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Google Analytics 4 - measure the right thing, not everything

Shell Epton

By Shell Epton, Head of Analytics - Code Computerlove 

The introduction of GA4 has got many SEOs, analysts and marketers extremely excited, 并且推动了对度量和分析的整体关注.  

With GA4 you can measure far more than with Universal Analytics (UA), adding new layers onto those pleasing-to-see metrics; the metrics that the CEO feels comfortable with or that indicate when teams need to panic, drop everything and address the problem with more money and resources.  

But actually, GA4的引入可能会给许多企业带来更多的资金浪费, because they’re simply measuring the wrong thing.  

他们可能会抬起头来,继续测量他们觉得舒服的东西, rather than stepping back to actually review what they need to measure; to measure the things that tell them how they can change to transform.   

因此,虽然GA4承诺将把你的衡量标准提升到一个新的水平,但我们鼓励企业不要被卷入 more mentality when it comes to measurement, 但是要花时间检查他们是否在衡量正确的事情,并根据当前的业务目标确定他们需要衡量什么. 

Measure the right thing, not everything  

With GA4, 谷歌试图帮助营销人员从数据中提高洞察力,提高投资回报率. 

But the temptation with a move to GA4 will be to just lift and shift. 保持相同的度量-但可能只是使用新属性的特性增加一些. 实际情况是,企业衡量的kpi是多年前制定的.

At Code, 我们发现,与我们合作的许多组织在推出数字平台后从未进行过衡量审计, even though it may have had many iterations. 

衡量的内容并没有像决定使用什么数字技术来接触和满足观众一样得到彻底的审查. The best practice is actually to review metrics every 12 to 18 months.

And even when apps or new touchpoints have been added, 通常,相同的“典型”指标是根据这些渠道中可以量化的内容来衡量的.


Getting started with a measurement framework


The overall premise is to ask; do your KPIs still reflect your business and the customer journey? 


The process begins with a stakeholder session. 审查企业衡量方式的一部分是承认数据是一项团队运动. 通过与所有利益相关者和团队一起工作,而不仅仅是看数字,数据分析师可以全面了解企业及其数字资产, including its pain points.

这也确保了所共享的知识是当前团队的知识——自从最初的度量被放置在适当的位置后,这些知识也可能发生了变化. 涉众访谈可以帮助定义愿景,这是流程的第二步.  

因此,重要的是要深入了解客户实际在做什么,而不仅仅是看数据告诉我们什么. 并将这些行动与企业希望客户做的事情进行对比,看看是否存在脱节. 

And consider; not all platforms are designed to do the same thing – so it may seem obvious, but this means that they shouldn’t all be measured in the same way.


Within the framework, 我们考虑了影响度量变化的因素,从而将“人”元素添加到度量中. 有很多事情是企业实际上无能为力的,这些事情会影响从季节性到重大事件的转化. The framework will allow organisations to cross-check against these.

Often journeys are not straightforward and not static, 框架可以帮助您成功地进行衡量,以便根据对如何推动积极的数字变革的真正见解做出决策. 

The metrics that matter

如果你的组织不理解或不相信数据,你就不会真正了解你的客户. Too often, the data is unreliable. A web analytics tool might say one thing, while your back-end operational dashboard says something else.

By auditing your data analytics and connecting data sets, 组织可以回答有关其客户和运营的重大问题,并自信地做出更好的决策.

因此,在进入GA4之前,首先考虑衡量正确事物的重要性, not everything. 

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