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Every organisation can benefit from faster, more efficient, business processes; that’s a fact.

Whether it’s processing payments, handling data or carrying out regulatory checks, 通过拥抱技术,你可以简化你的业务,解放你的劳动力.

Think about it, how much manpower goes into repetitive tasks like spreadsheet data entry, reading pdfs, sending emails to customers, or trying to merge data between systems?


However, 像所有的新进展一样,围绕机器人过程自动化(RPA)及其局限性存在一些常见的误解.

So, what are the they?

"Think of it as a supercharger"

“Our data will not be secure”


我们在金融服务领域拥有多年与国际银行和财富管理公司合作的经验, arguably, hold some of the world’s most sensitive data.

Our automations currently update thousands of user accounts, 向客户发送新的银行卡并触发电子邮件更新——所有这些都不会带来任何额外的安全风险.

The key to this is understanding how automations actually work.


Instead you must think of it as a supercharger.

RPA means you work smarter, not harder  

The automations we build usually sit and run from a user’s computer, which requires the usual password to access.

It does not bypass security restrictions and therefore cannot start a task which that person isn’t authorised to do; it works off their Windows credentials.


For example, RPA can help a user pull information into a database within seconds, instead of taking 10 minutes to type out.

Any complex role groups that you have still exist. So, 如果运行自动化的用户没有访问数据库中特定表的权限, or section of a website then neither does the automation.

一旦自动化启动并运行,就可以将其最小化,以便员工可以继续进行其他工作, in 90% of cases. This is known as an attended automation.

You don’t need to implement anything new; you just need to run the software.

Dan Holgate has 10 years' experience in software development 

“It is too complex to introduce as we have many legacy systems”



我们在许多常用的系统(如Back Office)上实现了业务流程的自动化, Virtual Terminal, SAP, SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, and now more commonly used cloud applications.

The automations we build bypass the need to tweak a programme’s API, 一组预先确定的规则,它规定了系统如何工作的参数.

For example, 流行的财务应用程序SAP有一个内置的已知命令和操作列表.


Instead, our automations speak to the front end of different systems, like SAP, without ever having to change the API.

这允许遗留系统通过“捷径”进行通信,从而加快业务流程. It does so by replicating an existing user’s actions.

By implementing RPA, you can automatically:

  • Push and pull data between systems. 例如,可以使用付款电子表格并将信息输入SAP
  • Authenticate that the user has the correct rights to complete a task. 您以前作为手动流程的一部分使用的所有相同的验证和检查仍将应用于数据
  • Recognise new on-boarded clients and extract relevant data such as name, address etc to create necessary accounts on a third-party system

Automations will save your business time and money

“RPA is too costly and takes too long to implement”

Again, this is an understandable misconception.

好奇的组织可能在调查自动化之前,只是被他们的软件供应商开出了天文数字的价格, or even their internal IT team.

And there’s a very good reason for that.

As mentioned, 大型提供商将进入其程序的实际API进行更改, 影响整个系统,然后需要测试和推出,这可能需要几个月的时间.

而我们的RPA则是一个中间人,可以利用现有的程序, making the software work better and harder for you, without the need for IT to get involved.



这样做的另一个主要好处是,您可以更加敏捷. 自动化是为您的组织和您需要帮助的任务专门构建的.

For example, 如果你与多家金融机构合作,离岸银行会有额外的检查,而内地银行可能有GDPR的限制.

You may assume it is quite ubiquitous, 但每家银行都有自己的小众逻辑,以适应自己的流程.

By using RPA, 这意味着您可以考虑这些细微差别,而无需大幅更改当前的基础设施. 随着事情的变化,自动化可以很容易地进行调整,从而使事情能够快速完成.


The look and the feel of our automations are exactly how you want them, and everything is built using C# and .net so any developer can understand and maintain it in the future.

On average it takes us two weeks to build an automation from scratch. Costs vary between £2k for a simple build to £20k upwards.

This includes scoping, design, development, testing, 实施和维护-包括我们为您构建的软件.

To put that into perspective, 我们的全套服务在价格上与RPA自建平台的许可证相比较.

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