
My first 6 months as a Front End Engineer at Code

Leilah smiling as she is working on her computer.

We recently sat down with one of our Front End Engineers, Leilah, to chat about her journey into engineering and experiences over the last six months since becoming part of our platform development discipline.


Can you talk us through your role as a Front End Engineer?

My role entails building the user interface of the products we create for our clients. I ensure that these are clean, performant and accessible solutions. 日复一日, 我和一组设计师一起工作, 开发人员, analysts and delivery managers to shape these products.

What was it about Code that attracted you to the role?

我立刻就被Code吸引了 欢迎和社交文化 – I discovered this really early in the interviewing stages. It was important for me to feel like my job wasn’t just a place of work, but somew在这里 w在这里 I would make friends and feel part of a community which is exactly what Code turned out to be for me.

此外,我喜欢 《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》提供的福利 尤其是在工作之外 星期五做出改变. I love that we have dedicated time on a Friday afternoon to work on something that benefits our own personal development or something we care passionately about. This allows me to not only improve myself but my productivity and skillset for client work.

Can you describe the onboarding process you experienced?

My onboarding process started off with a little hiccup, as I intended to come into the office every day to have as many face-to-face inductions as I could – but I caught COVID! Nonetheless, despite starting remotely, I was still welcomed thoroughly by everyone. This involved lots of brew rounds which was a lovely way to be introduced to the different teams and everyones’ roles.


When I was in high school, I did very basic web design as part of my ICT GCSE which I really enjoyed. I then went to college w在这里 none of my subjects were related to it, but I always kept the interest in the back of my mind.

When I was choosing which course I wanted to do at university, 我找到了一个结合了网络编程的, 与其他各种数字模块一起. This also had a 50% split of theory which I liked in case I wasn’t any good at coding. 四年后(包括工业一年), I had developed a strong passion for coding and landed myself a job at my first digital agency – then the rest is history!

What have been the highlights of your first few months?

My time at Code has already been such a whirlwind, in the best way! I feel like I’ve learnt something new every day from working alongside such a talented bunch of people. I have been encouraged to get out of my comfort zone on numerous occasions, giving several talks at company and client meetings, 并作为嘉宾出现在活动小组中.

另外, I am actively involved in the push to drive and provide accessible solutions to our clients with our passionate Champions Network which has been so great to see evolve. Last but no means least, having some of our work socials has certainly been a highlight too!

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