
Coding 训练营 helped me retrain as a 开发人员

Father working at desktop with child sitting on his lap watching cartoons


I’ve worked at the DfE since 2015, in policy and delivery roles. 但是一想到写一个 提交 让我充满恐惧和行动 佣金 不是我特别喜欢的事吗. Although I enjoyed working in these teams, I wanted a career change. 我想写代码. In this post I’ll explain how a coding 训练营 helped me switch careers.


For some people the idea of coding fills them with dread. But I’d always loved 使用 any software that was logic driven.

I’d dabbled with learning to code once or twice before. Initially, I'd tried a couple of free resources such as 学院代码, but after grasping the basics I did not know where to go next.

I’d looked into joining a group of trainee-开发人员s in London for 3 months, 但我的计划有点小曲折. My baby daughter, Kitty, was due 4 weeks before the course began. I had no option but to be at home for her birth.

At this point I thought I’d missed my chance - destined for a life of reports, 委员会和治理. 


陪产假结束后, 我在DfE开始了一个新的角色,但又一次, 有佣金, 业务案例和与草稿的通信. Writing has never been one of my strengths so I struggled to enjoy my job.

I kept thinking, 'What would have happened if I’d stuck at it?’ I spoke with my line manager about coding and she was incredibly supportive.

I set myself a goal - within 6 months I would have a job broadly related to IT or programming. 它是模糊的,但这是一个开始. 

I dedicated time each week to researching my options. 我决定学习 Javascript 使用 freecodecamp.org. 我也试过 CodeWars and tried to put what I'd learnt on freecodecamp into practice.

Then the opportunity of becoming an apprentice 开发人员 in DfE Digital arose. 这种学徒制意味着要参加 Northcoders 训练营. 

This is an intensive training programme based in Manchester that gives people the practical knowledge to become a software, 网络, 或者手机应用开发者. 

While waiting to start the course, I continued to use freecodecamp in my spare time. Northcoders gave me an entry test and pre-course 招式 完成. (These are exercises in programming that can help programmers to hone their skills through practice and repetition.) 


简而言之,你要学会如何成为一个 完整的堆栈 开发人员. Learning back-end (code that goes on behind the scenes, i.e. server-side) and front-end (code that takes place on your computer), 使用 NodeJS 12周后.

在前三周你会学到 递归, 回调, 面向对象程序设计 并不断掌握 测试

On the back-end you have the chance to create databases 使用 PostgreSQL设置服务器,使用 ExpressJS 并与它沟通使用 基于rest的api. This sets you up for a week long review during which you create a server and database for a 网络 application you will host. 

在前端块上,您将了解更多十大网博靠谱平台 HTML, CSS 并且可以使用 ReactJS framework to, again in a week long review, create the user interface for your 网络 application. 

For the final 3 week project you almost get to do what you like. 在 我所在的团队 we created a mobile app for a game of hide and seek 使用 颤振. We used a lot of new tech having the chance to try 飞镖, 套接字.io、谷歌地图和 MongoDB


前三周真的很难熬. I found a couple of quite fundamental things hard to grasp. 这是“递归”和“回调”. 这打击了我的信心. 

The pace and intensity of the course was surprising but I wasn’t alone. Luckily Northcoders have a system where you can retake a ‘block’ of learning. 

After completing the initial stage for the second time I was more confident. I’d fully grasped the fundamentals and I was ready to move on. 

Having a 14 month old baby who wasn’t sleeping through the night wasn’t easy. A full day’s coding followed by bathing and putting a toddler to bed was hard. 

It got a bit easier in the ninth week when we all went into lockdown. I could do the course remotely and save time by not having to commute.

Remote learning had its own challenges but Northcoders were brilliant and worked hard to keep everyone on-track.


是的,但别指望这很容易. It was mentally exhausting - you live, eat, drink, breath, and dream code.

You’ll solve katas in your sleep and create more problems with your code, without even coding. The amount you learn can be overwhelming but it does get easier as you move through the course. 

Obviously I’ve still got plenty more to learn but by doing Northcoder’s 训练营 I’ve taken a big step towards becoming a 开发人员 here in DfE Digital and that feels great.

If you have any questions about the 训练营 or just fancy a chat about coding, please 保持联系.

