environment Award, Finalist
  • Company Culture Awards 2022, Next Generation Initiative, Finalist
  • Company Culture Award 2022, Employee Development Plan, Winner
  • CIPR Excellence Awards 2022, PR Consultancy of the Year, Finalist
  • PRCA Dare Awards 2022, Medium Consultancy of the Year, Finalist
  • Prolific North Champions Awards 2022, PR Agency of the Year, Finalist
  • Global Agency Awards 2022, B2B Agency of the Year
  • Global Agency Awards 2022, Independent Agency of the Year
  • Global Agency Awards 2022, PR Agency of the Year
  • Global Agency Awards 2022, Best Small Agency of the Year, Finalist
  • PRCA Platinum Awards 2022, Medium Consultancy Award, Winner
  • UK Agency Awards 2022, B2B Agency of the Year and PR Agency of the Year, Finalist
  • PRCA PR Internship Awards, Best Internship programme, Finalist
  • PCR Awards, Best Marketing and PR Agency, Finalist
  • Prolific North Marketing Awards 2022, Tech PR Agency of the Year, Finalist

Additional recognition: 

  • PRCA CMS Accreditation Achieved & Awarded - Second Year in a row
  • Investors in People, ‘We Invest In Wellbeing’, Silver Accreditation Awarded
  • The Drum Independent Agency Census, Top agencies with under 25 staff, ranked 3rd
  • Ranked 69th in the B2B Marketing UK Agency Benchmarking Report for 2022
  • Ranked 26th in the PR Week B2B Agency Rankings 

Explore jobs at Jargon PR

Senior Account Executive/ Account Manager

About Jargon PR: Jargon PR is an award-winning small international PR agency. 它提供世界级的公共关系活动,推动业务成果并为客户创造品牌价值. 该机构的专家团队为初创企业和企业提供独特的B2B服务和方法,以提高知名度, engagement and sales through targeted PR campaigns.Founded in 2009, 行话公关在为科技和企业公司创建全球活动以及提供包括内容创建在内的一系列服务方面拥有丰富的经验, media relations, social media and reputation management.Why is Jargon PR different?Jargon PR is not like other Tech PR companies. Its specialist team delivers unique B2B services and methodology. Jargon PR builds international campaigns, 与客户紧密合作,制定并提供个性化的行动计划,以帮助实现业务目标并主导行业. Results include driving awareness, engagement and sales of client brands. Services: Jargon PR offers a range of services to support clients. 其中最引人注目的服务包括:内容创作:作为领先的B2B公关机构, Jargon PR knows how to create engaging content for corporate campaigns. The agency’s team of skilled writers works with clients to plan, write and place content with key publications.媒体关系:专业术语公关专家与来自全国各地的数十名记者一起工作, 技术和商业媒体在日常的基础上创造机会,并在媒体上放置内容. This drives enquiries, web traffic and engagement for client brands.高管档案:行话公关公司的高管档案服务创建和管理媒体和专业LinkedIn渠道的客户品牌. The agency uses comment and interview opportunities, thought leadership articles, and a social media programme to build a client’s personal reputation.In addition to these services, Jargon PR also offers these types of PR: podcasts, social media, conference speaker, exit, awards, investment,  reputation management, analyst relations, trade show support, messaging, media training, media audit and reporting and management. Jargon PR’s clients: Jargon PR’s client list includes: Pax8, SML RFID, RingOver, Palantir, Beyond Encryption, Creative, Digidentity, Digitopia, Fortude, Retail Marketing Group, Radix, 4D Data Centres, Mackwell Health, Mackwell Lighting, OneClick Cloud, Powerlite Fitzgerald, Meta, Solera, TP-Link, Manchester Tech Week, Rydoo, Agilitas, Glide, Snapplify, DeGould Ltd, Eco UK Group, Presto Music, Realme, Cap HPI, Future Processing, Ancoris, Qualifio, Mindlab International, Cenergist, Quick Channel, SEH Technology, MicroClash, Biral, Designa, DHD Cooling, Rawnet, Snakehive, Leonard Curtis, Cerberus, Everyday Loans, Kemtile, Emerson Orbit Development, and Pod StudiosCompany benefits: Jargon PR offers a range of benefits for its staff, 包括:有竞争力的薪金养恤金计划频繁的内部和外部培训, with a team external training budget of £1,000 per year for each employee A membership to the professional bodies, 特许公共关系学会和公共关系与传播协会. This includes enrollment into the CPD programmes of both professional bodies.20 days holiday per year and all bank holidays off, 与额外的圣诞购物日和生日躺在季度团队社交-圣. Patrick's Day, Summer, 万圣节和圣诞节每周周五提前结束个性化的冷饮瓶多元化和包容性:行话公关是一家专注于多元化和包容性的机构, with its CEO being a founding member of the CIPR Diversity and Inclusion Network, which is a group that works towards inclusivity within the PR industry. To support inclusivity throughout the recruitment process, Jargon PR works closely with The Taylor Bennett Foundation, which seeks out PR careers for individuals from BME backgrounds. Wellbeing activity: Jargon PR fosters a culture centred around employee wellbeing, 并利用多项举措为员工创造最佳的工作环境. 这些举措包括:管理层和员工之间频繁的一对一交流. Monthly wellbeing calls to normalise conversations around mental health. 订阅和无限制地使用CIPR心理健康热线,并获得内部心理健康急救员. 频繁的团队社交活动,以确保行话公关员工在工作之外的互动. 行话公关公司因其对员工福利的努力而获得了“投资者投资于人”的“我们投资于幸福”银牌认证. Results: Jargon PR is a multi-award winning agency, and won 6 industry awards in 2021, including ‘PR Agency of the Year’ at the 2021 Global Agency Awards. The agency is ranked in the top 30 of PRWeek UK’s top 150 B2B comms rankings.  查看该机构的案例研究,了解以前的客户成功案例:

Jargon PR

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