
What questions do you have about 网络生活必需品?

According to the National Cyber Security Centre, there has been a 15% rise in the number of 网络生活必需品 certificates that have been awarded to businesses in the last 12 months. 

If your business has been thinking about 网络生活必需品, we’ve compiled answers to some of the most common questions you might have about the 网络生活必需品 认证.


网络生活必需品 is a simple and effective Government backed scheme, supported by industry experts and the Cyber Resilience Centre. 

The scheme helps you put measures in place to protect your organisation, regardless of size or sector, against a range of the most common cyber-attacks. This includes protecting against threats such as malware, ransomware and phishing.

Do businesses in the recruitment sector need 网络生活必需品?

对招聘人员, your business processes large quantities of valuable data, making you a big target for cybercriminals. 网络生活必需品 可以 help protect your business from most cyber threats.

With 82% of UK recruitment firms adopting some form of hybrid working, you need to ensure any staff working from home are secure. 网络生活必需品 可以 provide your business with the guidance to make the switch safely.

Your recruitment business is built on trust – your clients and 可以didates need to know their personal data is safe in your hands. 网络生活必需品 认证 provides government-backed proof your business is taking cyber seriously and keeping your data safe – crucial when looking to retain current customers and win new clients.

Why would a law firm need 网络生活必需品?

A law firm’s greatest asset 可以 often be its reputation, and it only takes 1 cyber incident for this reputation to be damaged beyond repair. 然而, if you are 网络生活必需品 certified then you are safe from over 80% of cyber attacks.

网络生活必需品 also helps reassure your Clients that you have good cyber hygiene and practices in place, especially when it comes to data protection, 数据处理和GDPR. 网络生活必需品 可以 also support your Lexcel 认证

Does your law firm have a Cyber Incident Response Plan? 我们的 Cyber Incident Response pack 可以 help you prepare for, respond and recover from cyber incidents.

Does my Business need 网络生活必需品 Certification for Government Contracts?

网络生活必需品 is mandatory for businesses looking for specific 政府合同. Without 网络生活必需品, you will not be able to bid for such contracts. Often these contracts will involve delivering certain IT products and services and handling personal information.

My business has 网络生活必需品, do I need 网络生活必需品 plus?

There is no mandatory requirement for your business to obtain 网络生活必需品 plus - If you wish to bid on government or MoD contracts then you will need 网络生活必需品 as a bare minimum. 然而, having 网络生活必需品 Plus shows your company is going the extra mile to ensure security and data protection.

然而, if you do not require this then 网络生活必需品 可以 make your organisation more resilient against the most common forms of cyber-attacks and demonstrate to your Clients that you are committed to being cyber secure.

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