
Your 电子邮件s Are Going to Spam - Here's How to Stop It

To them, you’ve got spam written all over you. You’re going straight in that junk inbox.

不幸的是, this is the reality for a lot of commercial emails, including ones that customers genuinely want to receive. 电子邮件 marketers often have to jump through a lot of hoops to get their emails seen, and even the strongest campaigns can fall into a recipient’s spam folder. 电子邮件 deliverability isn’t an ex行为 science, which can frustrate both email marketers and laymen alike.

It’s a real shame for all the hard work you’ve put into crafting an email campaign to go to waste. 幸运的是, there are a few tried and tested techniques you can follow before you hit send that can help stop emails going to spam. We’ll get you out of that spam folder and back into the inbox in no time at all. We’ve sourced some of the best tips for you and put them into a handy dmt guide to help you on your way to a junk-free future for your email marketing.

Check your customers are giving you permission

No one wants to receive emails they never asked for. Even if they contain incredible offers and discounts, how do you trust the sender if they appeared out of thin air?

Make sure your customers are opting in to receive your emails - and we mean an explicit opt-in. The easiest way to do this is by running a sign-up box on your site, allowing a user to input their email address and name, explicitly choosing to receive them.

如果你还没有这样做的话, make sure there’s some form of incentive to get that lucrative sign-up. 这是双赢, as not only will it give the customer something they want, but it’ll also confirm that they are invested enough in your brand/product/etc. 想要参与.

Wanna make sure every email is going to a real inbox, 太? Why not add a double opt-in system, where the email subscribers must verify their address to get the incentive. This will make sure it hits a real recipient’s inbox and as few in行为ive email addresses as possible.

One thing you absolutely do not want to do? Upload an email list manually that you received somewhere else. It’s bad pr行为ice and you have no proof that you had permission to upload those addresses.

Use an email service provider with a good reputation

If your emails are going to the spam folder, there’s a chance that your IP addresses have previously been used for spamming a customer with emails. We’re not blaming you, but you need to take the high road and find another way.

The easy solution is to find a secure and reputable email service provider that is vigilant in keeping their sending reputation int行为. 我们推荐谁呢?? 当然是克拉维约! We’re proud partners with this email service provider and can vouch for their great reputation.

Klaviyo only works with teams it can trust, so you can be assured that your emails are being sent out by one of the most reputable email service providers out there.

Improve your open rates by cutting out disengaged users

If your open rates are low, you could potentially be harming your reputation as a sender. Of course, open rates as a metric are changing with the iOS的最新更新. However, there are a few ways of keeping your opens fit as a fiddle and operating at their best.

Firstly, make sure you’re sending your emails at the 正确的 time. Scheduling an email for the best possible time can really change everything. Think about when your customers are likely to be sat and ready to open an email - first thing in the morning? 上下班路上? 在午餐? Or Saturday night in the middle of Strictly? 并不总是有 正确的 answer, but there are quite a few wrong ones.

Segmenting your lists into different categories can change things up 太. Remember that not every customer is the same, and their journeys can take split paths through emailing.

Make sure you’re catering for both your engaged and disengaged customers, serving worthwhile emails to the ones who want them and less frequent emails to the ones that don’t.

和, 当然, if the sun is setting on your relationship with a customer (it happens, 别担心), then it might be time for a Sunset 电子邮件. These are flow emails in which you openly and honestly ask if the user wants to unsubscribe. 如果有的话, then no harm done - they hit the unsubscribe button, 从你的列表中删除, and no more unopened emails will be landing in their inbox. 如果他们没有, they’ll get placed back onto an engaged list and you can work on repairing the relationship. It’s all very couples’ therapy.

It’s also absolutely pivotal (and a legal requirement) that you include an option to hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of every email you send out. 作为营销人员, it should be our responsibility to remind customers that they do not have to stay married to these emails, and it’ll improve our list’s overall health if we do this. Yes, you’ll lose subscribers, but you’ll keep dedicated ones for those future emails.

Stay on-brand so they recognise you

Even if your customers are engaged and opening your emails, you want to make sure that they always know who you are. That’s where staying on-brand comes in.

Make sure that all of your emails follow familiar imagery and colours, in keeping with whatever brand guidelines that have been established. 使用相同的字体, (make sure they’re all readable - nothing wrong with old faithfuls Arial and Verdana) and keep your “From” information accurate and consistent.

Go that extra step to make sure they know you know who they are, 太. Address them by their first name (using the info you got from the signup, remember!) using Syntax 太ls on Klaviyo.


Yes, you want your customers to be opening those emails - that’s why you’re here, after all.

But should you do absolutely anything to get them to open them? 绝对不是.

can - spam 行为 (and its UK counterpart) makes it against the law to purposely mislead someone in the email subject line. 是的,这是一件大事.

I hear what you’re saying, 太 - I’ve been caught by these kinds of emails before, and big companies do it all the time! You’ve definitely seen those emails from big clothing companies saying “谢谢您的订单!” when you haven’t 行为ually placed an order. 或者那些 “回复:项目提醒” ones to make you think it’s a super-important work thing. But not only were you burned by those shady campaigns, they were also likely sent out by very very well-off companies who have the money to part with if something goes wrong.

Of course, we’re not telling you you can’t have fun with your subject lines. Copywriters would have a boring job if they couldn’t use their imagination to come up with fun and attr行为ive copy. But be warned: you cannot lie about what’s inside. Make it intriguing, make it enticing… but don’t make it straight-up lies.

Avoid as many Spam Trigger Words as possible

There are quite a few trigger words that 行为 like holes in your boat. One or two of these specific words might not be hugely detrimental to your campaigns, but 太 many might sink the whole ship.

You’d be surprised at what words might trigger the spam filter - “free”, “秩序”, and “great offer” can all push you down. If you’re only running one major sale every month, 你应该没事的, but when every email is pushing big sales, trigger words could be sending your email boat on a one-way ticket to a watery grave.

还有一些更明显的原因, 太 - “Congratulations” (how many times have you seen this pop up in those phishing scams?) as well as “Winner” and the classic “Dear Friend”.

我们个人的最爱? Believe it or not, “This is not spam” is a spam trigger. They’ve outfoxed the foxes there.

这不是一个详尽的清单, but it’s a good starting point when looking for ways to clean up your 行为 and make sure those emails are coming through to the intended audiences. We don’t wanna see any of your hard work end up in anyone’s junk folder - but bear in mind that this will happen now and then. It’s all about working towards getting your account healthy, optimised and working at its full potential. Make sure you’re doing the most you can before hitting send.

If you’re still struggling to figure out what else you can do to make your emails perform better, you can’t seem to sort out your own grammatical errors, or maybe you still don’t even know what spam stands for (it blew our minds, 太!) - feel free to give our dedicated 电子邮件营销团队的铃声. We can help you on your way to great and powerful emails that will change your business forever.



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