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Eurovision branding over the years - Dawn Creative

Beating heart graphic for Eurovision 2023

The Eurovision Song Contest began in 1956. Throughout its almost 70-year history, the contest has taken on many identities, and from 2002 onwards, 获胜的国家创造了第二年使用的概念和设计.



United by Music, Liverpool – UK

The 2023 branding was completed by Superunion (now Design Bridge) and Ukranian agency Starlight Creative.

Unfortunately, 前一年的冠军国家乌克兰由于安全和安保原因无法举办2023年的比赛. As 2022’s runner-up, the United Kingdom took the reins, 2023年欧洲歌唱大赛将在利物浦举行.

2023’s Eurovision brand identity considers this, incorporating Ukraine’s national colours, blue and yellow, into its brand identity, whilst sporting the tagline “United by Music”. 这是一种展示英国和乌克兰团结一致的方式.

这些机构发现,研究表明,当人们一起听音乐时, their heartbeats synchronise. “心跳声波”完美地代表了这一点,作为2023年比赛的英雄图像. “1.6亿颗心脏一起跳动的想法是一个强大而简单的想法”, said Superunion’s Stuart Bradford.

The typeface used is Liverpool-born Keith Bates’ Penny Lane, 这是一种无衬线字体,源自20世纪利物浦街道名称的铸铁标志. 使用这种字体巧妙地将利物浦市与今年的品牌联系起来.


The Sound Of Beauty – Turin, Italy

The 2022 Eurovision brand identity was created by Floppico Design Studio, based in Rome.

主题是《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》,借鉴了cymatics. Cymatics是一门将声音转化为几何形状的科学. 这完全符合欧洲歌唱大赛的总体概念, which is of course music.

Floppico利用声音创造的形状来激发社交媒体上的设计和应用, on- and off- air promotion/broadcasting, and for use within motion graphics.

品牌标识的移动元素与cymatics紧密相连. 当沙子或其他物质在盘子上振动时就会形成形状, 根据声音的频率而变换的. 这被合并到从一个形状到另一个在广播的不同点的过渡.

Interestingly, cymatics were also used in the intro to The Lord of The Rings: Rings of Power.

“cymatics”这个词是由瑞士医生汉斯·珍妮创造的, 在左边(或下面)的视频中进行了演示, if you’re watching on a mobile device).

伴随整体品牌概念的是意大利字体风格, inspired by Italian poster designs. The typeface ‘Arsenica’, 由Francesco Canovaro为zetfonts设计的衬线字体, is used throughout the identity, in varying weights.

Symmetrical Italian garden compositions called “Giardini all’Italiana启发了身份的其他元素,包括布景设计. Looking at these garden designs, 很明显,它们与声波产生的形状和图像具有相同的模式和视觉风格.



Open Up – Rotterdam, Netherlands

The 2021 brand identity was designed by CLEVER°FRANKE, 一家总部位于荷兰乌得勒支的“数据设计和技术咨询公司”.

他们为2021年欧洲歌唱大赛开发的概念是所有参赛国家的数据驱动可视化, using bespoke software.

聪明的弗兰克设计了一个抽象的代表所有的国家走到一起,从每个参赛国的国旗上取两种颜色, and plotting them onto a vignette.

由于冠状病毒的限制,2020年的版本无法进行, 因此,在接下来的一年里,这个概念得到了巩固和调整. 2021年的版本将鹿特丹与其他参与城市连接起来, 作为数据可视化的中心点. 所有其他城市在小插图上的位置是指它们与主办城市的相对地理位置和距离.

这个品牌概念出色地塑造了一个动人的形象, 具有跨多种数字媒体的强大应用程序.



Dare to Dream – Tel Aviv, Israel.

2019年欧洲歌唱大赛创意概念“敢于梦想”由 Awesome, a creative brand & 产品公司由德勤数字,而标志和身份是由 Studio Adam Feinberg (ST/AF).

整个品牌标识中使用的三角形主题的灵感来自于当年的舞台设计 Florian Wieder, 大型电视作品中最著名的舞台设计师之一, regularly designing the set for the ESC.

Israeli Host Broadcaster KAN said “The triangle, one of the world’s oldest shapes, is a cornerstone symbol found universally in art, music, cosmology and nature, representing connection and creativity. As the triangles join and combine, 它们成为一个新的单一实体,反映出无限的星空, 未来之星齐聚特拉维夫参加2019年欧洲歌唱大赛.”

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