
In a series of blogs about what life as a Computerlover is like, we caught up with our Product Consultant Amy to find out what she gets up to in her day-to-day. 

你好,艾米! Can you start by telling us about yourself and your role within the agency?

你好! 我是艾米, 我是Code公司的产品顾问, 我于2021年12月澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台, 我到这个职位已经4个月了,还喜欢吗! 作为产品顾问, I act as the internal client to ensure the product meets the demands of the client’s business. I’m accountable for ensuring that we have good long-term relationships with our clients and that we do work that aligns with the client’s strategic objectives.

Can you tell us a bit about your background, and what attracted you to Code?

大学毕业后, I worked for a couple of different fast fashion brands within their merchandising and trading departments, it was a great experience for me to immerse myself in e-commerce and understand how changes on the website can have an instant positive effect on conversion.

I then started working at digital agencies working with clients to build and launch new websites with the objective of building brand awareness, and increasing conversion whilst maintaining a healthy ROI. Working within digital agencies allowed me to work across numerous different clients and be exposed to different sectors and projects.

代码对我很有吸引力 他们提供的福利,能够奉献 10% of my week for personal learning and development for Make Change Friday demonstrated that Code really values the development of their staff. They have other great benefits too such as a £500 yearly training budget and a wellbeing allowance!  

Now we’re all working flexibly, could you describe a typical day either in the office or from home?

My day always starts with a 15-minute stand up with my team and the client to run through the Kanban board to understand the progress of projects and if we have any blockers to address.

根据轻重缓急的不同,我的日子会有很大的不同, I could be having calls with clients to kick off a new project and understand the brief in more detail, looking at the long-term roadmap and prioritisation of work, writing new proposals and statements of work for projects or looking at account plans and relationship development.

作为一个团队, we try and coordinate our days in the office to ensure we have strong collaboration and it’s always nice to go out for lunch as a team!


在Code的头几个月里, I would say the project I am most proud to be a part of was the rollout of a new homepage design for Hillarys. The team had data insight at the heart of the project conducting user research, 数据分析, heatmaps etc to understand how we could enhance the current experience to improve conversion and make the homepage more modern.

We ran numerous tests and variations which ultimately led to a big increase in conversion and reduced bounce rate, we will now be taking the same approach to other top landing pages throughout the site.


我喜欢我的客户之间项目的多样性, I’m able to work with developers looking at the infrastructure of the website, work with the design team on a new UX project and the content team on new interactive games. It means no two days are the same and my skillset is always improving by being exposed to different workstreams.

. . .

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