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Is UX Design your most valued business asset? 

Here’s why it should be...

What is UX Design?

In their varied role, a User Experience (UX) Designer combines aspects of psychology, business, research, language, 设计和技术提供无缝的在线数字客户体验. 

The high street analogy

在线和离线商业世界之间的类比是正确的:一个新企业主承诺租赁一个高街场所5年, spending several £1000’s on an initial fit out before launch. 如果新企业不断投资于以下方面,它们在竞争激烈的商业环境中生存的几率会大大提高: 

  • Ensuring the premises stays fit for key purposes
  • Understanding their core customers’ needs 
  • Presenting attractive window and store displays 
  • Updating their displays at regular intervals
  • Creating easy, hassle free buying experiences





Talk to our UX consultants to help with your project. 

Matching needs

When a business finds its core objectives and KPIs becoming purely quantitative; driving the business only for financial sake; then the qualitative priorities of the customer or user usually fade as a consequence. Reframing and rebalancing the needs of both is necessary. 

Unless a business serves its customers’ needs... it has no purpose.  

Market place measures require human counterbalances.一旦你开始理解用户的行为和驱动他们行为的需求, 你可以设计一个在线促销,自然地激励其他用户采取类似的行为模式.

“Good design is good business.” T.J. Watson Jr., former president of IBM

Finding quick fixes

用户体验设计的质量是确保网站保持访问者参与水平的主要因素,而不是一个吸引人的标题或清晰的图形. It also determines whether they will return.

Focus on usability and accessibility to keep users happy and engaged. Often it’s the obvious things that have significant positive impact:

  • The psychology of colours
  • Using call to action buttons
  • Improving loading times
  • Repairing broken links
  • Simplifying site navigation
  • Improving presentation
  • Embedding video content

Does your website improve levels of engagement or drive users away?

Getting out of a rut 

很有可能那些使用你网站的人并不想要或需要和你一样的东西. 作为设计师/所有者,你的体验与客户/用户是不一样的. Design for their needs, not your ego’s. 克服你的自负,开始做重要的事情.

Holding on to particular site content purely because it has emotional resonance to you - you created it; it reminds you of something important; it is linked to your original business idea - may not necessarily work for site visitors and their needs now. 

随着企业的发展,所有权的复杂性和性质也在增长. Successful management takes up much time and energy. Your site’s effectiveness can wane without a regular, 有针对性的关注一个网站总是需要的小的维护任务和更新.

随着时间的推移,您最初创建或委托的网站将不适合不断变化的市场景观. On-going research, 洞察力和投资是保持领先地位和相关性的必要条件, competitive and successful. 


Measurable goals, balanced outcomes and key indicators of success

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, 和基于时间的)
目标设置是改善用户体验和商业成功的内在因素. 大多数商业企业在本质上都不是无私的——他们想要盈利, 成长和成功——但是当从用户体验设计的角度来看,关键性能指标的性质和细节可能会微妙地发生变化. 仔细平衡和可测量的定性kpi可以带来有益的客户结果并产生定量影响.

Examples of qualitative targets and quantitative impacts:


Infragistics — The Business Value of User Experience

-由Higher Ground重新设计并合并的网站和应用程序使新西兰国家彩票公司的在线彩票销售额在前六个月增加了23%

Applying commercial common sense

将CRO应用到项目中远远超出了填写表格或电话跟踪的范围. 对于UX专业人员来说,这是一种追踪所有成功指标的方法. 

Conversion rates are what you measure. Optimisation of those rates is the UX part.

UX设计确保创建响应式设计组件,以尽可能最好的方式与用户交互, 考虑到开发限制,如快速加载时间的编码, screen resolutions, vision limitations and language barriers. 

Applying CRO to a sales oriented project ensures you establish, track and understand why conversions happen. 这使得用户体验专业人员能够设计出更有效的用户旅程和更多的登录页面, increasing quality scores and creating more areas to sell from. UX & CRO应该通过创造更多机会来保持用户对网站或品牌的兴趣,从而显著影响销售渠道.

Find out more about Conversion Rate Optimisation here.

The key to UX success is understanding WHY as well as HOW.

What’s important to the customer is important to your business

UX Design detail makes products, 服务和网站对用户或客户来说更愉快和更容易:从而改善他们的整体旅程或体验. 


Better Interaction + Better Performance = Better Business

This article was written by Paul Carolan. UX writer at Higher Ground. Higher Ground are a UX agency based in Manchester. 我们为您带来有用的文章和指南,以帮助您从您的网站获得更多, apps and marketing campaigns. 

We have written various articles about UX & CRO.  You might find our article about Adwords conversion rate optimization tips helpful.

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