

我们和伊姆兰坐了下来, 内政部工程专业主管, 浏览最新的“高级科技讲座”,了解更多有关他们的数码旅程,以及澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台他们的使命有哪些机会.

Could you begin by telling us a little bit about your role at the Home Office?

我是工程部主任, 所以我有责任管理整个部门对基础设施技术的使用. 

We have over 600 services across areas such as passports, 边境控制, 移民, 公民与警务. 我很幸运地领导了几个传统内政部应用程序的现代化,并在小型和大型数字交付方面都有经验, with sustainable user centred data-driven products using internet style engineering, 技术和架构. 

我还负责定义, 发展中, 以及嵌入标准, 指导方针和流程,促进最佳实践和一致的工作方式在我们的组织. I maintain and promote the structure of the profession, 制定招聘和保留策略, 建立一致的职位描述, 技能, 能力框架, career pathways and performance reviews aligning to the central direction set by our 数字, 数据和技术(DDaT)专业主管. 

但我真正喜欢的是建立一个包容性的实践社区,使多个项目和业务领域的公务员能够分享想法, discuss best practice and proactively help and support each other.


我们实际上得到了 DDaT战略在GOV上公布.UK 这基本上描述了我们的计划,我们的数字之旅和我们正在努力做的事情. It’s based upon 6 principles and the first one is all around trying to converge our technology.

Our convergence journey involves adopting technologies that are accessible, 可伸缩且易于维护, 比如开源和云技术. We want to create and embed further standards for the way we buy, build and run software to create more unity in our infrastructure. That one's really important to me because I'm responsible for delivering guidance and standards, 尤其是在工程方面. We've just launched a new guidance and standards site which is open source, 也就是说它可以在网上找到.

It's really about coding and working in the open and that's something I'm passionate about.

The second principle is about creating shared technology products. What this means is designing a product for multiple use cases, made possible through the application of user centred design methods and processes. 在适当的情况下,我们会使用政府其他地方使用的现有外部平台,而只有在我们通过研究确定这是满足用户需求的最灵活和最具成本效益的方式时,我们才会在内部开发平台.


这里不讲太多细节, some of the other principles include being more product-centric, become data-driven and delivering effectively at scale and to embrace innovation.


It would be really difficult to choose one or two over so many, but essentially every year our systems support visa applications, 检查过境点, 护照申请, 警察检查人们, 车辆及财产, 这些都以百万计.

我在职业生涯的早期为警察国家计算机(PNC)构建和支持应用程序和基础设施。. 这些都是多年来发展起来的, 我还监督了许多与PNC相关的新应用程序的运行,这些应用程序提供更专业的服务. These help protect the public and keep the country safe from those who would harm it. 

These are really challenging areas which can rapidly change in the global environment we work in. This makes us one of the most exciting and stimulating government departments to work in. And if you work with us, you'll be making a real difference. 

We all know how difficult it is to recruit for digital and tech roles. What is the Home Office doing to attract and retain top tech talent?

我们关心我们的员工,真正投资于他们的职业生涯,并提供持续的专业发展(CPD). 我们所有的外部职位都在 公务员职位网站 and we also offer early talent routes into our teams, such as apprenticeships and a digital career development programme to attract emerging talent. 

We regularly hold online recruitment events and have a dedicated website for 数字、数据和技术职位. 我们的重点是建立员工的内部能力和嵌入学习文化,鼓励专业发展作为一个优先事项, that brings out the best in everyone who works with us. 

This includes offering membership to the British Computer Society. 我们也有免费的网上学习平台,供所有公务员使用, 还能接触到奥莱利, which has many technical courses and books that our employees have access to.

We've also launched and provide access to Cloud Academy, and again this is fantastic. It's a system w在这里 people can develop their cloud learning 技能. 它有各种各样的沙坑区,人们可以进去玩各种不同的云环境,比如AWS, 微软Azure或谷歌云平台. 一个技术人员的游乐场!

These are the kind of CPD things which we've introduced that our employees really benefit from.

你在内政部已经有一段时间了. 你能告诉我们一些可供员工使用的职业发展途径吗?

当我2001年澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台公务员队伍时,我发现职业道路并不像我们现在发展的那么成熟. 正如我之前提到的, 我们有学徒来做初级工程师, developers or DevOps engineers or infrastructure engineers.

现在我们有了清晰的职业道路,让他们从初级角色发展到开发人员角色, then into a senior developer or senior engineer role, 然后变成主角,然后变成主角.

Governing the jumps between each of these grades are 行业实践SFIA技能, which stands for Skills Framework for the Information Age. 每个等级我们至少有6项技能,这意味着当员工定期与他们的经理交流时, they can have a meaningful discussion to say: “I’m at this particular SFIA level now, 如果你看一下我的下一个晋升,那就需要我提高一个特定的技能水平, 我想我正在击中它.”

然后,他们可以拿出证据来证明他们是如何满足要求的,经理就有了一个非常有力的理由来鼓励那个人申请下一个职位. 结果是, we’ve seen a lot of promotions, especially within the area that I work.


This is vital as traditionally most civil servant jobs, 尤其是在科技领域, 主要是在南方吗. So, 对我来说,这是十大网博靠谱平台升级, 升级是十大网博靠谱平台增加和传播机会,因为虽然潜力是均匀分布的, 机会不是. 

Our Manchester office, which is in Salford, has exceeded all of our expectations. 在一个现代化的办公室里和很多新人一起工作感觉真的很好,他们都很兴奋地开始了他们在内政部的旅程, 他们的热情是有感染力的. 

我们非常专注于创造一种办公室文化,在这种文化中,我们不会在办公室的某个角落里各自为政, 但我们了解我们团队中的同事.

结果是, we hear about career opportunities that are out t在这里, 而且有更多友好的面孔可以聊天, 无论是在厨房, 咖啡馆, 或者办公室的地板. 这就是我们办公室的氛围, and it really does feel like a friendly and supportive place to work.

听到更多来自十大网博靠谱平台和格拉斯哥首席工程师格雷厄姆十大网博靠谱平台他的职业生涯的旅程和类型的项目,你可以工作, as well as the impact you could make working in these locations. 

最后, if somebody was interested in joining the Home Office, 你能告诉我们一些目前可用的机会吗?

数字领域有9种职业, Data and Technology 在这里 at the Home Office and all have roles available within them. 这些都是: 

Within engineering we have infrastructure engineers, 网络工程师, 软件开发人员和DevOps工程师.

对于我们的工程师来说,我们有最先进的技术和用Java编写的应用程序,Node.js和Python. We also have full stack developers and 分享Point developers too. 我们目前是AWS的第二大公共部门客户,我们也拥有微软Azure云资产. 

我们的dat专业负责人将在未来几个月内与十大网博靠谱平台数字社区分享他们的愿景, 但与此同时, 如果你对工程职业感兴趣,你可以把你的技术专长带给我们的团队,并对人们的日常生活产生巨大的影响,请申请. 

You can read about the professions on our careers website in one of the above links, and find out how to apply for an engineering position with us in this article

最后,看我们的 内政部员工福利视频 to hear what you could be entitled to when you join our organisation. 祝你事业顺利. 


了解更多 about opportunities at the Home Office 在这里

