
Code UX设计师生活中的一天

嗨,罗杰! Can you start by telling us about yourself 和 your role within the agency?

大家好,我是Roger,我是Code的用户体验设计师. I started back in May 2021 和 have worked with a bunch of different clients including 光速宽带希拉里Bruntwood 和 人队.

Can you tell us a bit about your background, 和 what attracted you to Code?

在我攻读通信设计学士学位期间, I focused a lot of my work around digital products 和 also took units in computer science 和 psychology.

I started working as a Junior Art Director back in Germany, focussing mainly on advertising. 然而,我注意到我没有使用数据来指导我的设计. I decided to pursue a Masters in psychology with a focus on Media 和 Cognition to help me gain psychological insight into design 和 to teach myself how to conduct qualitative 和 quantitative research to underst和 data 和 people’s behaviour.

When I came across Code for the first time I immediately felt connected to the way the 网站 was set up 和 the amazing products Code had worked on. After speaking to different people about the company (和 only hearing positive feedback!我知道我想在那里工作.

同样吸引我的是他们对 个人培训与发展. 用户体验是一个不断发展的领域, 和 it is fundamental for professionals in this field to stay up to date in the industry.

Code allows me to take dedicated time to learn more about UX which I love. This can go from taking online classes about UX to reading research studies about user behaviour 和 insights.

Now we’re all working flexibly, could you describe a typical day either in the office or from home?

My day usually starts with a product team st和-up to go through our current sprint’s tickets 和 discuss w在这里 the whole team is up to with progress. This is a great way to update on work in progress 和 keep everyone in the team in the loop.

在团队站立之后, I usually have a more UX focused st和-up with other designers to talk about our individual tickets. St和-ups are a great motivation for me because they help me to underst和 what work is going on 和 the brilliant products that we are building.

然后我将开始设计过程, 它有几个不同的步骤,比如构思, user research 和 analysis over designing low-fidelity wireframes 和 mockups to prototypes.

What’s great about my role is the variety of work in my field 和 that Code actively allows me to work in all these fields 和 hone my skills. The best way to learn is on the product itself 和 this allows everyone in the team to learn more each day.


最近,我一直在研究新的 希拉里 网站. We did a lot of user research 和 analysis of data insights to redesign the current experience 和 align it further with user behaviour.

I enjoyed the fusion of quantitative 和 qualitative data we have been using for this project as it helps to shape the final designs.

Through the new design we wanted to enable the page visitor to digest the content easier 和 proceed smoother within their journey on the page.


I am particularly proud of the work we did for a new broadb和 start-up, 光速宽带. It was the first project I started when I joined 和 we just started our first Day Zero with the LightSpeed team.

We built their entire 网站 from doing user research to designing the 网站. 这种方式, we were able to influence the look 和 feel of the 网站 a lot 和 came up with a unique experience that the client loved.


One of my favourite parts of my job is being able to support design decisions with data insights.

I am able to give rationale about why I have made certain choices 和 it helps not just me as a designer but also makes it easier for clients to underst和 why decisions were made.

我还得提一下我的团队. They are genuinely fantastic 和 make me enjoy my work 在这里 even more.

. . .

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