
In The Spotlight - Equinix

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们在大十大网博靠谱平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Russell Poole, Managing Director at Equinix.

What does your organisation do?

Equinix (Nasdaq: EQIX) is the world’s digital infrastructure company, 使数字领导者能够利用一个值得信赖的平台,将推动其成功的基础设施聚集在一起并相互连接. Our International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centres host content, 媒体, 金融服务和多云生态系统,具有丰富的高密度部署能力. 我们使当今的企业能够以敏捷和快速的方式扩展,为最新的数字服务提供动力, deliver world-class experiences and multiply their value. 

Our UK ecosystem in Manchester and London supports more than 1,500家公司, 包括250多个网络, 460+ cloud and IT service providers, 350+ financial services firms and 100+ content and digital 媒体  businesses. 在全球范围内,Equinix在六大洲的32个国家拥有10,000多名客户.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

While technology undoubtedly helps businesses build a better tomorrow, with innovation across industries providing solutions and bringing positive change, it contributes to our carbon footprint. Many tech organisations are switching to green energy sources to reduce carbon emissions; however, the industry is still largely driven by fossil-fuel. As the world’s largest global data centre Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), 我们有机会使我们的客户和合作伙伴能够可持续地扩大他们的数字化转型. Our global goal to be climate-neutral by 2030, led by science-based targets, embeds decarbonisation actions across our business and our supply chain. Commitment to sustainability is vital to business growth and future stability. Indeed, findings from our Equinix 2022 Global Tech Trends Survey 报告显示,全球65%的企业只会与能够实现关键碳减排目标的IT合作伙伴合作, 69%的人认为可持续发展是他们组织最重要的驱动力之一. 

Another challenge faced by the industry is the impending skills gap. As the tech industry continues to advance at pace, 该行业将更难获得推动这种发展所需的技能. 云服务和5G网络的普及催生了新一轮数字化转型浪潮,并增加了对专业技能的需求. 由于元宇宙的实现和Web 3的到来,技能短缺将进一步加剧. According to the Uptime Institute, 管理全球数据中心所需的员工数量将从大约200万增加到近200万.到2025年达到300万(参考). 该公司的研究还显示,50%的IT和数据中心经理很难找到合格的候选人来填补2020年的空缺职位。参考).

随着企业管理全球化的影响,数字基础设施的可扩展性也将至关重要, customer demand and the relentless evolution of technology. 准备, 许多企业正在加速数字化转型,并优先采用混合多云解决方案. To accommodate this rapid shift, Equinix正在投资英国的互联能力,以帮助组织采用面向未来的数字战略并扩大其全球机会. 迄今为止,Equinix已经在英国的数字基础设施上投资了超过10亿英镑.

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

我们为我们的全球足迹感到自豪,我们提供了世界上最安全和可持续的数据中心平台. Equinix拥有并运营着一个由240多个IBX数据中心组成的网络, located in ~70 major metros around the world, to deliver interconnection to customers anywhere in the world, regardless of size and industry sector. 

We see our employees as our most valuable asset. 我们的企业文化是把员工放在第一位,提供一个有助于保持员工身心健康的工作环境. To that end, we have hired our first Director of Global Wellbeing and our global Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 确保所有员工及其直系亲属都能获得各种资源, including wellbeing support, 法律支持, 金融资源, and mental health counselling in times of need. 除了, 我们的员工连接网络(eecn)将公司内部的社区和盟友聚集在一起, 包括 Equinix Women Leaders Network (EWLN), PrideConnect, BlackConnect, interASIANconnect and FaithConnect.

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

随着数字化和气候保护相结合,数据中心的可持续扩展和运营是Equinix的优先事项. 我们为自己设定了一个雄心勃勃的挑战,即到2030年实现气候中和, 要做到这一点, we are continuously investing in efficiency upgrades and new technologies. 2020年,我们数据中心使用的90%以上的能源是可再生能源,高于2015年的34%. By colocating in data centres, our customers save on their own hardware, 降低运营成本,提高数字基础设施的能源效率, so impacting their own sustainability targets. 

另一个挑战是必须扩大我们的地理覆盖范围,以满足互联需求的指数级增长. We continue to increase our global footprint, with new data centres recently announced in Europe and for the first time, 非洲. 随着我们的成长, 一个关键的优先事项是释放软件定义连接的新功能,以更低的成本提供更高的性能. Equinix的织物™ 直接、安全、动态地连接分布式基础设施和数字生态系统 平台Equinix的® via global, software-defined interconnection. 

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?

The future looks bright for Manchester. It is the UK’s third largest city and the biggest economy in Northern England. It is also Europe’s second largest creative, 数字和媒体中心, and home to MediaCity UK and the BBC’s headquarters. The city is heralded as one of the UK’s fast-growing technology hubs, noted for eCommerce and an emerging start-up ecosystem.

Equinix正在投资扩大其在大十大网博靠谱平台地区的数据中心投资组合. In fact, we’ve just opened a new one – MA5. 这些设施在通往伦敦和欧洲的网络路线上提供低延迟连接, 然后通过爱尔兰和英格兰西部的国际海底电缆到达美国. 十大网博靠谱平台的数字能力进一步将其定位为技术和创新的领先中心,是一个企业可以在全球范围内竞争的城市. 

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?

Equinix于1998年在硅谷成立,是一家供应商中立的多租户数据中心提供商,竞争网络可以安全地连接和共享数据流量. 选择这个名字是为了反映该公司对平等、中立和互联网交换的关注. As the saying goes, ‘mighty oaks from little acorns grow’. 今天 we have more than 240 data centres in ~70 markets, spanning six continents. 我们连接企业, 网络, services and innovators from Mumbai to Dublin, 从新加坡到芝加哥, 从赫尔辛基到圣何塞. 今天, the $6B+ company underpins our daily lives; just look at the apps on your phone – most of them call Equinix home! 


To find out more about Equinix, 点击这里.

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