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Ecommerce Week 2023 - Conference Day

This event has now ended.
23 March 2023 13:00 - 17:00

十大网博靠谱平台数字邀请您澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们的下一个电子商务会议,我们的第一次的一部分 Ecommerce Week. The Conference will take place on Thursday 23rd March  2023.

Manchester Digital对自己与电商品牌的关系感到自豪, 机构和供应商,无论是在我们的成员. These brands attend our regular industry events.  

It is an exciting time for ecommerce companies in Manchester. 伦敦的零售科技行业见证了在该市设立办事处的在线零售商数量的惊人增长,近年来,伦敦的电子商务初创企业集中度比英国其他任何地方都高.

Following 2022年12月首届电子商务大会的成功举办, 我们期待着欢迎客人来圆广场讨论最新的趋势, 挑战和技术正在影响这个创新和重要的部门.

When: Thursday 23rd March 2023

Where: 十大网博靠谱平台牛津路交响乐公园3号,圆形广场1号,M1 7FS

出于健康和安全考虑,本次活动的人数上限为130人. 由于活动是免费的,我们将尽最大努力优先考虑注册的十大网博靠谱平台数字会员, and registered attendees. Late and unregistered guests will not be guaranteed entry.

Agenda includes...

Keynote speech: Andy Todman

Andy Todman

Director of Engineering
Pets at Home
"Pets at Home – a MACH driven Omni-channel platform"

软件和工程负责人,在多个行业拥有超过20年的大型工程改造和绿地实施经验, 在软件和组合软件和硬件环境中结合云和本地解决方案.

Currently leading Pets at Homes digital transformation, 哪个目标是通过创建一个真正的全渠道来实现业务的全部潜力, data driven, customer led pet care platform for our online, 在商店和兽医实践环境中-通过创建强大的内部能力来构建基于SaaS商品组件的真正独特的体验.

Presentations from:

André BrownAndre Brown

Founder & CEO
Advanced Commerce
"Blending AI personalisation with Merchandising"

零售商经常面临两难选择:要么采用数据驱动的方法实现个性化,要么采用基于规则的方法进行销售. 业内资深人士安德烈•布朗解释了为什么不需要非此即彼.

Dave Karellen & James MaxfieldJames MaxfieldDave Karellen

Head of PPC / SEO Lead
Dark Horse
"How to beat Google and your competition"

你是否厌倦了与谷歌和你的竞争对手做SEO and PPC drive the performance you need? 黑马的点击付费和搜索引擎优化部门提出了在不断变化的数字环境中导航的最佳建议,以帮助您的电子商务业务在2023年赢得在线胜利. 本讲座涵盖了性能最大值和季节性调整. 以及了解如何利用KW数据捕获更多受众,并利用技术SEO最大限度地发挥从本地到全球规模的潜力-主导您的行业.

Simon WhartonSimon Wharton

Business Strategy Director
"Maximising the lifecycle of your customer"

太多的电子商务企业没有考虑到他们的客户. They don’t know what they “look” like, 他们需要什么时候参与,因此只需专注于向他们出售一种非常昂贵的产品. In our seminar, we will walk you through understanding your customer; where to find them; when to speak to them and how. And if you know that, 你可以开始将终身价值翻倍,而不是单次销售成本.

Vladimir Mulhem & Mark StockerMark StockerVladimir Mulhem

Technology & Innovation Director / Senior Creative Manager
Creative Content Works / The Very Group

如果你一直在挣扎着弄清楚虚拟世界是什么,那么好消息是:你并不孤单. 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Creative Content Works和The Very Group的行业领袖,他们将分享品牌如何利用Metaverse和Web3技术创造个性化客户体验的真实案例, improve brand engagement and increase revenue.

Ralph Robinson, Rob Black & Puneet GoenkaRalph Robinson

Head of Retail & Consumer Markets / Head of Technology/ Sales Leader
BJSS / Beauty Bay / AWS

Puneet GoenkaRob Black在这次炉边聊天中,BJSS的零售主管Ralph Robinson将与Beauty Bay的Rob Black和AWS的Puneet Goenka一起参加, 探索零售商利用现代电子商务提供有意义的客户体验的机会. This session is divided into two themes, 第一部分将侧重于现代电子商务架构如何有效地吸收流量的快速峰值, whilst setting retailers up for future innovation. 第二部分将着重于利用数据来了解客户的重要性, and crucially take action to personalise the experience. 最后,该集团将预测零售企业在未来电子商务领域的投资方向, before opening the floor to questions.

Ben HookwayBen Hookway

Relative Insight
"How to sell biscuits without Cookies"

Now that Cookies have crumbled, Relative Insight的Ben Hookway将解释零售商如何利用他们的第一方NPS和CS数据,以前所未有的方式与客户互动.


Panel - "Optimising online retail"

Chaired by:

Chris MaguireChris Maguire

Executive Editor
BusinessCloud & TechBlast


Rebecca WorsleyRebecca Worsley

Rainy City Agency

Deirdre McGettrickDeirdre McGettrick

Founder & CEO

Stewart ReynoldsStewart Reynolds


Adam PritchardAdam Pritchard

Founder & CEO

Sponsors include:

Advanced Commerce


23 March 2023 13:00 - 17:00
1 Circle Square, Oxford Road Manchester, M1 7FS

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