
The TikTok app is powered by engagement; those who receive more interaction on their posts will top the platform in terms of popularity. 

Growing your TikTok account into one with a large follow-base can be tricky. 定期发布, following trends and engaging with your audience can be brilliant for growth, but shooting into viral stardom organically is tough for most users. You could be doing many things on your path to TikTok fame, though. So, check out our top tips below and see how you could grow into the next viral TikTok star.

1. 确定你的目标受众

Identifying and understanding your target audience across your social platforms is crucial for brands that want to appeal to the masses. How else will you optimise your content and expect engagement if you don’t clearly understand who you’re interacting with?

任何人都有机会在TikTok上走红, so whilst your videos may reach users outside of your target audience profile, you should still aim to focus on that particular crowd of people as they’re usually the first to view your content. See how well your other posts are doing, and check out exactly who’s interacting with your videos. Whilst everyone wants to eventually gain thousands and thousands of followers, 第一步总是要找到 对观众 对于你的内容.

2. 使用标签 & 流行歌曲

A great way to push your content out to a wider audience is to utilise trending hashtags and sounds. Once you include a certain hashtag in your post’s captions or a particular song to the video, 这些东西会附属于你的内容, making your videos viewable to people searching those hashtags or sounds.

为你的视频使用正确的标签或音频是至关重要的, as it shows you understand what’s currently trending and know how to use the app - it’s important not to look like you’re out of your depth and unaware of how the platform works.

3. 是一致的

每隔一段时间发一次邮件是不好的. Being consistent with your content will seriously help with your levels of engagement. 人们可能会关注那些经常发布有趣内容的账户, 内容通俗易懂,让观众乐在其中.

我们也被确切地告知 什么时候最好每天发. 根据影响者营销中心的一项研究, 你应该在周二早上9点发布, 周四凌晨12点, 或者周五早上5点. 授予, 也有其他时间是理想的张贴, but these are supposedly the three best times to upload content if you aim to generate high engagement levels.

4. 跟随趋势 & 迎接挑战

You’ll find that many of the videos on TikTok aim to follow a particular trend or challenge. 趋势在不断变化, and it’s essential to make sure you’re up to date with the latest TikTok craze. Posting content that follows old trends isn’t something that’ll gain much traction, 因此,事先研究什么是趋势,什么不是趋势是很重要的.

Participating in challenges is a great way to increase engagement and encourage interaction with your followers and other creators. Additionally, you could even try and create your own challenge, something that e.l.f. 化妆品 做了. 500万视频和70亿浏览量, their challenge still holds the title of being the most viral TikTok campaign ever. 

5. 与其他创作者互动

The ability to ‘stitch’ or ‘duet’ other creators’ videos makes it so easy for multiple TikTokers to interact with each other and share content across a large audience. Simply commenting on other users’ videos encourages engagement and means you can interact with many people, 从而为新的追随者打开了大门.


TikTok is like any other social media platform; those who want to become famous will attempt many different things to get to that level. Something that’s been around for a while is the ability to purchase likes, views or followers. It’s a tricky thing though, and one you should be wary of if you attempt to go down that path.

Seeing an account rapidly gain followers or likes from just a few videos can look fake to many people. If someone gains thousands of followers overnight after not posting, 很明显,所有这些追随者都来自哪里. 当这种情况发生时, it removes the idea of credibility behind an account and lets everyone know that their follower count isn’t legit. 有些人可能不关心这一点,但其他人可能不赞成.

Various social media platforms state that they remove a certain number of inactive accounts each year. Youtube, Instagram, 推特, and many others partake in occasional culls that drastically lower their users’ follower count. 如果你在TikTok上购买粉丝, these may eventually get removed a few weeks or months down the line, 而且你可能会浪费你的钱.

买喜欢的, views or followers does not guarantee that your videos will appear on other users’ ‘for you’ pages. TikTok算法是基于点赞的, meaning that you’re likely to be served new videos that are similar to the ones you’ve engaged with. 购买某些视频的观看次数确实会让它们看起来更受欢迎, but your other videos must then rely on the TikTok algorithm to reach similar levels of engagement, 对于较小的账户, 获得观点可能是一种“运气”的事情. 

