

The things that we like about our jobs are a big driving force for motivation, 正是它让我们度过了我们所面临的挑战. With such a diverse team working across a range of functions all the way from operations and software development to marketing and sales, 我们很想知道我们的团队成员最喜欢他们工作的哪一点.  



对于许多, creating meaningful relationships both inside and outside of the workplace is a great source of happiness. Working alongside a united team that makes you feel appreciated and acknowledged is a huge factor in job satisfaction. 事实上, 66%的英国员工 同意在工作中有朋友会增加工作满意度. 


“Working in Finance, you naturally work with other departments which is something that I enjoy a lot. Being in a fast-paced industry allows for these conversations to continually develop and for topics to change more frequently. The most challenging part of this is keeping up with the pace and ensuring accuracy in our data.说:“ Beccy Kusu-Orkar他是Intechnica公司的管理会计. 

销售主管 劳拉 Ohela agrees that working in a collaborative team promotes her liking toward the role“I 也 真的很喜欢我的团队,他们总是让工作变得更好!”.


以及提高协作和生产力等因素, 与同事和睦相处对你的心理健康有益, 并且有能力提升工作环境. 顾问 霏欧纳费尔贝恩 当被任命到新的团队进行咨询项目时,就表达了这一点.  


“说我喜欢这里的人感觉像是陈词滥调, 但我们在Intechnica确实有一群很棒的车手. Every time I’m allocated a new project I’m excited to see who will be working on the team with me and I’m never disappointed.” 


The ever-changing nature of the tech industry means that roles in the sector often come with high variety. Many employees recognise that no two days will be the same which for some is why they love their job.  


“多样性也让事情变得有趣, in our advisory capacity we work with so many different types of businesses that there’s always something new to learn. 跟上一些行话可能是一个挑战, but we’re fortunate to have experts on hand who’ve worked in many of the sectors we assess so there’s always someone who can provide support. Now we just need some more businesses from the creative industries to come to us for tech due diligence so I can put my expertise to good use!菲奥娜说。. 

对变化的热爱得到了 哈里森奥尼尔, 一位Intechnica的数据科学家:“在Intechnica工作了一年多的时间, I’ve contributed to a variety of weird and wonderful projects such as using convolutional neural networks for face-swapping and natural language processing for processing invoices. 这些是更传统的数据科学项目, 但我也做过更多的软件/数据工程任务, such as database migration and writing software to process financial transactions. 这很疯狂,但我喜欢,我的同事也很棒.” 


Diversity in tasks means there is plenty of opportunities to learn something new in the role. 数据科学家, 杰克福斯特 表示种类繁多, give ample learning opportunities: “One of my favourite aspects of my current role within the data science team is the broad scope of work which we do. I have had the opportunity to be involved in a number of different projects within a short period of time, 涵盖更多传统的数据科学工作,如时间序列分析, while 也 having the opportunity to get involved in more data engineering work, such as the product ionisation of machine learning models and implementation data pipelines. This both keeps things interesting while 也 giving me a great opportunity to learn.” 


“解决问题,创造我可以引以为傲的东西是最好的部分. 我一直很喜欢编写代码, 现在我喜欢指导人们编写代码和解决他们周围的问题. 

最具挑战性的方面是与比我更了解的人一起工作. I have suffered with imposter syndrome; learning to listen to my peers without needing to stamp my own authority on what I hear or allowing it to make me anxious has taken a long time to learn.说:“ 弗兰霍利他是Intechnica公司的技术顾问和建筑师. But it’s not just the tech experts and consultants who get to enjoy variety in their roles. 以下是劳拉对在营销团队工作的看法: 

“What I like about my job the most is the variety of projects that I get to be a part of. 有几天我会做SEO工作, 而在其他方面,我关注的是内容, 活动, 报告, 或者战略和计划. While the variety of projects is the best part, it’s 也 the hardest part of my job. Sometimes it can be challenging to find the time to focus on just one task when there are many moving parts. 尽管如此,这仍然是值得的!“ 



Employees are now greatly valuing learning and development which provides great opportunities for both employees and employers. An IBM的研究 showed that teams with good training in place can increase their productivity by 10%. 饥饿 to learn is increasingly prevalent and is 也 a common theme among why people at Intechnica enjoy their jobs“It’s the variety that keeps things interesting while 也 giving me a great opportunity to learn.”杰克说。. 


同样, being given self-development opportunities provide employees with an incentive to stay with their current employer. 事实上, LinkedIn的研究 发现 , 94年% of employees would stay longer with a company that offers training opportunities. 以下是菲奥娜对发展的看法: “在训练方面,Intechnica也非常支持我, we’re given the time and budget to explore any areas of interest and gain any credentials that will help us to do our jobs and progress our careers. The only downside to this is that it can be a bit nerve-wracking studying for an exam when you haven’t taken one in a few years.“ 

People, variety, and training opportunities are key when it comes to enjoying your job 

当事情发生的时候, 有很多因素让员工喜欢他们的角色, factors such as colleagues and company culture make a huge difference for many. 做一个远程优先的企业, it is important to foster a culture of collaboration and embrace spontaneous and informal interactions.  



寻找一个令人兴奋的新角色? 查看我们的 开放的角色 去感受一下 我在Intechnica工作. 


