


嗨,亚历克斯! Can you start by telling us about yourself and your role within the agency?

我是Code公司的首席前端工程师, 我在这里工作快一年了. I love anything tech, music and the odd sports 在这里 and t在这里 w在这里 I can fit that all in.


  • Creating and maintaining the tools and processes all the Front End Engineers use. I keep on top of the latest trends in the industry so that we are at the cutting edge of innovation as possible.
  • Consultation work around the performance and methodologies used by our 客户. 我帮助指导他们创建健壮的 技术解决方案.

我有一份伟大而重要的工作. It’s also a lot of fun and I get to work with some talented people at the same time. 对我来说,每一天都是上学的日子.

Can you tell us a bit about your background, and what attracted you to Code?

我做工程师已经超过15年了, starting as a ‘CSS Integrator’ at a time when CSS was new to web development. 这些年来,我几乎涉猎了所有的东西. From getting involved in PHP (and using it to build my content management system) to pure front end work, 我真正的激情是什么.

我了解Code很多年了. They were award-winners at ceremonies I attended with previous companies. I’d also heard of their reputation as being an exceptional place to work, 并意识到他们的辉煌 为客户工作,这在行业中脱颖而出.

I was not aware the role I am in now existed, although it’s the role I have always wanted to do. I enjoy innovating and learning about all the new things going on in the industry.

Now we’re all working flexibly, could you describe a typical day either in the office or from home?

My days generally start with a good morning to all the teams and then a check of emails. I often attend stand-ups for various product teams throughout the week. 我提供任何前端工程支持与当前的工作, 以及任何潜在的咨询工作, 或当前, 客户.

在与团队进行检查后,我的日子可以变得非常多样化. This depends on whether t在这里 is currently a piece of consultation work going on, 或者如果任何团队全天都需要支持.

If t在这里 is no support work needed, I will then work on a presentation for our discipline-focused 星期五做出改变 会话. I’m currently working on a Web Performance talk and a ‘Code Along’ with a new framework. 否则, I read up on some articles or work on implementing new tools or resources for the rest of the Front End team.


I have recently been working on ways we can automate our accessibility testing. This is the first point of call to catch accessibility issues with the code we write. 无障碍已成为 这是Code在过去一年中关注的重点. I’ve been working on ways we can make a good start in capturing and fixing issues. These ways include using automated tools and training our developers in the best ways to write accessible code.

I have been researching how we can extend this with full training for our developers on accessibility. This way everybody can build websites that are inclusive to as many people as possible. It is a challenge but is also very interesting and very rewarding.


I think I am most proud of the website and tools I have started to build for the Front End. They showcase good Front End Engineering performance and are built using a new framework as a proof of concept. They include some tools to help me (and anyone else) run performance checks, 可访问性测试, visual regression tests and website monitoring on any given website.

One of my goals as Principal Front End Engineer was to put in place some of these things. I thought I would be able to test them best by building them myself as tools I could use, 从而理解它们是如何工作的.

作为咨询工作的一部分, website performance is probably the one I’m asked to do the most often. One of the tools was written as a way for me to automate as much of this process as possible.



我不认为有一个最喜欢的部分. 我真的很喜欢我工作的方方面面. 我想我最喜欢与之合作的人, 教学, and learning from the other Front End Engineers 在这里 because they are so talented, 他们的技能友好多样.

但我也很喜欢做东西. 我本质上是一名开发人员,没有什么比开发更好的了. If I can combine these two things and develop things to make developers’ lives easier then that is w在这里 I feel I get the most reward from my job.

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