
Apple "thinks differently" about encryption and privacy



在所谓的“高级数据保护”中, 苹果公司宣布 that it’s finally  implementing end-to-end backup encryption for most iCloud services.

一直很重视用户的数据隐私, Apple have been considering full encryption of user data for many years but have been loath to implement it, 部分原因是执法机构的担忧, 比如联邦调查局 about lack of access to user data in cases of national security.

On the other hand, Apple had been pressured for a number of years by groups such as the 电子前沿基金会 谁认为端到端数据保护是一种 必须保护用户隐私吗.

然而, end to end user encryption is finally here for most - but not all - iCloud services. The only services which won’t be encrypted on backup are iCloud Mail, Contacts and Calendar due to the need to keep these integrated with other vendor systems.


具有标准保护, Apple hold the encryption keys for your data in Hardware Security Modules in its datacentres. This means that if you’re somehow locked out, Apple can provide the keys and let you back in. 当然, 持有加密密钥意味着, 有标准保护, 苹果最终可能会访问你的文件.

然而, 具有高级保护, 密钥只保存在您信任的设备上, 也就是说只有你可以访问这些数据.

You also have the responsibility of remembering your keys, so if you can’t remember your iPhone / iPad passcode and your Mac password, 好吧, 你的数据消失了, 这是不可恢复的.

为您的iCloud数据提供高级保护, Apple - and everyone else - has absolutely zero way of accessing your stored files, 图片和留言.

当然, this sparks off a rumour mill on sites like 黑客新闻. User data, of course, is a great revenue stream for a lot of tech firms. 那么,为什么苹果要放弃对它的访问呢?


In an era when all user content is invisibly monetised, Apple aren’t seemingly interested in scanning your photos and data to then attempt to make money from them. Google and Meta will - behind the scenes - scan your locations, photos and purchases and then apply predictive AI to try and make money out of you.

当然, Apple differs from them by primarily selling hardware with a “bought in” consumer base. Apple is effectively growing trust amongst its user base by saying no, 我们不想把你的数据变现.

Nor does it want to spend huge amounts of time and money scanning user data, either.


Complete privacy of all user data is a contentious issue. Apart from the need for Government agencies to be able to access user data where terrorist activity is suspected, there’s also the thorny issue of sexual abuse images being hidden by users.

Apple had considered implementing client side scanning - pattern matching images uploaded to iCloud - to see if abusive images could be detected, [但暂停了实施]  after criticism that the technology returned false positives and the possibility that scanning for one type of illegal content would lead to the scope being inevitably expanded.  

The company policy is now to work with community advocates and offer “communication safety” procedures via Siri, Safari and Spotlight search to provide on the spot resources to spot CSAM images and provide help.

然而,苹果的政策是, 使之产生矛盾 with the UK Government’s proposed Online Safety Bill - which demands transparency of data to protect children.



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