
No one really knows what digital transformation means, but everyone wants a piece of the outcomes it promises.



Now we have a definition, digital transformation is a 过程 使用 技术 开车 改变 组织运作的方式. To go deeper, let’s break digital transformation down into two key concepts:

1. 数字化: the 过程 of converting from analogue to digital. 在过去,许多组织都以书面形式保存记录,业务数据以模拟形式保存. If people needed to share information it was papers, binders and faxes. So introduce the computer, convert all that ink to computer files (e.g. 扫描一张照片(并将其存储在电脑中),记录整个组织的流程.

2. 取样频率: the use of digital technologies to 改变 the organisation’s ways of working. 它超越了一个项目,旨在影响更广泛的工作方式,以实现更简单、更有效的流程. Digitalisation isn’t about changing how you do business, 这是十大网博靠谱平台提高流程的速度.

Organisations embark on a digital transformation hoping to:

  • 降低手工流程的成本
  • 通过标准化流程提高效率
  • 让未来的适应变得更容易 
  • 实现数据驱动的决策
  • 改善员工体验



数字化转型需要以客户为导向, digital-first approach to all aspects of an organisation. This includes its business models, customer experiences, 流程 and operations.


数字化领先 意味着团队经常专注于替换或引入技术来改进流程,而不考虑人的层面.

数字化转型项目 at the BBC set out to modernise production operations, 改变 how they manage data and provide content to audiences, 以及降低成本. 咨询公司普华永道对该项目的管理方式进行了审查,发现领导团队缺乏监督, 除此之外,整体治理结构无法有效地管理项目的复杂性.

The report also noted that while technological advancement was prioritised, improving business practices and operations didn’t receive the same focus. 这表明,专注于数字化变革,而不是文化的更广泛影响,可能导致转型失败.



这带来了一些问题. 没有足够的资金来开发解决方案以实际交付变更意味着技术通常被交换而不是改进——导致没有真正的变更.

有一个特定的交付日期可能会导致团队匆忙,跳过关键功能,这可能会导致新系统比旧系统做得少,从而导致员工信任的丧失. And when a transformation project is owned by a specific discipline, 这意味着它有时会难以考虑更广泛组织的影响——导致转型实现了一个孤立的目标.

In 1996, 好时需要一个更强大的ERP系统 以取代其遗留的IT系统. Changing over the systems was expected to cost $112m to roll out. 向新系统的过渡预计将持续48个月,但好时领导层将时间缩短至30个月.

为了在更短的时间内完成任务,他们不得不削减流程,并尽可能快地交付产品. 这导致了超过1亿美元的订单未完成,尽管好时有库存. This decreased the quarterly revenues by 19% and the company’s stock dropped by 8%.


Technology can be used to replace 手册 流程, but that inherently means that the job responsibilities, 流程 and team structures will all require some element of 改变.

当你只关注数字化的时候 变换实际上只是一个数字叠加 现有过程的.

HM Passport Office (HMPO)作为英国公民护照的唯一供应商,每年为超过800万客户提供服务. 它的转型历程是高度线性的, 手册, “一刀切”的过程涉及处理大量纸张并将其转变为现代纸张, 数字化的过程. 他的野心是 for over 90% of applications to be fully digital by 2020 and automated 辅以广泛使用的数据分析. 这将导致HMPO能够在没有人为干预的情况下签发一些护照. 

This digital journey is still being worked on and enhanced, 尤其是目前对护照的需求. 然而, due to all the different types of users in the UK, 他们仍然无法完全关闭人工流程,仍然可以通过邮局申请护照(特别是对于更复杂的情况)。. 


有效改造, organisations must focus on a more human-centered and experimental approach to making 改变.


  • How will the people using the system need to reorganise? 
  • How do the skills of people match what is needed for this transformation? 
  • What kinds of people do we need to enable this to work in the future?


服务设计 helps any transformation because it starts with research to understand the problem. The research covers both the inside of an organisation, (团队结构, 流程, 工具, leadership and vision) and the outside (the customer experience and wider real-world context).


这使我们能够了解一家公司如何在内部运作,以及他们使用什么系统来提供客户体验, which is usually represented in a service blueprint.


Creating this kind of artefact helps to identify what is going on within the organisation, 的挑战, 工作的不一致和重复, whilst also identifying problems in the experience for customers. 利用所有这些挫折,我们可以在组织的多个领域(不仅仅是技术领域)找到机会。.


服务设计通过访谈和情境观察等研究方法,将用户置于变革的中心,以了解他们的需求以及组织中的挫折. 这也会让员工觉得自己参与其中,因为你是从他们的角度来理解这个世界的, which is a huge step towards making any 改变 effective when 抵抗往往是常态.


从多个角度评估组织的有效性有助于找到挑战的根源. 在代码, 我们使用我们的服务框架来制定明确的研究目标和分析框架.


通过这些不同的视角来看待组织,有助于我们从自上而下和自下而上的角度来确定所需的变化. 这允许组织在中间交付产品和服务(注意技术只是变化的一部分)。.


Code的服务设计遵循我们的 产品的思考 approach of learning just enough to make the next decision, 做出改变并观察结果. 为此,我们扩展了双菱形, so that we actively consider 改变 and how to measure the impact.


Working in this way allows us to have a long-term vision, and deliver 改变 as smaller experiments so that we can adapt based on the impact we see. 这都是敏捷工作方式的一部分.



组织变革意味着我们考虑整个组织而不是一个小的部分来创造变革. We do this using our well-established practices from a background of product thinking:

  • A设计思维 关注用户需求和测试想法的解决问题的方法,因为变化是复杂且充满不确定性的.
  • 精益和敏捷 持续改进的迭代方法, because 改变 is non-linear and requires a continual focus to improve.
  • 以人为本 collaborative, empowering and co-created because 改变 is emotive and subject to resistance.



所有这些都是通过在组织内部创造一种新的思维方式来推动的,这种思维方式可以减少对变革的抵制. 它是十大网博靠谱平台创造一种体现以下原则的文化,以使组织在未来向前发展:

  • 授权员工和团队 – Autonomy, openness, collaboration and servant leadership 
  • 以视觉方式思考和工作 – Our work and progress are always visible to our team and stakeholders
  • 适应和迭代 – Respond to changing needs and constantly prioritise our work based on insights
  • 从结果开始 – Understand our customer/business value stream and focus on reducing ‘waste’
  • 不断地学习 – Reflection, experimentation, continuous improvement and marginal gains

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Looking for support with your next digital initiative or programme of 改变? 大家一起说.

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