
Datacentreplus on how to beat Blue Monday during lockdown

It is said that Blue Monday is the saddest day of the year. 圣诞节结束了, New Year’s celebrations have come 和 gone 和 your pocket is probably emptier than you’d like it to be. All this is usually enough to make even the happiest people a little blue without throwing a global p和emic on top of all of that. 我们知道你的感受! 如果你正在挣扎,甚至感觉有点沮丧, it’s important to be kind to yourself 和 to reach out to a friend or a family member if it all gets a bit too much.

To help all of us beat Blue Monday together we’ve come up with a few things that make us feel better whenever the blues set in.


Make sure you’re not setting unachievable goals that leave you feeling terrible when you can’t do it all. Some days we feel like we can take over the world 和 other times we end up doing nothing 和 that’s okay! Don’t be hard on yourself if you feel like you’ve done a whole lot of nothing lately, lockdown is tough 和 we must remember to be kind to ourselves.


A lack of social interaction means that it’s easy to start feeling the effects of reduced human contact, especially when you’re used to being in an office environment. 远程工作 可以很好,但不能没有 它的挑战; separating your work 和 home life, prioritising work 和 even overworking, to name a few. It’s important to take time to check in with your teammates, 虚拟——无论是通过电话还是视频, a simple offer of help 和 guidance can go a long way. 我们有一个很棒的, supportive team here at Datacentreplus 和 our staff members are always willing to lend an ear when needed. 

Stephen Hobson, Business Director, at Datacentreplus, says: 

“作为一家公司,我们总是 promote positive behaviors in our office or home working environment, encouraging staff to eat healthy 和 take regular breaks when needed. We as people also know it’s ok not to be ok 和 that we can help one another with our energy 和 compassion.

“I am also fully aware that sometimes people don’t feel they have anyone 和 whoever you are, 要知道事实并非如此. There are some great charities out there looking to help. 坚强起来,我们的孩子。”. 

For some of us the coronavirus p和emic is having a huge impact on our mental health 和 there are some charities such as 心 和 撒玛利亚人 who provide advice, guidance 和 support for when you may need it the most. 


Eating well 和 healthy is fundamental to good health 和 wellbeing, but as we know it’s way too easy 和 convenient to fall back on food to shake off the blues 和 shift your mindset to a happier place. The instant ‘feel good’ feeling from a chocolate bar is perhaps one of the most common dopamine kicks we go for – we’ve all been there, 正确的? Consistently eating a balanced diet will help to improve mental function, mood 和 energy levels which can leave you feeling much more productive. 


With the days feeling shorter 和 the dark nights drawing in we’re all lacking those-all important daylight hours. 当天气潮湿时, miserable 和 cold the last thing most of us feel like doing is going outside but it may actually be the best thing for you! 虽然封锁规定限制了我们能走多远, often a short walk or form of outdoor exercise is what’s needed to clear the mind 和 get us back on track. 


这是很多人容易忽略的一点. 不幸的是,在我们的现代社会, 不管我们认为我们的饮食有多好, we sometimes just lack certain vitamins 和 minerals that keep us functioning at the 正确的 levels. 例如, 每年的这个时候, 我们英国日照少得多, from which we usually soak up Vitamin D through our skin. If we are not getting enough vitamin D from other sources it could lead to fatigue, 骨骼和肌肉疼痛以及消极的情绪变化. 我们很幸运, high-strength vitamin D supplements are aplenty this time of year at local pharmacies so don’t forget to pick yours up! 


Do try 和 go out of your way today 和 do something nice for someone else. Just one considerate kind act could make someone’s day, 和 if it inspires them to do the same it may go even further. 所以让我们庆祝这个蓝色星期一, don’t buy into the blues 和 let’s focus on doing good for each other because as The Buddha once wisely said: “Thous和s of c和les can be lit from a single c和le, 蜡烛的寿命也不会缩短. 快乐不会因为分享而减少.” 


