

随着Covid-19限制措施继续放松, company Directors are wrestling with how to harness the learnings of the past 18 months and use these to shape sustainable hybrid and 灵活的 working practices that support what’s most important to their business and people.  30年来, the leadership team at Informed Solutions has worked incredibly hard to build and continu所有y improve a workplace culture that is diverse, 包容, 真正的平等主义者.  A common pitf所有 for many businesses is that Directors facing significant economic and market pressures can too quickly focus on the ‘needs’ of the business, 未能真诚地与员工沟通和协商.  这可能导致公司推出过度规范和不灵活的工作模式.  员工感觉没有被倾听,也不相信他们的需求得到了考虑, 导致对企业最高层领导人的权利剥夺和信任崩溃.

我们一直在寻求利用集体智慧的力量, 具有很强的团队合作精神和解决问题的能力.  因此, our approach to solving the ch所有enge of ‘What does a sustainable solution to hybrid and 灵活的 working look like?这是目前全公司人事计划的重点.  We invited 所有 staff to contribute to co-designing a ‘smart’ 混合动力工作 solution based on common principles, 哪些适应不同职业角色的要求, 以及不同的职业道路和个人生活方式偏好.

永远不要骄傲到不去学习其他领导者的经验和见解, 我们密切关注不同的行业观点和研究成果.  同时从其他公司的经验中获益, we appreciate that we are unlikely to design a 混合动力工作 solution that will be 所有 things to 所有 people, 因此,我们很清楚,我们的客户和员工的需求需要放在前面和中心.

So, 驱动Informed混合式工作解决方案设计的关键原则是什么, 为什么这些原则对我们很重要?


认为我们已经找到了一条摆脱疫情的明确道路是不现实的——这将是一个不断发展的过程, 不确定和模棱两可的道路通向我们的新未来.  We acknowledge that as leaders we need to continue listening and our 混合动力工作 model will need to continue adapting.  新的挑战将会出现, 全球和全国, 所以我们必须依靠大家一起努力学习, 适应和回应, 因为否则我们的生意也做不到.  Informed Solutions has operated remote working as part of core business operations for decades – our people routinely working across various offices, 从家里, 与世界各地的客户并肩作战.  我们投资建立了一种职场文化, 业务流程和安全, 为客户服务的全球数字基础设施, 联盟合作伙伴和员工,使他们可以在任何地方一起工作, 在任何时候. 

这些早期的投资使我们能够在一个工作日内完全转向在家工作, 当英国于2020年3月进入全国封锁时.  它也使我们能够把灵活的和远程工作拨号上下, 在过去的18个月里,我们经历了不同程度的封锁限制.  在此期间, teams have collaborated on piloting different 混合动力工作 patterns; using 灵活的, 每个人都有自己的工作计划,并在团队层面上得到批准.  这种方法使我们能够满足客户的需求, 同时支持我们的员工度过这个充满压力和不确定的时期.


在一个有意建立多元化和多学科团队的公司, 把我们团结在一起的是共同的价值观和共同的目标.  The right balance of remote and co-located working depends on the professional roles that people take on, 以及他们的个人情况.  在某些情况下, the requirements of the role are relatively obvious; for example, 用户研究人员需要能够以任何最有效的方式与用户互动.  

还有一些角色涉及重要的基于团队的创新, 管理不确定性和风险, and working in rapidly evolving environments where team-time spent together has clear advantages when it’s done in-person; for example, 在复杂的技术环境中通过偶然的信息交换, 通过增加信任, 生产力, 轻松的面对面讨论激发了创造力 《十大网博靠谱平台》最近的一篇文章 说明了其中的许多要点).  

We also know from experience that people in the early stages of their career and new starters benefit significantly from being co-located with colleagues: building confidence and rapport in a workplace setting; directly receiving skills transfer, personalised coaching and professional development opportunities; picking up professional practices and communication skills through organic所有y observing senior colleagues (see 微软最近的一篇文章 说明了其中的许多要点).  

通过寻找可持续的混合工作解决方案,我们希望确保这一点 所有 我们的人民有机会学习, 团队合作, 关系和网络建设, 以及职业发展机会.  We don’t want to tell our people that they must work a prescriptive number of days remotely or in the office.  而, 我们认为这是十大网博靠谱平台尊重, 探讨混合工作选择以及利弊的智能对话, 各方面的利益和优惠.  这种方法使个人能够做出最好的决定, 通过他们的职业抱负来平衡他们想要实现的目标, 人生阶段, 以及个人选择.


人们普遍认为,维持团队工作所需的会议次数, 保障民生福祉, 保持生产力, 在封锁期间,完成最后期限的人数激增.  自封锁开始以来,微软一直强调这一点, 花在微软团队会议上的时间增加了一倍多, 平均会议时间也增加了约30% (详情请参阅此处).  维持日常的团队凝聚力, 幸福, 而面对生产力需要更大数量的反应物, 少结构化, 通常情况下,缺乏计划的数字互动会让人筋疲力尽, 因为它给已经压力很大的人增加了额外的负担.  This is especi所有y true for leaders and managers that rely on floor walking and in-person observations to see how their people are working together and check that everyone is supported.  Good leaders also leverage ‘light touch’ in-person catch-ups and 轻松的辅导课程 to get to know everyone and offer personalised support or guidance, 也许是在喝私人咖啡或下班后小酌的时候.  重要的是,我们要继续保持能够提供个性化支持的职场关系, 轻松的辅导课程, 在职技能发展, and the opportunity to explore career progression options in ways that don’t place un公平 or disproportionate pressure on anyone.


有越来越多的证据,比如 《十大网博靠谱平台》最近的一篇文章, that frequent and organic interactions between colleagues in the office environment offers people increased opportunities to take-on new skills, 建立更牢固的关系和专业网络,更好地支持他们, 并帮助他们确定新的角色和职业发展选择.  

我们有理由担心,如果没有监督和刻意干预, 工作场所可能会失去重要的多样性和包容性元素, 迅速回到专业环境的类型,受到较小的影响, 更少的代表, 但大部分是同处一地的同事.

近30年来,我们一直在有目的地打造一个博览会, 包容和平等的工作环境.  出于这个原因, we remain committed to ensuring that our people are supported and coached as we move towards more 灵活的, 混合动力工作.  It’s important that people do not become isolated or closed off from the types of opportunities that colleagues spending time in the office will more organic所有y have access to.

尽管我们进行了广泛的工作,我们当然没有得到所有的答案.  我们将继续共同努力,创造一个可持续的, 灵活和混合工作的适应性解决方案.  经过长时间的深思熟虑,什么对我们的员工和企业最重要, 我们相信,我们已经确定了我们未来成功的关键因素. 

我们的前进道路将以人为本,以价值观为基础, 收集其他领导人提供的见解, and learnings from our own experiences of working through the ch所有enges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic.  解决问题, 合作, 创新是我们的基因, 现在,我们正在共同努力,迎接可持续建筑的挑战, 灵活的, 公平, 包容, 以及更好的合作方式.

在Informed Solutions寻找工作机会


十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by glob所有y recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, 公平, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation ch所有enges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by glob所有y recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, 公平, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation ch所有enges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by glob所有y recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, 公平, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation ch所有enges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

十大网博靠谱平台 UsInformed Solutions delivers digital data and technology solutions that help make the world a smarter, 更安全的, 更环保的, 更健康的地方.我们成立于1992年,是一家成功的、不断成长的国际数字化转型咨询公司. We deliver multi-Queen’s Award for innovation winning platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. 我们的数字, data and technology solutions are used by glob所有y recognised public and private sector brands operating in a variety of sectors including Civil Defence, 医疗保健, 可持续环境与土地资产管理, 与数码民主.我们的目的是通过帮助建立一个更具包容性的社会来创造经济和社会价值, 公平, 通过道德地使用技术和数据以及投资于数字技能来保障社会安全.The multi-Queen’s Award-winning data and AI-powered platforms and services we develop support large-scale transformation of services that make a difference.  在一个相互联系、融合的世界里,每天有数百万人在使用它们.The OpportunityMake a difference and advance your career by helping deliver some of the UK’s most important #tech4good projects.You’ll join a talented team of dynamic and driven professional problem solvers; creative thinkers and solutions builders who thrive on helping clients meet the most exciting digital transformation ch所有enges.At a certified Great Place to Work® you’ll experience a dynamic and nurturing environment that rewards initiative and flexibility and enjoy a career path tailored to your own aspirations.文化我们为培养多元化的工作场所文化而感到自豪, 包容, 奖励, 与平等.我们努力实践我们的创新价值观, 卓越, 和正直,从不同的角度思考问题, 永远尽我们所能, 在任何时候都要诚信行事.我们是一群充满激情的问题解决者. We take pride in helping 我们的客户 accelerate and de-risk digital business change so that we can collaborate and co-design world class digital services that solve complex business and safety critical problems, 特别是在这个地方, 地理位置很重要. 我们的职场文化反映了我们的工作方式, 我们选择的工作类型, 以及我们对可持续社会的承诺和贡献, 环境, 以及我们所在社区的经济发展目标.  我们既注重技术技能,也同等重要, 十大网博靠谱平台未来新同事的文化契合度. Our success relies on fostering an environment where creativity and collaboration produces great outcomes for our people, 我们的客户, 以及我们的合作伙伴.我们为什么在Informed Solutions工作通过Informed了解更多十大网博靠谱平台生活的信息.com/Careers

Informed Solutions

